成型缺陷 Injection Defects
产品外观 Product appearance
产品颜色 Part color
产品 Gloss
缩水印 Sink Mark/Shrinkage
结合线 Welding Line
变形Warpage/Shape Distortion
缺胶(打不满) Short Shot
气纹Gas mark
顶白Ejector Mark
污点Dark Spot
黑点Black Spot
困气Air Trapping
拉伤Drag Marks
粘前/后模/行位/水口Sticking Cavity/Core/slide/Sprue
流道粘前模Runner stuck to cavity side
表面不光 Poor surface
模具问题 mould problems 顶出行程不够 E.P.distance too short 断顶针 Ejector pin broken 卡滑块 Slider jam
进胶不平衡Filling uneven
浇口/流道太大/Gate/Runner to blg/small
挂成品 Part hanging
产品断裂 Part broken
产品脱落不平衡 Unbalance part relea 顶针弯 Ejector pin bend 顶针不完全复位 Ej P not return fully 弹簧失效 Spring fail
镶件损坏 Inrt dented
进胶系统 Injection System 主流道 Sprue
分流道 Runner
主分流道 Main runner
次级分流道Branch runner 圆形Full round
半圆形 Semicircular
进胶口 Gate
浇口位置 Gate location
浇口类型 Gate type
边缘浇口 Edge gate
侧浇口 Side gate
潜浇口Sub/cashew/subsurface/submarine/tunnel gate
点浇口 Pin gate
牛角浇口 banana gate
搭接浇口 Tab gate
潜顶针 Sub gate onto pin
扇形浇口 Fan gate
冷料井 Cold slug well
热流道 Hot Runner
热嘴Hot Bush/Tip/Nozzle
分流板 Hot manifold
接线盒 Connecting box
热电偶 Thermocouple
冷却系统 Cooling System
铜塞Brass pressure plug
隔水片 Baffle
密封圈 O ring 水嘴Cooling fitting
温差 Temperature variation 水路Waterlines
水路示意图 Water schematic 进/出水In/Out
漏水Water Leakage 积水块 Water manifold 阶梯式水路Steeped system 喷淋式水路Baffled hole system 斜水路 Angled hole system 顶出方式 Ejection Techniques 顶针顶出 Pin Ejection
司筒顶出 Sleeve Ejection 顶块顶出 Bar Ejection
扁顶顶出 Blade Ejection 推板顶出 Stripper Ejection 油缸顶出 Hydraulic Ejection 气顶Air Ejection
水口钩针 Sprue Puller
顶针Ejector pin
带托顶针 Stepped ejector pin
司筒Ejector Sleeve
扁顶Ejector blade
顶块Stripper Bar
推环Stripper ring
推板Stripper plate
加速顶 Accelerated ejection
二次顶 Two Stage ejector
早回机构 Early ejector return
螺纹标准 Thread Standard
公制标准 Metric
英制标准 Imperial
英制管螺纹British standard Pipe thread (BSP) 美制管螺纹NPT
美制粗螺纹 United coar thread (UNC) 美制细螺纹United Fine thread (UNF) 管螺纹 Pipe thread
螺纹孔 Screw hole
起吊孔 Handling hole
模具结构 Mold Structure
模胚Mold ba
面板Top Clamp Plate
水口板(3板模) Runner Stripper Plate (3 plate mold)
热流道板 Hot Runner-plate
A板 A plate
B板 B Plate
推板Stripper Plate
支撑板 Support Plate
方铁Spacer Block
我的父亲叫板凳顶针板 Ejector Retainer Plate
顶针底板 Ejector Plate
底板Bottom Clamp Plate
锁模块 Lock Block
模脚Support leg
吊环Safety Hoist Ring
导柱Guide Pin
导套Guide Bush
铜导套 Bronze bushing 石墨导套 Graphite bushing
直导套 Straight Guide Bush
带肩导套 Shoulder Guide Bush
顶针板导柱(中托司)Ejector Guide Pin (EGP) 顶针板导套Ejector Guide Bush
定位环 Locating Ring
唧嘴Sprue bushing
回针Return Pin
撑头Support Pillar
垃圾钉 Stop pin
限位块 Stop Block
限位开关 Limits switch
镶针Inrt Pin
互换镶件/针 Interchangeable inrt/pin
日期章 Dating inrt
环保章 Recycling Inrt
材料标示 Material symbol
公司标志 Company logo
型腔号 Cavity number
行位镶件 Slide Inrt
波子螺丝 Ball-catch
压块Guide Rall
斜导柱 Angle Pin
耐模块 Wear Plate
导向块 Guide Block
限位螺丝 Stop Bolt
行位扣 Slide Lock
斜顶座 Lifter Ba
斜顶导向块 Lifter Guide Block
直身锁 Side lock
斜度锁 Interlock
平头螺丝 P.H.C.S
无头螺丝 Screw Plug
销钉Dowel Pin
Could I ask you some questions if you are free?/ Are you free now? May I ask you some questions
(a question)?
Can you tell me whether the surface of this part is a visible/esthetic one? What will we do for its surface? Texture or Polishing?
Does this part need an ejector pin or an ejector bar? Can we add an ejector blade?
Can we add ejector sleeves or ejector pins in the post location of this part?
5.产品的这个位置不能出模,我们打算做行位,在此面上会有分模线,你接受吗?There's an undercut at this position and it needs a slider. It will also have a parting line on
this side, is that OK?
We will make the lifter and (inner) slider in this position, will that be a problem?
The 2D and 3D drawing you provided is not the same, can you tell me which one is correct?
There is no draft angle in the 3D drawing, some materials are too thick, and some place are too thin. Can we modify this part by ourlves? We will nd the drawing to you for you to check after we modify it.
Accoring to the shrinkage one over two hundred, the mold has been done in the right dimension, but the part falls short to your part drawing, are you sure the shrinkage is right?
This position is too small and will make the steel material here too thin, can we widen it here?
11.斜顶与后面的柱位空间太小,斜顶在运动时会干涉到柱子,能移动这个柱子的位置吗?The angular lifter interferes with the boss during ejection. Plea consider changing the position of the boss. 12.这个筋骨位胶厚太溥,而且高度偏高,注塑时很难填充这个筋位,可以增加这个筋骨位的厚度吗?
The rib here is too thin and on the high side, so it will be difficult to fill here when we do the injection, can you inrcea the thickness of this rib?
Will you increa/decrea the material on this rib? We will u EDM if you add material, but there are two option if you choo to decrea:1.Make inrts;2.Welding, becau there is water in the bot
tom of the inrt,
is that OK?
This sample has been burned in the bottom becau the venting is not good, we can add an inrt in the middle of the rib.
It will take about 5 or 6 days to redo the inrt, is that OK?
We have made the texture on this side, if we add material, it will take some days to remake the texture by out-resourcing, so we suggest using the texture by EDM instead, is that OK?
Is this mold dimension measured in inches or meters? Does it need spare parts?
18.模具上铭牌上的刻字内容是由你们提供吗?你们什么时候可以这些刻字资料。Will you provide the engraving content of the plate of this mold to us? When will you nd it?
19.可否提供此模具生产时,注塑机的型号及相关资料。如:啤机大小、呵林柱尺寸、顶棍孔尺寸等Can you provide the type of injection machine and other related information of this mold to us? Such as the boss dimension, the hole's dimension of the ejector pin and the size of the injection machine and so on.
I need to discuss this problem with the other colleagues and then I will reply back to you.
We will try our best to complete your plan, if there are any complications, we will notify you immediately. 22.这个产品的长度为330.12MM,宽度为78.96MM,高度为45MM.胶厚为2MM,重量为70.63g,试模注塑机型号为250吨,胶料颜色为黑色,产品外表面晒纹处理,内表面为抛光.需要日期章、环保章、材料章.前后模用2344氮硬,斜顶和行位座用738H,以上模具信息正确吗?请确认!"
The length of this part is 330.12MM, Width is 78.96MM, height is 45MM, thickness is 2MM, weight is 70.63g, the injection machine is 250T,the material is black, the outside of the part has texture, inner side needs polishing, and it also needs a date and recycle stamp,the core&cavity is 2344 nitridng, the lifter and slider shelf is 728H. Plea check the information above!"
It is time to have lunch, let's discuss this project later this afternoon?
(The undercut area interferes with the slide block and needs to be filled with material to help the slider move smoothly.)
25. 加肉太多(The thickness added is too thick.)
26. 加肉面積太大(The thickening area is too wide.)
27.GATE位置移位( The gate position is moved.)
28. 滑塊拆的位置(The split line of slide block or the area of slide.)
29. 此處有尖角,填充困難(It is hard to fill this area due to the sharp feature.)
30. 此處鋼材太薄,強度不足而且不容易冷卻
(The strength of this area is too weak and it is hard to cool becau the steel is too thin.)
31. 圓柱特徵要有一半圓不可以拆在滑塊上,以免粘滑塊造成拉白,拉斷
(We avoid designing the micircle of the cylinder on the slide block becau it will be pulled apart or cau drag marks.)鲤鱼
32. 此處做斜銷在作動時會削到成品肉厚
(The part will be damaged if we make the lifter in this area.)
33. 這個面是裝配面,不能加料
(This is a critical surface where we cannot add additional material.)
34. 此處料位太厚,會有縮水,建議減料改善
(Becau of the shrinkage of the thickness, we suggest reducing some wall thickness to improve it.)
35. 此面是不是外觀面,此處做滑塊的話會有夾線,是否可以接受
"(Plea confirm whether it is a critical surface or not. Also, confirm whether it is acceptable to have a
slide split line if we have a slide in this area. )"
36. 此處有倒勾,能否減料,使公母模靠破,不做滑塊和斜銷
"(Plea confirm whether we can reduce material to the area where we have an undercut as indicated to have shut off on cavity side. No slide block and lifter will be made. )"
37. 請盡快確認這種拆模方式和結構,否則會影響模期
(Plea confirm the issues of Parting line, Etc. as soon as possible; otherwi, the lead-time will be extended.)
38. 此面是否有特殊要求,能否有頂針印
(Plea confirm whether it is a critical surface or not and if we can have E.J. pin marks on it.)
39. P.L面開在此處,模具上會有尖角和刀口,對模具壽命有影響
(There are sharp edges if we t the parting line here, It will reduce the tool life)
40. 加大拔模角,以便脫模順利
We suggest enlarging the draft angle to help relea the tool.)
41. GATE做在此處的話有兩個缺點:1.蓋子打開時可以看到GATE的修剪部位; 2.兩個斜銷在同一側,頂出也不是很平衡.
(There are two problems if the gate is to be designed in this area:
中药止咳a). It is easy to e the gate mark when you open the cap.
b). The ejectors are unbalanced when two lifters are on the same side)
42. GATE做在此處的話.蓋子打開後看不到GATE的修剪部位
(The gate mark is not visible if the gate position is designed like this.)
43. 如果GATE一定要做在你們指定的位置的話,那還不如做在這一側,這樣的話還可以減小這個位置的縮水
"(If you insist that the gate position has to be like the original design, then we would further recommend to have it to the area indicated so it can avoid a shrink problem in this area.)"
44. 在此處GATE做潛頂針的話,背後的外觀面會有沖料痕,而且成品又是黑色的,會最明顯
(If the design of the gate has to be a sub. Gate, then the back surface of the part will have
rious flow marks due to the black colour.)
22. P.L開在此處不合理,模具加工困難,P.L應改為和圖示的一樣
"(This area is not suitable to have a Parting line becau the tool will become more
complicated; therefore, we recommend to have the Parting line as indicated.)"
"(There is possible sticking on cavity; therefore, plea confirm whether it can make undercuts, snatch pins