1. 性别(gender):
A 男(man)B 女(woman)
2. 年龄(age):
3. 文化程度(degree of education):
上午英文文盲(illiteracy)小学(primary school)初中(junior high school)高中(nior high school)中专(technical condary school)大专(junior college)本科(undergraduate cour)硕士(master)博士(doctor)博士后(postdoctor)
4. 你现在处于什么阶段?(what stage are you in now)
青春期(adolescence)奥德赛年(odysy years)成年(adulthood)中年(middle age)老年(old age)
5. 你是否意识到这样一个新的阶段-奥德赛岁月(Whether you realize there is such a newlife the odysy years?
6. 奥德赛岁月(从高中到成家立业),是否教会了你很多东西?Did the Odysy years (from high school to starting a family) teach you a lot?
7. 你对现在的生活还满意吗?(Are you satisfied with your life now?)
不满意(unsatisfied)一般(ordinary)较满意(more satisfied)满意(satisfied)非常满意(greatly satisfied)
8. 在奥德赛岁月中,你经历了哪些事情?What have you experienced in the Odysy years?
逃课(skip school)努力学习(study hard)叛逆(treachery)找工作(looking for a job)炸鱼排>谈判的艺术
择偶(courtship)成家立业(find the right career and build a family)晚婚晚育(Late marriage and late childbearing)推迟就业(Postpone employment)其他
外婆的歌9. 父母在这个阶段对孩子的影响大吗?Do parents have much influence on their children at this stage?
10. 如何解决在奥德赛岁月中与父母之间的矛盾?How to solve the conflict with parents in the Odysy years
多和父母表达一下自己的想法(Express your thoughts with your parents more often.)有什么疑问多和父母询问(If you have any questions, communicate with your parents.)换位思考(For the sake of others.)父母尊重孩子的隐私(Parents respect their children's privacy.)通过帮助父母做事情,让父母放心(Reassure parents by helping them do things.)认真听父母的教诲(Listen carefully to the teachings of your parents .)其他
11. 你对自己的未来是否有明确的目标?Do you have a clear goal for your future?
冬至吃啥12. 你是否会推迟成家立业?Will you postpone getting married ?
13. 你认为如何才能快乐、积极的度过奥德赛岁月?How do you think you can spend the Odysy years happily and actively?
明确的目标(A clear goal)足够好的实力(Strength good enough)坚定的意志(A firm will)积极的态度(Positive attitude )集中的精神(Concentrated spirit )其他防溺水顺口溜
14. 你对奥德赛岁月这一阶段有什么看法?What do you think of this stage of the Odysy years?15. 你对本次调查问卷有什么好的建议或想法?