
更新时间:2023-07-12 16:56:33 阅读: 评论:0

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What is wrong with you?你有什么毛病呀
Nothing is wrong with me, man.我什么毛病都没有哥们
Dude, just let it go.老兄别想了好吗
No, I'm not letting it go.不行我就要想
Look, all I'm saying is我只是说
if you're gonna bring home a supermodel,如果你要带一位超级名模回来
you should make sure you have one for everyone.那你也得照顾一下其他人
Milena and I just started dating.米莱娜和我才刚刚开始约会
I don't even know if she has any other supermodel friends.我都不知道她有没有别的超模朋友
Dude, everyone knows they travel in packs, man.老兄大家都知道她们是扎堆出现的哥们Look, all I need to do我只需要
is just peel a slow one off the herd.在这群弱水中取一瓢迟钝的就好了
Wait, guys.等一下各位
I think Emma just said her first words.我觉得艾玛刚刚说了第一句话
- Really? - What'd she say?-真的吗  -她说什么了
She said, "shut up already!"她说  "快点闭嘴"
We've been listening to this whining for the last 20
Danny, can't you help Tucker out?丹尼你就不能帮帮塔克尔吗
Come on.快点
- Okay, fine. - Yes!-好啦我帮  -搞定
Thank you, Emma.谢谢你艾玛
Hey, I cannot believe我不敢相信
马克思主义是什么you're not trying to get in on this.你都不想参与这事
I think I've just got different priorities the days.我想我这几天有些更要紧的事儿要做
I want someone special. Someone who gets me.我想找个特别的人能懂我的人
I guess I'm looking for--我想我要找的是...
Hey, Riley.嘿莱丽
*It's amazing how the unexpected**人生妙无边惊喜无极限*
*can take your life and change directions.**劝君莫等闲雌雄随我愿*
Making pancakes, huh?做煎饼是吧
Blueberry banana.蓝莓香蕉味
Remind me again who favorite tho are?再提醒我一下这是谁的最爱来着
No idea.不知道
Are you actually making blueberry banana?你真的在做蓝莓香蕉煎饼吗
Tho are my absolute favorite.那绝对是我的最爱啊
They are? Really?是吗真的啊
That is so-- what?那真是太...  不是吧
Okay, what's going on?现在什么情况
You told me just the other day那天你还跟我说晶莹近义词
that you were completely over Ben.你已经完全忘记本了
Yeah, well, that was the other day.是啊那是那天嘛
So, keep up.你落伍了
I thought I was,我以为我忘了
but then we were at Katie and Dave's wedding但后来在凯蒂和大卫的婚礼上
and we were dancing on the roof.我们在屋顶跳舞
I don't know, for the first time我也不知道那是第一次
I just felt a real connection.我感觉到了真真切切的联系
Did something actually happen?那天发生什么事了吗
No, 没有但是
Come on. I've been able to manufacture拜托什么事都没有的时候我都有可以
a whole 10-year relationship in my head bad on nothing.在脑子里编造一个完整的十年情侣关系
So imagine what I can do with a few soulful glances.想象一下我会怎么想那深情的几瞥
Hey, have you guys en this website你们有没有看过
that Katie and Dave put up?凯蒂和大卫建的这个网站
Everyone's posting links and pictures.大家都在上面贴链接和照片
Dammit, if I even look good doing the electric slide.该死我跳滑步舞的样子看着也不错嘛
Did you e that? That is-- I told you.你看到没那是我跟你说过吧
Wow, Riles.哇哦莱丽
I think you'd totally win the award for cutest bridesmaid.我觉得你完全赢得了最可爱伴娘奖
Plea tell me I'm not really watching you hit on Riley.拜托你告诉我我看到的不是你在挑逗莱丽I can't help it.我情不自禁啊
I think--我想...
I think I might really like her. I don't know.我想我可能真的喜欢她我不知道
You lived across the street from her your entire life.你前半辈子都跟她住得只隔一条街
How could you not know?你怎么能不知道呢
She did shove me in my locker五年级时她的确天天
every day of fifth grade.把我往我的储物柜里推
But we danced together on the roof at the wedding但婚礼上我们一起在屋顶跳舞的时候
and a part of me我身体的一部分
hasn't been able to stop thinking about her.就是一直在想着她
Which part?哪部分
All of them.所有部分
And they don't usually agree.而它们一般不会意见一致的
Is it insane to think that she could ever like me?我想她有可能也喜欢过我这是不是荒唐了
If she did, I'm sure she would have given you a sign.如果她喜欢你那她肯定会有所暗示的
Hey Ben, the law firm that I'm interning for本我实习的那家律师事务所
is having this big party要办场大派对
and we all get to bring dates.我们都得带个伴儿
If you're asking me, it's an unqualified "yes."如果你是在邀请我我绝对会说"我去"
If that was just general information,如果你就是跟我说这个消息
have a great time.那祝你玩得开心
I was asking.我是在邀请你
I'd love to.我很乐意去
And that is what we call a sign.那就是我们所说的"暗示"了
Hey, you sure about this?你确定吗
I mean, I just don't want you to get hurt.我就是不希望你受伤
I know he's my brother and I love him,我知道他是我弟弟我也爱他
but it's Ben.但那是本啊
I know, I know.我知道我知道
But I really feel like he's changing.但我真觉得他在改变
You know, he's not "that guy" anymore.他不再是"那家伙"了
Oh oh oh, Ben!噢噢噢本
Ben, you gotta come look at this.本你得过来看看这个情商和智商
Somebody posted you有人在"他说他会给你打电话".com上
on "he said he'd call" dot com.把你贴上去了
"He said he'd call" Dot com?"他说他会给你打电话".com吗
That's this website where women post那是一个网站女人们会在上面爆
the names of jerks who say they'll call, but don't.那些说自己会打电话其实不会打的混蛋的名
There is no reason I should be on that website.我绝不可能出现在那个网站上
Susie Kettle.苏茜·凯特
Wait, Susie Kettle?等等苏茜·凯特是谁
Bridesmaid Susie Kettle?是那个伴娘吗
Yeah, most likely that Susie Kettle.应该就是她
But nothing happened.但我和她没什么
I was just all, "Sus, nice catching up.我只是说了句很高兴认识你苏
Maybe I'll call you sometime."也许我会给你电话东上
Yeah, was that before or after是吗这话是你什么时候说的
you were making out with her on the dance floor?在舞池亲热前还是在那之后
Possibly after.也许是亲热后说的
You made out with Susie at the wedding?你在婚礼上和苏茜乱搞
- Just a little-- - Girl, we had to get the ho.-只是亲热一下  -肥水不流外人田嘛
But you said you'd call her?但你说了会给她打电话
Yeah. - And did you?-是的  -你打了吗
- No. - Oh my god, Ben.-没有  -我的天啊本
What is wrong with you?你到底有什么毛病
I truly don't know.我真的不知道
You are that guy.你就是那种人
That guy that every girl is warned about那种典型"女生勿近"的花花公子
but every woman thinks that she can change.但每个女人都自以为能让你从一而终And I swear, I've known you my whole life虽然我和你是发小但我发誓
but I have no idea who you are.我从来都不了解你
I mean, who raid you?谁把你教成这样的
Morning, boys.早上好小伙子们
Grandma in the hou.祖母驾到
And I need 20 bucks for the cab driver.给我20美元打车费
He didn't go for my flirty face.司机不让我用媚眼抵账
Riley. Trust me.莱丽你要相信我
I'm not that guy.我不是那样的人
Ben, you are the cover boy of "That guy quarterly."本你是《三分钟热度》的封面人物And I know becau I subscribe.我算是看透你了
What's wrong?怎么回事打不了字
Your son is lfish and immature你儿子自私幼稚
and has no respect for women.而且藐视女性
In related news, the sun came up and the sky is blue.还有太阳东升天蓝云白这些都是真理Pancakes.有煎饼
Okay, Emma.好啦艾玛
Are you ready to be grandma's wingbaby?准备好帮祖母钓帅哥了吗
I have decided that today is 剧本由V信公众号
我决定就在今天我要和v i c t o r r i i d2018施工整理~排版多样~希望对您有所帮助
[美、英剧、电影、纪录片] [中英纯英]台词剧本定制也可以发邮箱
the day
I am finally gonna talk to the hottest guy this side--这里最帅的男士搭讪
There he is.他来了
Now remember, I get the one who's potty-trained.记住我教过你用便盆别丢人哈
Did you e that look?你看到那表情了吗
Why did I only shave up to my knees this morning?哎今早不该只刮腿毛的
急反义词Now watch and learn, Emma.艾玛学着点
First impressions are everything.第一印象重于一切
Excu me, is this at available?抱歉能坐这里吗
Sure is.当然可以
Just like the woman sitting across from it.坐你对面的美女也待人采撷
What is wrong with you?你怎么了
You're jumping every time somebody walks in the door.一有人进来你就抻着脖子看
I called Susie and invited her to come by the bar.我打电话给苏茜约她在酒吧见面
A little pedal to the Kettle.追求凯特行动开始了哈
No no. I don't want to go out with her.不是那样我不想和她约会了
I just really want to get off that website.我只想从那个网站上脱身
So you thought making her所以你是想让她在午餐时间
come across town on her lunch hour穿越整个城市来见你却又被你甩一次to be dumped a cond time would do it?然后让你得偿所愿吗
No, but a little Wheeler charm不但我会用维勒的个人魅力
and a free caesar salad just might.外加免费凯撒沙拉搞定她
I think you're overestimating the food here.我觉得你高估酒吧小菜的能量了Can I get another one of the?能再给我来杯酒吗
And a side of what Danny's having.再给我来一位丹尼对面的美女
And this is how we say good-bye in Russian.我们俄罗斯人是这样道别的
And this is how we say "I'll call you later" in American.我们美国人这样表示回头给你电话So?怎么样
Did you talk about me? What'd she say?你跟她提我了吗她怎么说
She said yes.她答应了
It's a double date tomorrow night.明晚四人约会
Yes! Tucker is in the game.太棒了塔克尔有戏了
Riley. What are you doing here?莱丽你怎么来了
Not here to e you. I'm just looking for Danny.反正不是来看你我来找丹尼
So about your party tomorrow night.明晚到你家参加派对啊
You know what? Don't even worry about it.算了吧用不着你操心
I got it covered.我另找别人了
So can I get a glass of water?能给我来杯水吗
Or do you need to make out with someone first?或者先让你跟别人亲热一下
So, you're completely over Riley, right?你对莱丽没感觉了吧
Yeah, totally.当然完全无感了
So over her. Just a stupid crush.早就不喜欢她了不过是愚蠢的心动Wheeler.维勒
Any chance I can talk you into being my date tomorrow
Yeah, totally. That'd be fun.没问题太好了
What? No.什么不行
You are not about to dethrone the king of cool.你不能抛下我这个酷男之王
Did you e tho moves? No!我刚才可都跳舞庆祝了绝对不许Sue sue susie-o.苏苏苏茜
It's so good to e you you you-io.见到你你你太开心了
Not my standard greeting. Come over here.我这问候有点失常过来一下

本文发布于:2023-07-12 16:56:33,感谢您对本站的认可!



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