TA Report Header Description
AAVN RAVRSN00Recalculate ba insurable value ABAA SAPMA01B Unplanned depreciation
ABAD SAPMF05A Ast Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer ABAD0SAPMABADR Derivation: Initial Screen
ABAKN SAPLAMDP Last Retirement on Group Ast ABAON SAPLAMDP Ast Sale Without Customer ABAV SAPMA01B Ast Retirement by Scrapping ABAVN SAPLAMDP Ast Retirement by Scrapping ABAW SAPMA01B Balance sheet revaluation
ABCO SAPMA01B Adjustment Posting to Areas
ABF1SAPMF05A Post Document
ABGF SAPMA01B Credit Memo in Year after Invoice ABGL SAPMA01B Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoic ABIF SAPMA01B Investment support
ABMA SAPMA01B Manual depreciation
ABMR SAPMA01B Manual transfer of rerves
ABMW SAPLAB01Rever ast trans. using doc. no. ABNA SAPMA01B Post-capitalization
双鱼座的特点ABNAN SAPLAMDP Post-Capitalization
ABNC SAPMA01B Enter post-capitalization
ABNE SAPMA01B Subquent Revenue
ABNK SAPMA01B Subquent Costs
ABNV SAPMSNUM Number range maint: FIAA-BELNR ABSO SAPMA01B Miscellaneous Transactions
ABST RAABST01Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA
ABST2RAABST02Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA
ABT1SAPLAMDP_OLD Intercompany Ast Transfer
ABT1N SAPLAMDP Intercompany Ast Transfer
ABUB SAPLABUM Transfer between areas
压抑的图片ABUMN SAPLAMDP Transfer within Company Code ABZE SAPMA01B Acquisition from in-hou productio ABZK SAPMF05A Acquisition from purcha w. vendor ABZO SAPMA01B Ast acquis. autom. offt. postin ABZON SAPLAMDP Acquis. w/Autom. Offtting Entry ABZP SAPMA01B Acquistion from affiliated company ABZS SAPMA01B Enter write-up
ABZU SAPMA01B Write-up
ABZV SAPMF05A Ast Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acc AB01SAPMA01B Create ast transactions
AB02SAPLAB01Change ast document
AB03SAPLAB01Display Ast Document
AB08SAPLAB01Rever Line Items
ACBD ATPBD001Display Shared Buffer: ATP Check ACCR MENUACCR Personal Menu Volker Hofmann ACCR01SAPMACCR01Create Accrual/Deferral Document ACCR02SAPMACCR01Change Accrual/Deferral Document ACCR03SAPMACCR01Display Accrual/Deferral Document ACCR04RACCRPROCESS Execute Accruals/Deferrals
ACCR05RACCRAPPLOG Display Accruals/Deferrals Log ACCR06RACCRAPPLOGDEL Delete Accruals/Deferrals Log
ACCR07RACCRREVERSAL Rever Accruals/Deferrals
ACEC ACE_IMG Accrual Engine - IMG
ACEPP ACEPS_PERIODIC_Accrual Engine - Periodic Postings ACEREV ACEPS_REVERSAL_Rever Postings
ACNR SAPMSNUM No. Range Maintenance: Ext. Service ACTL SAPLKAZB INTERNAL: Work List
AC00MENUAC00Service Master
AC01SAPLBAS0Service Master
AC02SAPLBAS0Service Master
AC03SAPLBAS0Service Master
AC04SAPLBAS0Service Master
AC05RXASMD10List Processing: Service Master
AC06RXASMD10List Display: Service Master
AC08RBDSESRV Send rvice
AC10RMMLCLST Class Hierarchy with Services
AD08SAPMSD08Enter G/L Account Posting
AD20SAPLSD30Search help maintenance (for IMG) AD21SAPMSD20Matchcode maintenance (for IMG) AFAB RAPOST2000Post depreciation
AFABN RAPOST2000Post Depreciation
AFAF RAT08400Asts with errors
AFAMA RAVCLUST View Maint. for Deprec. Key Method AFAMD RACSTABL View Maint. Declining-Bal. Method AFAMH RAVCLUST Maintain Maximum Amount Method AFAMP RACSTABL View Maint. Period Control Method AFAMR RACSTABL View Maintenance Ba Method AFAMS RAVCL
UST View Maint. Multi-Level Method AFAMSK RAVCLUST Method: Levels in Calendar Years AFAR RAAFAR00Recalculate Depreciation
AFBD RABUCH20Recreate Dep. Batch Input Session AFBN RAFABNEW Include New Depreciation Area AFBP RAPOST2001Create depreciation posting log AFWA SAPMJBRA Create Maintain Analysis Structures AFWFL SAPMAFWCH_FL AFWCH: Filter Maintenance
AFWO1RAFWGO_SHOWEP1Single Records Procedure: Monitorin AFWO2RAFWGO_SHOWEP2Final Results Procedure: Monitoring AFWS SAPMAFWCH_SEGMC Maintain Segment Level Characterist AFX_WB AFX_WORKBENCH Archiving Workbench
在岗AIAB SAPMA15B AuC Assignment of Dist. Rule
AIAO SAPMV76A C AM Maint. list vers. gen. line it AIAZ SAPMA15B Display Dist. Rule Allocation
AIBU SAPMA12B Transfer Ast under Const.
AIIO SAPMV76A C AM Maintain List Version AuC AISF RJBRSVAC FX Exposure
AISFSS RJBRSVAC Single Value Analysis: FX Exposure AISS RJBRSVAC Single Val. Analysis - Sensitivitie AIST SAPMA12B Rever Settlement of AuC
AJAB RAJABS00Year-End Closing
AJRW RAJAWE00Fiscal Year Change
虎纹捕鸟蛛有害垃圾有哪些AKAB SAPMWAKA List purchasing arrangements
AKE1SAPMV13A Create Conditionsox法案
AKE10SAPMV13A Transfer Prices: Display Overhead AKE2SAPMV13A Change Condition
AKE3SAPMV13A Display Condition
AKE4SAPMV13A Copy Condition
AKE5SAPMV13A PCA Transfer Prices: Create Prices AKE6SAPMV13A PCA Transfer Prices: Change Prices AKE7SAPMV13A PCA Transfer Prices: Display Prices AKE8SAPMV13A Transfer Prices: Create Overhead AKE9SAPMV13A Transfer Prices: Change Overhead AKKO SAPMWAKA Promotion pur. pr. conditions
AKVA SAPMWAKA List sales arrangements
AKVK SAPMWAKA Promotion sales price conditions
ALM_01RJBACFART2KNZ ALM: Assign CF Type to CF Indicator ALO1RASHLO00Determine ASH/DOREX Relationships AL02RSDB0000Databa alert monitor
AL03RSRZOLD Operating system alert monitor
AL04RSSTAT85Monitor call distribution
AL05RSSTAT27Monitor current workload
AL08RSUSR000Urs Logged On
AL11RSWATCH0Display SAP Directories
AL12RSDBBUFF Display table buffer (Exp. ssion)
AL13RSTUNSHM Display Shared Memory (Expert mode) AL15RSHOSTLD Customize SAPOSCOL destination
AL16RSHOST07Local Alert Monitor for Operat.Syst
AL17RSRZOLD Remote Alert Monitor f.Operat. Syst AL18RSRZOLD Local File System Monitor
AL19RSRZOLD Remote File System Monitor
AMRP RMCPAMRP Send Stock/Requirements List
AM04SAPMA01A Changes to Ast Class
AM05RACSTABL Lock Ast Class
ANHAL RAVCLUST Maintain Cutoff Value Key
ANKA RAMUST03Directory of ast class
ANKL AWIZ_ANKL Generate Ast Class
ANK0RAVCLUST Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Ast Class Data ANK1RAVCLUST Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Control Specif. ANK2RAVCLUST Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Allocations
ANK3RAVCLUST Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Net Worth Valuat. ANK4RAVCLUST Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Insurance Data ANVEST RAVCLUST Maintain Investment Support Measure AOBK RACSTABL Dep
reciation areas/Reduction rules AOLA RAVC0ALA Master Data Tab
AO21RAVCLUST Screen layout for deprec. areas
AO33RAVCLUST Net worth tax field lection
AO42RAVCLUST Insurance field lection
AO51RAVCLUST Leasing field lection
AO67RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO68RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO73RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO74RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO75RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO76RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO77RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO78RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO79RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO80RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO81RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO82RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO83RACSTABL Define Transaction Type
AO88RAVCLUST Acct.Assignmt for Investment Suppor AO91RACSTABL Specify field group authorization
距的成语AO92RACSTABL Logical field groups
ARQ0RAQUER01FIAA - Ad hoc reports
ARTE RWARTREPL Replace Articles in Layout Modules ART0RATREE00FIAA - Info system
AR01RABEST_ALV01Call Ast List
AR02RAGITT_ALV01Call Up Ast History Sheet
AR03RAHAFA_ALV01Call Up Depreciation List
AR04RAKAFA_ALV01Call Up Depreciation + Interest Lis AR05RAZUGA_ALV01Call Up Ast Acquisition List
AR06RAABGA_ALV01Call Up Ast Retirement List
AR07RAUMBU_ALV01Call Up Ast Transfer List
AR08RABIKA_ALV01Call Up Depreciation Compare List AR09RAVERM_ALV01Call Up Property List
AR10RAVERS_ALV01Call Up Insurance List
AR11RAINZU10Investment Grants
AR11N RAINZU10N Investment Grants
AR12RAANLA_ALV01Call Up Ast Directory
AR13RAKOPL02Call Up Prim. Cost Plan. Dep./Int. AR14RAMAFA_ALV01Call Up Manual Depreciation List
AR15RAAEND01Changes to Master Record
AR16RAAEND02Changes to Ast Class
AR17RALEAS01Call Up Leasing Liability List
AR18RASIMU02Call Up Depr.Simulation
AR19RAHERK01Call Up List of Origins
AR20RAUSAG_ALV01Retirement comparison
AR21RAUSMQ10Mid-quarter Alert Report
AR22RAUSAG_ALV04Analysis of retirment revenue
AR23RAITAR01Italy: Ast register
AR24RAITAR02Italy: Asts at 3rd party
AR25RAGAFA_ALV01Depreciation posted
AR26RASOPO_ALV01Call up special rerve list
AR27RAKOMP_ALV01Call up: Group ast list
AR28RAHIST02Call up ast history
AR29RAAUFW01FI-AA Manual Revaluation
AR29N RAAUFW02Re- and New Valuation of Asts
AR30RAWORK01Display Worklist
AR31RAWORK10Edit Worklist
AR32RABEST_ALV01Call Create Worklist
AR32N RABEST_ALV01Call Create Worklist
AS_AFB SAPLAS_AFB Archive File Browr
ASCC SAPLASEL Asts on My Cost Center - GUI Vers ASEM SAPLASEL My asts
ASIM SAPLAMDP_OLD Simulation of ast posting
ASKB RAPERB00Periodic Ast Postings
ASKBN RAPERB2000Periodic APC Posting Run
AS01SAPLAIST Create Ast Master Record
AS02SAPLAIST Change Ast Master Record
AS03SAPLAIST Display Ast Master Record
AS04SAPMA01A Ast Changes
AS05SAPLAIST Block Ast Master Record
AS06SAPLAIST Delete Ast Record/Mark for Delet. AS08SAPMSNUM Number Ranges:Ast Number
AS100SAPMALSMEX Legacy Data Transfer using Excel
AS11SAPLAIST Create Ast Subnumber
AS21SAPLAIST Create Group Ast
AS22SAPLAIST Change Group Ast
AS23SAPLAIST Display Group Ast
AS24SAPLAIST Create Group Ast Subnumber
AS25SAPLAIST Block group ast
AS26SAPLAIST Mark group ast for deletion
AS81SAPLAIST Create Old Group Asts Data
AS82SAPLAIST Change old group ast
AS83SAPLAIST Display old group ast
AS84SAPLAIST Create legacy group ast subnumber AS91SAPLAIST Create Old Ast
AS92SAPLAIST Change Old Ast
AS93SAPLAIST Display Old Ast
AS94SAPLAIST Create Legacy Ast Subnumber ATPS SAPLATPS ATP Check: Send Customizing ATRA SAPMS38T ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis
AT01SAPLAIST Create Ast Master Record (old)
AT02SAPLAIST Change Ast Master Record (old)
AT03SAPLAIST Display Ast Master Record (old)
AT11SAPLAIST Create Ast Subnumber (Old)
AT21SAPLAIST Create Group Ast (old)
AT22SAPLAIST Change Group Ast (old)
AT23SAPLAIST Display Group Ast (old)
AT24SAPLAIST Create Group Ast Sub-Number (old) AT81SAPLAIST Create Old Group Ast (old)
AT82SAPLAIST Change Old Group Ast (old)
AT83SAPLAIST Display Old Group Ast (old)
AT84SAPLAIST Display Old Group Ast Sub-No.(old AT91SAPLAIST Create Old Ast (old)
AT92SAPLAIST Change Old Ast (old)
AT93SAPLAIST Display Old Ast (old)