1 Customers from various countries and regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contacts.
2 她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。
2 It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man.
3 南京发生过许多重大的历史事件。
3 Nanjing witnesd many great historic events.
4 跳远怎么练到去年年底,我部已同有关省市签订了100余艘中小船舶的建造合同和协议。
4 By the end of last year, contracts and agreements were signed with some provinces and cities for the construction of more than 100 medium-and small-sized vesls.
5 我们事业从胜利走向胜利。
5 We have won one victory after another for our cau.
6 乡镇企业的繁荣是我国农村改革的必然产物。
6 The prosperity of township enterpris is the inevitable outcome of the economic reform in the rural areas. 立体贺卡制作教程
7 他做实验时心不在焉,几乎引起化学药物爆炸。
7 His abnt-mindedness during the experiments nearly caud an explosion of the chemical.
8 关于太阳的谜语这一证书课程分在三年中学完。
8 This certificate cour of studies will spread over three year.
9 从这次讲座中,我们学到了许多美国历史方面的知识。
9 We obtained much knowledge of American history from the lecture.
10 你们一定知道,这种打字机轻便高效,经久耐用又经济实惠,适合高中学生使用。
10 You are well aware that this type of typewriter is portable and durable, economical and practical for high school students.
11 市政府采取各种措施招商。
11 The city government takes many measures to invite investment.
12 又一座立交桥将于年底通车。
12 Another flyover will be opened to traffic by the end of this year.
13 我打算赶头班火车回北京。
13 I am going to catch the first train back to Beijing.
14 他们劝我采取 “ 睁一只眼,闭一只眼 ” 的方针 .
14 They persuaded me to adopt the live-and-let-live policy.
15 The idea that he would go abroad for further study made him greatly excited.
15 想到要出国深造,他就激动不已。
15 He felt greatly excited at the thought of going abroad for further study.
16 我们已经试过各种可能的办法了。
16 We have tried every way possible.
17 我们要把祖国建设成社会主义的现代化强国。
17 We will build our motherland into a modern powerful socialist country.
18 他每天早晨在教室里认真地学习。
18 He studies hard in the classroom every morning.
19 如蒙早日寄来样品或产品册,不胜感激。
19 It would be appreciated if samples and/or brochure could be soon forwarded to us.
20 驾车经过这一地区 真是太危险了。
20 It is dangerous to drive through this area.
21 在收据尚未签字以前不得付款。
21 Before the receipt has been signed, the money must not be paid.
22 她抱怨名单上没有她的名字。
22 She complained about the omission of her name from the list.
23 他们工作时总是互相帮助。
23 They never work without helping each other.
24 他太自私,几乎没有人喜欢他。
24 He is so lfish that hardly anybody likes him.
25 如果没有太阳,什么也不能生存。
25 Without the sun, nothing could live.
26 物质必须运动,否则就没有做功。
26 Matter must move, or no work is done.
27 我们全然不了解这件事。
27 We know nothing about it.
28 我们认为他们不可能按时到达。
28 We don't think they can arrive in time.
29 她觉得她再也不能忍受她丈夫的侮辱。
29 She doesn't feel that she can stand her husband's insult any longer.
30 是重活,他都抢着干。
30 Whenever there's a tough job, he is always the first to do it.
31 他每天把自己关在房子里看书。
31 He has himlf confined in the room every day, reading books.
32 我们已经把计划做好了。
32 We have already got the plan ready.
33 这天气把人热得坐不住。
33 The head of weather makes one unable to sit still.
34 那一趟可把我累坏了。
34 That trip tired me out.
35 Nothing has happened since they parted.
36 晚饭后她出去散步。
36 I went out for a walk after she had her dinner.
37 我病了只得呆在家里。
37 I have to stay at home becau I am ill.
38 她使我认识到,我从她那里学到的,远远不只是知识,这是她最大的贡献。
38 Her chief contribution was making me realize how much more than knowledge I had been petting from her.
39 Mrs Thatcher has resigned. She announced her decision this morning.
40 It had been damaged; when he lifted it , he heard something clink feebly inside. He t it back on the ground.
41 When you have tanks of air on you, you can stay in deep water for a long time.
42 I couldn't think much of John after he had done a thing like that.
43 Studies rve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief u for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discour; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business
44 这位日本人已来过中国20次了。
44 That Japane has been to China for twenty times.
45 那些日本人是到我们大学来参观的客人。