1. feed: 喂食
2. train: 训练
3. tame: 驯服
4. walk: 遛动物
5. groom: 梳理毛发
6. cuddle: 拥抱
7. scratch: 抓痒
8. ride: 骑
英语鬼故事9. stroke: 轻抚(动物的毛皮)
10. adopt: 领养
11. communicate: 沟通
12. protect: 保护莴苣怎么吃
13. comfort: 安慰
14. care for: 照顾
15. play with: 和…玩耍
1. She feeds her cat twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
2. They trained their hor to jump over obstacles.
3. He tames wild hors and trains them to become calm and obedient.
4. The little girl likes to walk her dog around the neighbourhood after school.
5. She grooms her dog every week to keep its fur shiny and healthy.
6. He loves to cuddle his cat and watch TV on the couch together.
7. She scratches her dog’s belly to make it happy and wag its tail.
8. He loves to ride his hor through the countryside on weekends.
9. She strokes her cat’s soft fur and listens to it purr with contentment.
10. They adopted a dog from the shelter and gave it a loving home.
11. He communicates with his parrot by teaching it words and phras.
12. He protects his livestock from predators by installing fences and keeping watch at night.
13. She comforts her aging dog and gives it extra attention and care.
14. He cares for his bird by cleaning its cage and providing fresh food and water.
15. He likes to play Frisbee with his dog in the park.
1. rescue: 救援
2. protect: 保护
3. relea: 释放
4. treat: 治疗
5. adopt: 领养
6. evacuate: 疏散
7. reunite: 团聚
8. aid: 援助
9. shelter: 收容所
10. rehabilitation center 康复中心
11. foster family: 寄养家庭
1. The team of volunteers worked tirelessly to rescue the trapped animals from the burning building.
2. The animal rights group works to protect endangered species from illegal hunting and poaching.
3. After rehabilitating the injured bird, they relead it back into the wild where it belonged.
4. The wildlife rehabilitation center treats sick and injured animals and helps them regain their health and strength.
5. After adopting the rescue dog, they gave it a loving home and a cond chance at life.
6. The rescuers worked to evacuate the animals from the flooded area before it was too late.
7. The animal rescuers worked tirelessly to reunite lost pets with their owners.
8. The veterinarians worked to aid the injured animals and help them recover from their injuries.
9. The local shelter provides a safe haven for homeless pets and helps them find loving forever homes.
10. The transport team carefully moved the injured wildlife to the rehabilitation center for treatment.
11. The foster family took in the abandoned kittens and nurd them back to health before finding them forever homes.
1. trapped: 被困的
2. injured: 受伤的
3. wounded: 受伤的
4. hurt: 受伤的
5. bleeding: 流血的
6. fractured: 骨折的
7. limping: 跛行的
8. paralyzed: 瘫痪的
9. abandoned: 被遗弃的
10. stranded: 搁浅的
复旦大学本科招生网11. lost: 迷路的
12. dehydrated: 脱水的
13. starving: 饥饿的
14. malnourished: 营养不良的
15. exhausted: 精疲力竭的
1. The little kitten was found trapped in a tree, meowing for help.
2. The injured bird was taken to the veterinarian for treatment of its broken wing.
3. The wounded deer stumbled through the woods, leaving a trail of blood.
三年级日记150字4. The hurt puppy whined in pain as it was lifted out of the car wreckage.
5. The bleeding hor was quickly tended to by its owner, who applied a bandage to the wound.