“(B) Heat exchange units in which a hot fluid (hot gas, steam or hot liquid) and a cold fluid are made to 宝宝呕吐是什么原因引起的traver parallel paths, but usually in opposite directions, parated by thin metal walls in such a manner that the one fluid is cooled and the ”
其中,英文里的“ traver parallel paths”被翻译成了“在两条平行的通路中流过”,“两条”是译者按自己理解额外添加的。又因为流过的主语是“一股热流体(a hot fluid)”和“一股冷流体(a cold fluid)”,则在中文注释强调为“两条”平行通路中流过的场合,自然就很容易被解读为是热交换器中的热流体和冷流体之间须保持平行。摇元宵
然而,如果只看注释原文,“traver parallel paths”其实完全可以有两种理解:一种如前文所述,是指热交换器中热流体和冷流体之间保持平行;另一种理解则是,热交换器中热流
当然,将热交换器在我国存在的归类问题归咎于注释解读及翻译的另一个原因,是因为笔者发现在国外——尤其是英语国家——鲜有像我国一样,依据冷热流体之间的流向关系来作为某种商品是否属于热交换器的做法,其中较有代表性的是美国海关与边境保护局(CBP)在2016年5月对一款废气再循环冷却器(Exhaust Gas Recirculation Cooler)作出的裁定HQ H257923。(注2:完整内容详见文末)
在该裁定中,EGR冷却器中冷热流体的关系被描述为“Hot exhaust enters the EGR cooler exhaust inlet, travels through parallel tubes that contain coolant”,即CBP在归类时关注的是冷却液通过的流道是否平行,而非热废气与冷却液的流道之间是否平行。
其次,裁定在解读84.19品目注释关于“热交换器”的规定时,也是将其归纳为“Further, it covers heat exchange units that heat or cool materials by passing them on traver parallel paths through tubes or parallel chambers”,即在描述冷热流体流向时,CBP使用了“or”而不是“and”,则只能理解是热流体或冷流体各自流过平行的通路,而不是要求热流
最后,裁定在给出归类意见时认为“Becau the EGR cooler cools exhaust via parallel traver tubes大学村官, it fits within the definition of a 'heat exchange unit’ as described by EN 84.19”,即EGR冷却器通过平行的管路冷却废气,而如前所述,这些平行管路是冷却液的通路,就再次印证了注释关于热交换器的规定实际是指冷热流体“各自”——而非“之间”——保持平行的观点。
HQ H257923 May 9, 2016
TARIFF NO: 8419.50.50
Port Director
倔强造句U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Service Port of Charleston
200 East Bay Street
Charleston, SC 29401
RE: Application for Further Review of Protest 1601-14-100102; Tariff Classification of an Exhaust Gas Recirculation Cooler.
Dear Port Director,
This is in respon to the protest and application for further review (“AFR”) filed on behalf of Paccar Inc. (“Paccar”). The protest concerns the tariff classification of an exhaust gas recirculation cooler under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (“HTSUS”). Our respon follows.
Between January 9, 2013 and October 30, 2013, Paccar imported thirty-six entries of merchandi through the CBP Port of Charleston. The entry documents describe the merchandi as “engine parts” and stated classification under subheading 8708.99.8180. Associated invoices describe the merchandi as “COOLER-EXHAUST/COOLANT.” In respon to a CBP Request for Information, on September 11, 2013, Paccar responded with a letter describing the merchandi as an exhaust gas recirculation cooler (“EGR cooler”), and provided diagrams of the product. The letter describes the EGR cooler as a product designed for u with a diel compression-ignition internal combustion engine installed in commercial trucks. The EGR cooler functi
ons as a heat exchanger that consists of a welded stainless steel housing, winglet tubes, an inlet and outlet for coolant and exhaust gas. Hot exhaust enters the EGR cooler exhaust inlet, travels through parallel tubes that contain coolant. The EGR cooler acts to cool exhaust gas prior to re-entering the engine, which reduces combustion temperature and emissions.
On January 9, 2014, CBP issued a notice of action stating that the EGR cooler should be classified under subheading 8419.89.9585 HTSUS for one entry. On February 6, 2014, CBP issued a cond notice of action applying the same action to the remaining entries that are the subject of this protest. The entries liquidated between February 7, 2014 and February 28, 2014. The instant protest was filed on June 10, 2014. Paccar asrts that the EGR coolers should be classified under subheading 8419.50.50000 HTSUS.
What is the tariff classification of the exhaust gas recirculation coolers?
Initially, we note that this matter is protestable under 19 U.S.C. §1514(a)(2) as a decision on classification. The protest was timely filed on June 10, 2014, within 180 days of liquidation for each of the entries pursuant to 19 U.S.C. §1514(c)(3).