Primary Learning Outcomes:
Students will:
•Identify what germs are
•Describe how germs can be bad for you
•Identify how germs are spread
老年教育•Demonstrate proper hand washing and be able to explain it to another child. Additional Learning Outcomes:
Students will:
•Recognize and discuss why cleanliness is important to their health. Assd AZ Curriculum Standards:
Standard 1: 1CH-R1. Identify personal well-being health behaviors.
PO 1. Name healthy behaviors that relate to personal hygiene.
PO 2. Demonstrate healthy behaviors that relate to personal hygiene.
First and Second Grades:
Standard 1: 1CH-F1. Describe relationships between personal health behavior and (personal hygiene) and individual well-being.
PO 2. Explain the importance of personal health-promoting behaviors. (e.g. covering mouth when sneezing, proper hand washing, etc.)
1 CH-F2. Identify indicators of mental, emotional, social and physical health during childhood.
PO 3. Describe ways to prevent the spread of germs.
Book, What Are Germs? By Dr.Alvin Silverstein, Virginia Silverstein, and Laura Silverstein Nunn. (or some other age appropriate book on germs)
Chart board and chart paper (or whiteboard or blackboard)
Note cards or small squares of paper
Glitterbug powder or lotion (available at Brevis Corporation, 3310 South 2700 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 or 1-800-383-3377)
Glo-Germ powder (available at P.O. Box 537, Moab, Utah 84532 or 1-800-842-6622) UV handheld lamp
Sink with hot/warm water, soap, single u paper towels
Fingernail brush
Agar plates (for extension activity)
Day 1-Lesson 1-Focus on Germs
Total Time-40 minutes
Step 1: 15 minutes
Introduce students to the book, What are Germs? by Dr. Alvin Silverstein, Virginia Silverstein, and Laura Silverstein Nunn. Preview the cover and ask students what they know about germs. Ask students if germs are always bad? Begin reading and discussing the book with students. With kindergarten students, just read pages 5-9. With grades 1-2 you could read through page 16. Other excellent books to read with children about germs are listed under the references below. Discuss with students how germs are tiny, living organisms, also known as microbes, and that they can not be en by the human eye. They can be en with high powered microscopes, however. There are good germs and bad germs. Two bad germs that can make us sick are called bacteria and virus.
Good germs include: yeast which makes bread ri, bacteria in yogurt, and germs ud to make chee and vinegar.
Step 2: 10 minutes
On chart paper, write the vocabulary words: germ, microorganism, host, and disinfectant for kindergarten. For grades 1-2 add the words: bacteria, virus, toxins, decay bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. Discuss and write the meanings of the words with the students. (e attached vocabulary list with meanings)
Step 3: 15 minutes
Give students note cards or small squares of paper. Have them write the word on the paper and draw and color a picture to show the meaning of the word. An alternative activity would be to create a T-chart on the board together with the students and label one side Good Germs and the other side Bad Germs and then have the students identify ones for each side.
Day 2-Lesson 2-Focus on Hand Washing
Total Time-55 minutes
Step 1: 5 minutes
Review the book and vocabulary words the students discusd and drew pictures of in lesson 1. Ask students what they learned they could do to get rid of harmful germs? (Hand Washing)
Step 2: 10-15 minutes
Tell students that the number one defen against germs is proper hand washing. If you keep your hands clean, you will be far less likely to get sick and will help prevent the spread of germs. Safe food handling includes washing hands before eating or preparing foods. On chart paper or whiteboard, have students give specific incidences that would apply. For example, before eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, any snacks, before making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, before helping mom make cookies, etc. Then, have them brainstorm and list on chart paper other times that they think it is important to wash their hands. The should include:
After touching hair, no, mouth, face or body.
After using the restroom.
After petting an animal.
After sneezing, coughing, or blowing your no.
After touching raw or unwashed food or soiled dishes.
After handling money.
After playing outside or coming into contact with unclean surfaces.
Step 3: 20 minutes
Tell them today they are going to learn how to wash their hands correctly, so that tho “icky germs” really are gone.
Put a small amount of either glitterbug lotion or powder on each students’ hands. Ask the student to rub his hands together to spread the lotion/powder evenly over the hands. Using the handheld UV lamp and with the lights out, hold the lamp over the students’ hands and you will probably e lots of germs, which are indicated by fluorescence (glowing). If you do not want to turn the lights out, another approach is to have a shoebox with the end cut out to place the hands in and then a small hole cut in the top for the students to look through. Students should look at the top side and underside of hands and under the fingernails.
软酪Now, discuss how people wash their hands differently using different degrees of water temperature, different amounts of soap, different times for scrubbing with soap, and different ways of drying their hands.
Next, have different groups of students u the following approaches to washing their hands (4 or so students in each group):
1.Cold water and no soap
2.Cold water and soap
3.Hot water and no soap
4.Hot water and soap
5.Disinfectant/bacterial lotion with no water or soap
Recheck their hands using the UV light and e which group has the least amount of fluorescence, indicating the fewest germs.
You can also experiment with and without a fingernail brush.
Step 4: 15 minutes
Discuss with the students which approach to cleaning hands worked the best. Point out that there are different degrees of “clean.” Washing your hands properly includes the following steps:
1.Wet your hands with hot/warm water
2.Apply soap
3.Scrub hands for at least 30 conds
4.Clean between fingers, back of hands, fingertips, and under nails
5.Rin thoroughly under running water
6.Dry hands and arms with a single-u paper towel or warm-air hand dryer
7.U the paper towel to turn off the faucet and on the door handle, as you leave the
restroom, if possible
Tell students to determine that they have scrubbed their hands with soap long enough, a good activity is to sing the “ABC” song twice through and that is approximately 30 conds.
Have kids practice washing their hands correctly and identifying the steps as they wash them.
Asssment Activities:
1.Have students work in pairs and have one student demonstrate proper hand
washing techniques to the other student as the other student obrves and critiques his peer for thoroughness.
2.Have students complete the picture asssment sheet, “How Well Do You Wash
Your Hands?” (attached to this lesson plan)
3.Have students complete a weekly hand washing chart entitled, “School and Home
Hand Washing Chart.” (attached to this lesson plan)
Extension Activities:
1.To demonstrate the spread of germs veral approaches can be ud:中秋节民俗
A.The simplest approach is to take spray bottle filled with clean water and spray
water on children’s hands. Explain that the water on their hands reprents germs that come out of their mouths when they cough or sneeze. Then, have the
children touch an object such as a table, piece of paper, etc. Ask them what
happened to the object they touched (it became damp.) Explain that this is what
happens when we sneeze into our hands and then touch an object (the germs on
our hands transfer to the object.) If they wash their hands after sneezing or
coughing in them, the germs will be washed away and there will be less chance of people getting sick.
B.Another approach is to u agar plates. Agar plates are available at Remel, 12076
Santa Fe Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215 or 1-800-447-3635.
a.When using agar plates, have a child cough in agar plate and then cover
with the lid provided.
b.Leave the plate out at room temperature for 48 hours.
c.Look at bacteria growth.
An alternative to coughing in the plate is to put a piece of hair in the plate or to
wipe a dirty finger in the plate.
2. Have the students create a rap, cheer, or simple song to the tune of “Old
McDonald” about washing their hands.
Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands,
Keep tho Germs Away,
U soap and water, scrub them well, rin and dry too,
Do this every day.
Web Sites of Interest:
Wash Your Hands at www.nfsmi/Information/handsindex.html
Kids’ Health from Nemours Foundation at www.kidshealth/index.html Be Food Safe at www.v/Be_FoodSafe/
Unites States Food and Drug Administration’s Kids’ Site at
Kids’ World-Food Safety at
Why Do I Need to Wash My Hands? at
Why is Hand Washing So Important? at
Tips on Hand Washing at
/travelsafetytips/firstaidtips/handwashing.htm References in Addition to Above Web Sites:
Ferrin, Wendy Wakefield. Director of the SOPE Project, Germs on their
Fingers!/Germenes en tus manor! Baker and Taylor and Independent Publishers Group, Inc., 2002.
Katz, Bobbi. Germs! Germs! Germs! New York: Scholastic Inc., 1996.
May, John & Jocelyn Stevenson. The Magic School Bus: Inside Ralphie, A Book About Germs. New York: Scholastic Inc. 1995.
杂粮饭Silverstein, Dr. Alvin, Virginia Silverstein, and Laura Silverstein Nunn. What Are Germs? New York: Family Watts; A Division of Scholastic., 2002.
Wu, Daniel, Educator with the York Regions District School Board, “Dixie Hygiene Detectives,” booklet. York Region School Board., 2005.