
更新时间:2023-07-12 07:44:29 阅读: 评论:0

1. 功成名就 (Achieve success and fame)
总经理的英文2. 功成身退 (Achieve success and withdraw from the limelight)
3. 功成不居 (Achieve success but remain humble)
4. 随功走 (Reap rewards bad on performance)
5. 得偿所愿 (Get what one wishes for)
6. 尽心尽力 (Put in one's full effort and be rewarded)
7. 功被赏赐 (Achieve success and be rewarded)
8. 功成不负有心人 (Success does not disappoint the determined)
9. 有心人终有贵人 (Tho who are determined will eventually find someone to support them)
10. 功成又归 (Achieve success and return home)
11. 功成事定 (Achieve success and everything will be ttled)
12. 功盖天下 (Achieve great success and leave a lasting legacy)
13. 一帆风顺 (Smooth sailing)
14. 功勋卓著 (Achieve remarkable contributions)
15. 功亏一篑 (Miss out on success by a small margin)
16. 水到渠成 (Everything falls into place)
郭沫若的诗集有17. 功遂身退 (Achieve success and retire gracefully)
18. 鱼跃龙门 (A fish leaping over the dragon gate - achieving great success)
19. 功名利禄 (Achieve fame and fortune)
h3c路由器登录地址20. 功成名就 (Achieve success and become famous)
21. 功在不舍 (Achieve success but not become complacent)
22. 功德无量 (Achieve boundless merits)
23. 功成名遂 (Achieve success and fulfill one's ambitions)
24. 功无不克 (Achieve victories in all endeavors)
25. 功成身退 (Achieve success and retire from the stage)
26. 锲而不舍 (Pervere and never give up)
27. 勤劳有功 (Diligence leads to success)
28. 凭借努力 (Through hard work)
29. 硕果累累 (Harvest plenty of fruits)
30. 功成劳动 (Achieve success through hard work)
31. 一鸣惊人 (Stun the world with one's achievements)
32. 力争上游 (Strive to get ahead)
33. 功德无量 (Achieve boundless merits)
34. 功成不居 (Achieve success but stay low-key)
35. 功成名遂 (Achieve success and fulfill one's aspirations)
36. 功成身退 (Achieve success and retire gracefully)
37. 功被赏赐 (Achieve success and receive rewards)
38. 步步高升 (Ri steadily and consistently)
39. 功业丰收 (Achieve great success and harvest plentiful results)
40. 功过不酬 (Achieve success but not be rewarded accordingly)
41. 始终不渝 (Remain steadfast and unwavering)
42. 辛勤耕耘 (Work diligently in cultivation)
43. 功勋卓著 (Achieve remarkable contributions)
44. 苦尽甘来 (Go through hardships and finally taste the sweetness of success)
45. 功名利禄 (Achieve fame and fortune)
珠海情侣路46. 功成名就 (Achieve success and become famous)
47. 功在不舍 (Achieve success but never be complacent)
48. 动之以情,晓之以理 (Persuade with emotions, enlighten with reason)
49. 扁舟子瓢泛 (Start from humble beginnings, gradually making progress)
50. 功成身退 (Achieve success and withdraw from the public eye)
51. 功遂身退 (Achieve success and retire peacefully)
52. 功成名就 (Achieve success and gain fame)
53. 功成事定 (Success is assured when the achievement is completed)
54. 千锤百炼 (Undergo numerous trials and tribulations)
55. 功不可没 (Credit should be given where it's due)
56. 功亏一溃 (Fail to achieve success due to a small mistake)
57. 功名利禄 (Achieve fame and fortune)
58. 功业有成 (Achieve great success in one's undertakings)
59. 锲而不舍 (Be persistent and unwavering)
60. 一举成名 (Become famous in one fell swoop)
61. 成功在望 (Success is within reach)
62. 功髙盖世 (Achieve great success and be renowned)
63. 扶摇直上 (Ri rapidly and steadily)
64. 力争上游 (Strive to excel)
65. 励精图治 (Work diligently and govern effectively)
66. 功成名就 (Achieve success and gain fame)
67. 功成事果 (Achieve success and e the results)
68. 花好月圆 (Everything is perfect and beautiful)
69. 力挽狂澜 (Make a great effort to turn the tide)
为什么说梦话70. 滴水穿石 (Dripping water can penetrate a rock - persistence leads to success)
71. 刻苦耐劳 (Be diligent and hardworking)
72. 功遂心愿 (Achieve success and fulfill one's wishes)
73. 如愿以偿 (Have one's wish fulfilled)
74. 功成名就 (Achieve success and become famous)
75. 成功无数 (Achieve countless success)
76. 功成又归 (Achieve success and return home)
77. 功成名遂 (Achieve success and fulfill one's ambitions)
78. 功德无量 (Achieve endless merit)
79. 天道酬勤 (Heaven rewards hard work)
80. 功过不酬 (Achieve success without receiving appropriate recognition or rewards)
81. 硕果累累 (Harvest plentiful results)
82. 诚心诚意 (Be sincere and genuine)
83. 快马加鞭 (Speed up the progress with extra effort)
84. 尽职尽责 (Fulfill one's duty and responsibility)
85. 默默无闻 (Work silently and unnoticed)
86. 前程似锦 (Prospects appear bright and promising)
87. 锲而不舍 (Pervere and never give up)
88. 先苦后甜 (Bitterness comes before sweetness)
89. 因势利导 (Adapt to the situation and make the best u of it)

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