U校园新视野大学英语4 unit1视听说答案全
Unit 1 How we behave is whowe are
Listening to the world
1-2 Sharing
Practice 1
In the podcast, people are interviewed about good and badbehavior. They talk about what kind of behavior in publicplaces is annoying to them, a recent example of good or badmanners they experienced, and whether people's attitude tobehavior changes as they get older.
Practice 2
1. To him, city life is 'quite impersonal.
2. When people behave kindly.3. He feels very much annoyed.
4. About good and bad behavior.Practice 3
Practice 4
平面动画Practice 5
1) anti-social
2)aware of
3) appreciate
4) attitude
5) tolerant
6)come to an end
7) walk away
8) Impress
Practice 7-1
1. Many types of bad behavior in, public places can get onmy nerves, such as spitting, littering, smoking, talking loudly,etc
Practice 7-2
2. . Yesterday, a boy I didn't know helped me to carry theheavy shopping bàgs to my dor
赵太后· My roommate and his friends played cards in our
room till midnight, and they made a lot of noi.
Practice 7-3
3. What [ usually do depends on who the person is. If it'ssomeone I know, I would simply tell him 1 her directly butpolitely. If it's someone I don't know, I usually just walkaway or report to the patrol guard(s).
1-3 Listening
U the skills 1
- If your choices are mostly "A"s, you are clearly amorning person. You are most efficient and alert in themorning, but become quickly tired when evening comes andoften feel uncomfortable at the thought of going out afternine.
- If your choices are mostly "B"s, it means that getting upearly might not be your favorite thing, but you do it if youhave to and you can't imagine why some people make such afuss about it.
- If your choices are mostly"C"s, you are a real eveningperson and you are not really clearheaded and focud untilit starts to get dark - that's when you feel most energetic.Your ideal schedule would be sleeping in until noon anddoing all your work and socializing after dinner.
. - I like being a morning person becau I can enjoy thequietness of the mornings; I have time to enjoy breakfast, themost important meal of a day; I can travel to work or schoolbefore the rush hours and skip the traffic jams; and I feclgood about mylf for my ability to manage mylf.
- I like being an evening person becau my mind usuallyworks most productively during late night hours, and I alsocan get more work done when everyone has gone asleep and
there is no one disturbing me.
U the skills 2
I. The interviewer is an owl. She explains that it is becaushe was born in the late evening at 10 o'clock.
2. Though she is an owl, her job requires her to be a lark andget up cvery morning at 5:30.
3. Which are you, a lark or an owl'? And why?U the skills 3
U the skills 4
2) peaceful
3) beautiful
4)lovely part
5) 6/ Six
里根主义6) party
7) 21 Two
8) with a passion
9) last cond
10) 31 Three
狼孩11) walking their dogs
12) with a bounce
13) 41 Four
14) away
15) the best part of the day
16) 5/ Five
17) thinking straight
18) at my sharpest
19) 7 1 Seven
20) we had children
21) in the mornings
22) in the evenings
Think and speak 1-1
1. I agree with Speaker 5 the most. I feel l'm quite similar toher. My mind also works at its sharpest in the late eveningwhen everyone is going to sleep and the surroundings aregetting quiet. But since I'm now a student and I usually haveclass to attend at , 4 have to get up early in themorning. To make sure I get enough sleep, I usually take anap in the afternoon ifI can.
Think and speak 1-2
2. Though it may be true that "early to bed, and early to ri"helps you to stay physically healthy and mentally active, it'sreally hard to say that it can also make you wealthy. Actua
lly,many people who are able to make big money often have towork till late at night. Besides, it's almost impossible for usyoung people to follow an "early to bed, and early to ri"schedule since we have lots of schoolwork to do every day.Even if we are free sometimes, we will not go to bed earlybut try to have some kind of entertainment with friends orclassmates.
15) the best part of the day
Think and speak 1-3
3. To help pcople get a good night's sleep, I will advi themto try the following tips:
喝酒的句子说说心情First, keep a regular sleep schedule. Try to go to bed at thesame time each night and wake up at the same time eachmorning. Second, make the bedroom sleep- friendly. Kcepnoi down, keep the room cool, and make sure the bed iscomfortable. Third, try relaxing bedtime rituals. For example,read a book or magazine by a soft light, take a war
男插女图片m bath,listen to soft music, do some easy, stretches, breathe deeply,etc. Fourth, cat and drink properly. Stay away from bigmeals at night. Try warm milk and whole wheat bread, avoidcaffeine, and avoid drinking too much liquids in the evening.