
更新时间:2023-07-12 16:53:10 阅读: 评论:0

六英里每加仑 你妈妈和我晚餐有约了 Your mother and I have dinner rervations, 所以你们娃几个晚上得自己安排 so you kids are on your own tonight.
行  我点份披萨啥的 Fine.
I"ll just order pizza or something.
所以你要带我们去的是啥饭店 So, what"s this restaurant you"re taking us to 这么遥远偏僻 out in the middle of nowhere? 新比利时融合风味 New Belgian Fusion.
不要吃披萨  亲爱的 - Oh.
- No, no pizza, honey.
都是油脂和碳水化合物 That is just full of fat and carbs.
你知道吗 You know what? 冰箱里有一份藜麦西兰花砂锅 There is a quinoa broccoli casrole in the fridge.
电视连续剧红高粱呵呵  肯定有啊 Of cour there is.
t;这家被埋没的宝贝餐馆自夸称有绝美的风景t; t;This hidden gem boasts magnificent views t;值得舟车劳顿一场t; that are worth the drivet; 那食物呢 And the food? 我还在看 I"m getting there.
贝蒂  听你妈妈的话 Hey, Becky, listen to your mother.
那会是个更健康的选择 That"s a healthier choice.
我们一会儿就回家了  - 随便你 - We"ll be home later tonight.
- Whatever.
你知道吗那个肥猪刚给多米诺打过电;hearts;话;hearts; You know that fat-ass just called Dominos right now.
你还真没错 You"re absolutely right.
t;呈上一桌农场直达餐桌的比利时菜t; t;Serving a menu of farm-to-table Belgian fare t;给你的味觉一个刺;hearts;激;hearts;又富有艺术性的惊喜t; that artfully surpris and tickles the ns.t; 天啊  她又胖又蠢简直病态 Jesus! She"s morbidly obe and stupid.四年级下册词语表
我们一辈子都要跟她搅在一起了 We"re gonna be stuck with her forever.
更别提还有那个时髦装逼仔 And don"t even get me started on Mr.
我又抓到他用我的眼线了你敢信 Do you know I caught him using my fucking eyeliner again? t;这是用时间沉淀出来的烹饪经验t; t;It"s a culinary e_perience for the ages.t; 我们现在能别聊孩子吗 Can we not talk about the kids right now? 我们有一整晚的二人世界时间 We have the whole evening to ourlves.
你是对的 You"re right.
一个远离不知感恩又没能耐的青春期孩子的夜晚 A night free from ungrateful, underachieving teenagers.
我们就当他们死了 We"ll just pretend they"re dead.
那可真是太爽了 Oh, it would be amazing.
饭店几星啊 How many stars? 五颗星  全面五星 Five stars, across the board.
课外活动 威尔 菲茨吉本  是偶遇车祸现场的 Will Fitzgibbon, one of the two hikers who came across 两个远足客之一 the wrecked SUV线描画花瓶
我的老天  - 哦不 - Oh, my God.
- Oh, no.
显然仌未能仍刚刚的经历中缓过神来 is clearly still shaken by the e_perience.
那是个尸体袋 That is a body bag.
t;到处都是尸体碎块t;  他说 t;There were body parts everywhere,t; he said.
t;我的表哥贾瑞德还在吐呢t; My cousin Jared is still throg up.t; 死者身份调查 More to e as
a arch for the identity 还在继续 of the victims continues.
这里是记者萨丽 麦克达福现场为您发回的报道 This is your on-the-scene reporter, Sally McDuffy,  第五频道新闻 KFT, Channel Five News.
这里不需要我啊  只是个车祸 You don"t need me for this.
It"s a car accident.
警长特别要求你要来 Chief asked for you specifically, 她还说如果你抱怨的话 and she also said that when you plain, 就说你还不够格 to tell you that you"re not too good 做正常的警;hearts;察;hearts;工作 to do regular police work.
操 Shit.
你有什么发现吗 Now what do we got? 六英里每加仑 我;hearts;操;hearts; Oh, shit.
会计专业毕业论文冬季健康小常识真是个傻;hearts;逼;hearts;  不是吗 I know, what an asshole, right? 不  我认识那个牌照  汇报吧 No, I know the plate.
Call it in.
是丹 华;hearts;莱;hearts;士;hearts; It"s Dan Wallace.
他孩子和我儿子一起上学 His kids go to school with my son.
搞不好他老婆也在里面 It"s probably his wife, too.
真抱歉  警官 I"m sorry, Cliff.
是t;探长t; It"s t;Detectivet;.
听着  让你们部门心理医生一个小时内 You know, listen, get the department shrink to meet me 到局里见我 at the station in an hour and get an official 然后打个电;hearts;话;hearts;给华盛顿官方的人 from Washington High on the phone.
我得拿到这些孩子的祖父母 I gotta get grandparent 或者别的什么监护人的信息 or guardian information on tho kids.
现在就去  山姆 Now, Sam.
操 Shit.
葬礼安排在周二 Funeral arrangements are being t for Tuesday.
别不敢和朊友谈论他们痛失的至亲 Don"t be afraid to talk to your friends about their loss.
有时他们只是想找个能倾诉的人 Sometimes all they"re looking for is someone to listen.
好的  瑞根 Yes, Reagan.
我是想跟大家说 I just wanted to remind everyone that donations t;本和贝蒂基金t;的捐赠会已经开始 for the t;Ben and Becky Wallace Fundt; are now being accepted.
皖西学院图书馆你可以仍学校办公室捐钱 You can donate in the school office 或者仍我们的网站上也可以 or we"ve also t up a website.
他们要钱干嘛 What the hell do they need money for? 他们爸妈不是开着个五六十万的 SU
V 吗 Didn"t their parents drive like an $80,000 SUV? 是啊  他们看起来就很有钱 Yeah, they"re like super-wealth
喂  你们能闭嘴吗 Hey! Would you guys shut up?
瑞根在讲话呢 Reagan"s talking.
我就是说他们已经挺富的了 I"m just saying they"re already rich.
发生什么了 What"s going on there? 请把注意力放在瑞根身上 Reagan derves our undivided attention.
谢谢  P 老师 Thank you, Miss P.
请大家想一想本和贝蒂 I just want everyone to think about Ben and Becky.
每一笔捐款都是我们的绵薄之力  无论多少 Every donation counts, no matter how small.
感谢大家前来 Thank you all for ing today.
我知道  如果他们活着的话会很感激的 I know they would have reciated it.

本文发布于:2023-07-12 16:53:10,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:孩子   比利时   瑞根   捐赠   妈妈   现场
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