Examples Of Parallelism(英语排比句例子)
小飞机头∙ Jack hopes to visit his parents and e his old friends when he goes home.
∙ She advid me to find some new friends and forget about the event.
∙ This wealthy car collector owns three pastel Cadillacs, two gold Rolls Royces, and ten assorted Mercedes.
∙ I have always sought but ldom obtained a parking space near the door.
∙ She said that she was having fun but not that she was meeting people.
∙ Peter felt that he had made an excellent deal and that he had bought a masterpiece.
∙ He enjoys playing tennis and working out.
∙ They don't mind waiting and talking while you get ready.
∙ Quickly and happily, he walked around the corner to buy the book.
∙ Ferocious dragons breathing fire and wicked sorcerers casting their spells do their harm by night in the forest of Darkness.
∙ He found it difficult to vote for an ideal truth but against his own lf-interest.
∙ Tom and Patrick will probably arrive in less than an hour and in time for the meeting.
∙ They want more time off in the summer and on weekends.
∙ The pilot walked down the aisle, through the door, and into the cockpit, singing "Up, Up, and Away."
∙ He left the engine on, idling erratically and heating rapidly.
∙ 仓库工作流程To think accurately and to write precily are interrelated goals.
∙ Our neighbors have moved and have sold their hou.
∙ My brother walks or rides his bike to work.
∙ The class is not only fun but also helpful.
∙ As he didn't understand and becau he refud to try, they let him go.
∙ Since it was easy to u and becau it was cheap, it sold very well.
∙ Alice is not only strong but also fast.
∙ She liked sneaking up to Ted and putting the ice cream down his back, becau he was so cool about it.
∙ He ran up to the bookshelves, grabbed a chair standing nearby, stepped painfully on his tiptoes, and pulled the fifty-pound volume on top of him, crushing his ribs and impressing him with the power of knowledge.
∙ The children love their teacher and the teachers love their children.
物理八年级上册思维导图∙ Sam drives quickly and aggressively.
∙ They work carefully and effectively.
∙ I am lost in a a of trouble; yet, in this a a treasure I've found.
∙ Each morning we sing, each morning we dance, and each morning we pray.
∙ Michael eats fish and chicken.
∙ Having fun is as important as working hard.
∙ As soon as I arrive home, I put on my shoes and go for a run.
∙ Before she leaves for work, she usually eats breakfast and has a cup of coffee.
∙ She advid me to get some sleep and take some time off work.
∙ Hannah writes poetry and short stories.
∙ Singing a song or writing a poem is joyous.
∙ She tried to make her pastry fluffy, sweet, and delicate.
∙ He tried to make the law clear, preci and equitable.
∙ Work is as necessary as play.
∙ Apples are as good for you as oranges.
∙ The birds are in their nest and in their nests, they sing.
Examples of Parallelism in Psalms, a book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible
∙ For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. - Psalm 37: 2
∙ 干百合But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well-nigh slipped. - Psalm 73:2
∙ Therefore pride compasth them about as a chain; violence covereth them [as] a garment. - Psalm 73:6
Other Examples of Parallelism
∙ "I shall never envy the honors which wit and learning obtain in any other cau, if I can be numbered among the writers who have given ardor to virtue, and confidence to truth." By Samuel Johnson
∙ 刑事申诉状"They had great skill in optics, and had instructed him to e faults in others, and beauties in himlf that could be discovered by nobody el. . ." By Alexander Pope
∙ "For the end of a theoretical science is truth, but the end of a practical science is performance." By Aristotle
∙ "I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
∙ I have a dream that one day this nation will ri up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold the truths to be lf-evident; that all men are created equal."
∙ I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherho
∙ I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a dert state sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.