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计算机专业英语阅读材料  submitted at 2004-9-29 17:51:00
计算机英语(1 Desktop Pattern In the graphical ur interface of Microsoft Windows 98,a graphical pattern-called wallpaper-displayed on the desktop (the background "beneath" windows, icons, and dialog boxes). The pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chon by the ur. To change the desktop pattern, choo Display from the Control Panel.
桌面图案在Microsoft Windows 98的图形用户界面中,一种显示在桌面上称为壁纸(Wallpaper )的图形图案(窗口、图标和对话框后面的背景),屏幕背景可由用户选择图案样式或画面。要改变桌面图案时,从控制面板上选择显示方式。
计算机英语(2 Federated Databa In scientific networking ,a collaborative databa (part of a collaborator) in which scientists pool their knowledge and discoveries .Federated databas are one propod solution to the Grand Challenges——problems that are so complex that they far outstrip the capabilities of individual scientists ,or even individual rearch institutions ,to tackle them independently. 联合式数据库在科学联网中,科学家们汇集其知识和发现的一种合作数据库(合作的一部分)。联合数据库是对种种重大挑战问题(Grand Challenges)的一种建议性的解决方案——这些问题太复杂,以致于超出单个科学家的能力,甚至单个研究所都无法来单独解决它们。
计算机英语(3 Collap When creating an outline or viewing a directory tree (such as in the Windows Explorer ),the process of hiding all the outline levels or subdirectories below the lected outline heading or directory.
计算机英语(4 Collision In local area networks (LANs) ,a garbled transmission that results when two or more workstations transmit to the same network cable at exactly the same time . Networks have means of preventing collisions.
计算机英语(5 Shift key A key that ,when presd in combination with another key ,gives the other key an alternative meaning ;for example ,producing an upperca character when a letter key is presd .The Shift key is also ud in various key combinations to create nonstandard characters and to perform special operations .Early IBM keyboards labeled the Shift key only with a white arrow .Later keyboards label this key with the word Shift.
上档键(又译为换档键) 当一个键与另一个键组合使用时,它可改变另一个键的含义,例如,在按下某个字母键时产生大写字母。上档键也可用在各种键组合中,以生成非标准字符和执行特殊操作。早期IBM键盘仅用一个白色箭头标明换档键,后来的键盘用Shift标明这个键。
计算机英语(6 Shortcut In Microsoft Windows 98,an icon that provides fast access to a program .A fter you create the shortcut ,you e the program's icon on the desktop ,where you can start it quickly by double-clicking the icon.
快捷方式在Microsoft Windows 98中提供的对程序进行快速访问的图标。当你建立了快捷方式后,你在桌面上就看到了该程序的图标,通过双击图标你就可以迅速地启动该程序。
计算机英语(7 Shortcut Key A key combination that provides one-stroke access directly to a command or dialog box ,bypassing any intermediate menus.
计算机英语(8 Signature In electronic mail and UNet newsgroups ,a brief file (of approximately t hree or four lines )that contains the message nder's name ,organization ,address ,e-mail address ,and (optionally )telephone numbers .You can configure most s ystems to add this file automatically at the end of each message you nd .Ne tiquette advis against long ,complicated signatures ,especially when posting to UNet .In virus-protection utilities ,program code identifiable as belongi ng to a known virus.
计算机英语(9 Wait state A microprocessor clock cycle in which nothing occurs .A wait state is programmed into a computer system to allow other components ,such as random-access memory (RAM) ,to catch up with the central processing unit (CPU) .The number of wait states depends on the speed of the processor in relation to the speed of memory .Wait states can be eliminated—resulting in a "zero wait state" machine—by using fast (but expensive )cache memory ,interleaved memory ,page-mode RAM ,or static RAM chips.
计算机英语(10 Portal A Web site that rves as a gateway to the Internet .A portal which may be a arch engine or a directory web page is a collection of links ,content , and rvices designed to guide urs to information they are likely to find interesting —news , weather , entertainment , commerce sites , chat rooms , and so on . Yahoo! ,Excite , ,Infoek ,AOL ,Lycos and Netscape NetCenter are examples of portals .A web page is the starting point for web surfing .
门户一种Web站点,其作用是相当于Internet入网的网关。门户可能是一种搜索引擎或目录网页,是链路、内容和服务的总称,旨在将用户引导到他们很可能感兴趣的信息——消息、天气、娱乐、商业站点、聊天室等等。Yahoo!Exicte怖客InfoekAOLLycos 以及Netscape NetCenter等即为门户的实例。一个网页是Web浏览的起始点。
计算机英语(11 Packet Internet Groper (PING) A program ud to test whether a particular network destination is online ,by nding an Internet control message protocol (ICMP) echo request and waiting for a respon .(Also called packet internet gopher).
包因特网查询工具(PING) 用于通过发送一个Internet控制消息协议(ICMP)回送请求并等待应答来测试一个特定网络目的地是否联机的一种程序。也称作包因特网花滑选手gopher工具。
计算机英语(12 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) A style sheet mechanism that has been specifically developed for Web page designers and urs .Style sheets describe how documents are prented on screens ,in print ,and even in spoken voice. Style sheets allow the ur to change the appearance of hundreds of Web pages by changing just one file .A style sheet is made up of rules that tell a browr how to prent a document .Numerous properties may be defined for an element ;each property is given a value.
层叠样式表(CSS) 专门为Web网页设计者和用户开发的一种样式表机制。样式表描述了文件怎样显示在屏幕上,怎样被打印出来,甚至怎样用语言说出来。样式表允许用户通过仅更改一个文件来改变数百个Web页的外观。一个样式表由许多告诉浏览器怎样表示一个文件的规则组成。可以为一个元素确定许多特性;每个特性给出一个值。
计算机英语(13 Y2K The year that many computers may develop problems becau of lack of foresight on the part of programmers .In the 1980s and before ,most computer programs were designed to store only the last two digits of the years on all dates .When the Year 2000 comes ,the programs will show dates of 00,which maybe interpreted the same as 1900.This discrepancy may cau widespread problems ,especially in the large computer systems ud in government and big industries.
计算机英语(14墨子非攻 Dynamic HTML (DHTML) HTML documents with dynamic content ;the three components of DHTML pages are HTML ,JavaScript ,and cascading style sheets .The three components are tied together with DOM ,the Document Object Model. 动态HTML文件 (DHTML) 含有动态内容的HTML文档;DHTML页面的三个组成部分为HTMLJavaScript和层叠样式表。这三个部分与DOM(熬夜头疼怎么缓解文档对象模型)联结在一起。
计算机英语(15 Gopher A document retrieval system from the University of Minnesota .Through Gopher ,a ur can access files from many different computers by looking through hierarchical menus to find specific topics .A document may be a text ,sound ,image ,or other type file .A program called Jughead can be ud to arch for topics found within Gopher files .Gopher sites can now be accesd through the World Wide Web.
Gopher工具明尼苏达大学的一个文档检索系统。通过Gopher工具软件,用户可通过浏览分级菜单查找具体主题而从许多不同的计算机中访问文件。文档可以是文本、声音、图像或其它类型文件。可用一种称为Jughead (Jonzy's Universal Gopher Hierarchy Excavation and Display的缩写)的程序来检索在Gopher文件内发现的主题。现在Gopher网址可通过WWW访问。
计算机英语(16 Quality Assurance A system of procedures carried out to ensure that a product or a system adheres or conforms to established standards .Also called quality control.
计算机英语(17 Quality of Service Generally ,the handling capacity of a system or rvice ;the time interval between request and delivery of a product or rvice to the client or customer .In computer technology ,the guaranteed throughput (data transter rate) level.
服务质量(QoS) 通常,指一个系统或服务的处理能力。从提出请求到向用户或客户提交一种产品或服务之间的时间间隔。在计算机技术中,指所保证的吞吐(数据传输率)水平。
计算机英语(18 Query In databa management ,a arch question that tells the program what kind of data should be retrieved from the databa .An effective databa management system lets you retrieve only the information you need for a specific purpo .A query specifies the characteristics (criteria) ud to guide the computer to the required information.
计算机英语(19 Query By Example (QBE) In databa management programs ,a query technique ,developed by IBM for u in the QBE program ,that prompts you to type the arch criteria into a template rembling the data record .The advantage of query-by-example retrieval is that you don’t need to learn a query language to frame a query .When you start the arch ,the program prents a screen that lists all the data fields that appear on every data record ;enter information that restricts the arch to just the specified criteria .The fields lift bland ,however ,will match anything.
按例查询 在数据库管理程序中,IBM开发的用于QBE程序的一种查询技术,提示你将检索条件键入一个类似的数据记录的模板中。按例查询检索的优点在于你不需要学习查询语言来构建查询。当你开始检索时,程序便展示出一个屏幕,列出出现在每个数据记录中的数据段;输入将检索限制在仅为规定条件的信息。然而剩下的空白字段将可匹配任何内容。
计算机英语(20 Query Language In databa management programs ,a retrieval and data-editing language you u to specify what information to retrieve and how to arrange the retrieved information on-screen or when printing .The dot-prompt language of dBASE is a full-fledged query language ,as is Structured Query Language (SQL) ,which is ud for minicomputer and mainframe databas and is growing in popularity in the world of personal computers .The ideal query language is a natural language ,such as English. 查询语言在数据库管理程序中,用来规定检索何种信息以及屏幕上如何安排检索信息或何时打印的一种检索和数据编辑语言。dBASE的点提示符语言是非常成熟的查询语言,如结构化查询语言(SQL),这种语言用于小型机和大型机数据库,并且正在个人机领域普及。理想的查询语言是自然语言,如英语。
计算机英语(21 ARPAnet A wide area network (WAN) .A network that connected Department of Defen rearch sites across America. Created in 1969 with funding from the Advanced Rearch Projects Agency (ARPA) .Undergoing constant rearch and development in the early-to mid-1970s,ARPAnet rved as the test bed for the development of TCP/IP( the protocols that make the Internet possible ).A Major goal of the ARPAnet project was to increa the military's command and control capability by enabling communication across a variety of physically dissimilar media ,including satellites .An allied goal was to create a robust network capable of withstanding outages ,such as tho that might result from a nuclear exchange .ARPAnet met the objectives ,but it also surprid its creators :It was found in short order that most ARPAnet urs preferred to u the network for communication ,such as electronic mail and discussion groups .Initially ,the ARPAnet was available only to government rearch institutes and to universities holding Department of Defen (DoD) rearch contracts .In 1983,ARPAnet was divided into a high-curity military network (Milnet )and an ARPAnet that was recast as a rearch and development network .Although it formed the foundation of the Internet ,
it was decommissioned in 1990. ARPA;阿帕网 ARPAnet系一种广域网(WAN),一种连接整个美国的国防部研究机构的网络。它是由美国高级研究规划署(ARPA)提供资金,1969年创建的。ARPA网作为开发TCP/IP(一种使互连网成为可能的协议)的试验台,70年代的早期到中期就进行了不断的研究和开发。ARPA网项目的主要目标是通过能够在各种实际不相似的媒介(包括卫星)上进行通信来提高军事指挥与控制的能力。一个相关联的目标是建立一种能够耐受故障(诸如那些可能由核交换导致的故障)的健壮网络。ARPA网满足了这些要求,读一本好书但也令其创建者惊奇的是,立即就发现大多数ARPA网用户更愿意将该网用于通信,如电子邮件和讨论组。最初,ARPA网仅用于政府研究机构和持有国防部研究合同的大学。1983,ARPA网被分成高安全性军事网(Milnet)和作为一个研究和开发网络而重建的ARPA网。尽管ARPA网构成了因特网的基础,但它最终于1990年退役。
计算机英语(22 Artifact An unwanted graphic ,usually small ,that remains on a screen after an image is distorted by a mistake ,omission ,or limitation in graphics software or hardware .Artifacts may cau pixels to be dropped or to clump together .Other types of artifacts occur when the quality of a videotape is poor (if metal particles flake off the tape ,for example )or when decompression is faulty. 假象由于错误、删除或图形软硬件中的局
计算机英语(23 Access Site Location on a network where urs can find data or programs .Each site has a unique name .For example ,at Washington University State Library ,there is an archive databa stored on a particular computer .It can be accesd by someone who has logged onto the Internet and entered the name "wuarchive.wustl.edu." A woman in Florida or a man in Beijing can each retrieve the files they need from the databa .A site’s address generally says something about what kind of organization is offering the data. 访问站点网络上的位置,用户可从那里找到数据或程序。每个站点都有一个唯一的名称。例如,华盛顿大学州立图书馆有一个存储在特殊计算机上的档案数据库,它可由登录到因特网上访问并输入干部履历表"wuarchive.wust1.edu."这个域名的某个人访问。佛罗里达州的一位女士或北京的一位先生可各自从该数据库中检索他们所需要的文件。一个站点的地址一般告诉什么机构在提供这些数据。

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