第46卷,第4期 2 〇 1 9年8月
Hunan Forestry Science & Technology
A ug.,2019
DOI:10. 3969/j.issn.1003-5710. 2019. 04. 004
谭柏韬,周志远,谭志明,王成方,谭锋,蒋传海•飞蛾槭等树种在石漠化地区栽培试验[J].湖南林业科技,2019,46(4) :23 -27.
TAN B T,ZHOU Z Y,TAN Z M,WANG C F,TAN F,JIANG C H.Cultivation experiment of Acer oblongum and other tree species in rocky dertification area[J].Hunan Forestry Science &Technology,2019 ,46 (4) :23 -27.
(1.郴州市林业科学研究所,湖南郴州423000 ;2.汝城县林业局,湖南汝城424100;
女王翻译摘要:石漠化地区生态治理,树种选择是关键。选择飞蛾槭、长花厚壳树、光蜡树等3个树种,分别在中、轻度石漠化地区进行栽培试验。结果表明:不同树种的造林成活率和保存率均存在显著差异;光蜡树的造林成 活率和保存率都最高,在中度石漠化地区分别为94. 1%、92.2%,在轻度石漠化地区分别为97.丨%、94.丨%。
造林3.5年后,不同树种生长量的差异也显著,其中光蜡树生长量最大,在中度石漠化地区平均树高2.03 m ,
平均地径3.0 cm;在轻度石漠化地区平均树高2.55 m,平均地径4.lc m,且都生长良好。飞蛾槭和长花厚壳 树在中度石漠化地区均生长不良,在轻度石漠化地区则都生长较好。初步认为,飞蛾槭、长花厚壳树只适合在 轻度石漠化地区栽培,而光蜡树在中、轻度石漠化地区栽培效果皆较好,可推广应用。
中图分类号:S792.35 文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-5710 (2019 )04-0023-05
Cultivation experiment of Acer oblongum and other
tree species in rocky dertification area
TAN Baitao1, ZHOU Zhiyuan1, TAN Zhiming2,
WANG Chengfang3, TAN Feng2, JIANG Chuanhai3
(1. Forestry Institute of Chenzhou City,Chenzhou423000, China;
2.Forestry Bureau of Rucheng County,Rucheng424100, China;
3.Forestry Bureau of Linwu County,Linwu424300, China)
A bstract:The lection of tree species is the key of ecological control in rocky dertification areas. Acer oblongum y
Ehretia longiflora and Fraxinus griffithii were lected for cultivation experiments in moderate and mild rocky
dertification areas. The results showed that there were significant differences in survival rate and prervation rate among
different tree species. The survival rate and prervation rate of F. griffithii are the highest, reached 94. 1%, 92. 2% in
绿色环保知识>三千万日元moderate rocky dertification area and reached 97. I %, 94. I %in mild rocky dertification area There were also
significant differences in the growth of different tree species after three and a half years. F. griffithii have the largestlol客服
校园安防growth in tree height and ground diameter, which reached 2. 03 m and 3. 0 cm in moderate rocky dertification area,
2. 55 m and 4. 1cm in mild rocky dertification area. .4. oblongum and E. longiflora grew poorly in moderate rocky
dertification areas, but better in mild rocky dertification areas. It is considered preliminarily that A. oblongum and
E. longiflora are only suitable for cultivation in mild rocky dertification areas, while
F. griffithii has better cultivation
收稿日期:2019 - 04 -11孩子喜欢吃的菜
基金项目:中央财政林业科技推广项目“飞蛾槭、长花厚壳树繁育与栽培技术在石漠化地区的推广示范”([2015] XT012)