Unit 1: In Class
Word Phras:
1.Mr。Green - 先生XXX
2.Open your books - 打开你们的书
3.Clo the window - 关窗
4.Come in - 进来
5.Good afternoon - 下午好
6.Good night - 晚安
7.Open the door - 开门
8.Look at the blackboard - 看黑板
9.Good morning - 早上好
10.Good evening - 晚上好
11.XXX XXX - 听老师的
XXX Structures:
1.Stand up - 起立
2.Sit down。plea - 请坐下
3.Good morning。Mr。Green - 格林先生,早上好
4.Come in。Mike - 迈克,进来
5.Liu Tao。plea open the door - 刘涛,请开门
微信使用技巧6.Yes。Mr。Green - 好的,XXX
7.I'm sorry。Mr。Green - 对不起,XXX
8.Wang Bing。plea clo the window - 王兵,请关窗
9.Look at the blackboard。Sam - 山姆,看黑板
10.Don't listen to the parrot - 不要听鹦鹉说的话
Grammar Points:
森林防火的画1.The u of "the"
XXX article "the" is ud to XXX among a group of similar people or things。It can be ud with singular or plural nouns。as well as XXX.
XXX: "the apple" - this apple (out of many apples。specifically referring to this one apple and not others)
2.The u of "plea"
When XXX imperative ntences。"plea" can be added at the beginning or end of the ntence。If "plea" is added at the end。a comma must be ud before it.
3.The u of "Mr."。"Mrs."。and "Miss"
Mr." is ud to address a man (followed by his surname)。"Mrs." is ud to address a married woman (followed by her husband's surname)。and "Miss" is ud to address an unmarried woman (followed by her own surname).
Unit 2: In the Library
1.Shout - 喊;叫
2.Eat - 吃
行驶证补办需要什么材料3.Run - 跑
4.XXX - 说话
5.Sleep - 睡觉
6.Drink - 喝
手机发烫怎么解决7.Here - 这里
8.Your - 你的
9.English - 英语
刘若彤10.Milk - 牛奶
Word Phras:
1.In the library - 在图书馆里
三字经的故事2.In the classroom - 在教室里
3.Want to。- 想要做。
4.Don't = do not - 不;不要
Grammar Points:
Unit 3 Is this your pencil
pencil 铅笔
schoolbag 书包
pen 钢笔
crayon 蜡笔
ruler 尺子
pencil ca 铅笔盒;铅笔袋
XXX box 午餐盒
where 在哪里