This sub-paragraph shall list all definitions of key terms ud in the document. The definitions should help the ur understand the material. If there are no definitions, type “None” as the text for this paragraph. 苏步青学校
4.0 Finish Appearance Requirements
4.1 Color (ASTM D1729)
颜色(ASTM D1729)武汉小学
Color specifications will be defined by the Industrial Design team (or its approved agent). Color tolerances will be specified in the Dell Color document (example in addendum). Finish color shall be determined from the piece part drawing or other applicable documents, and conform to the following spec: Dell Corporate Cosmetic Specification, P/N 6724U, “SPEC,DELL,COSMETIC,CORP-STD”.
颜色规格将由工业设计团队(或其认可的代理机构)定义。色彩公差将在戴尔色彩文件(如附录)中指定。最终颜色应由零件图纸或其他适用的文件确定,并符合以下规格:戴尔公司外观标准,P /N 6724U,“戴尔外观企业标准”。
Applicator shall measure L*, a* and b* at the locations specified on the piece-part drawing or other applicable document as stipulated in the Dell Corporate Cosmetic Specification, 6724U. If the location is not specified, the locations shall be approved by Dell Mechanical Engineer.
检验员应按零件图或戴尔公司外观标准6724U中规定的其他适用指定位置的文件,测量L *、a *和b *。如果文件未指定,则应由戴尔机械工程师批准。
4.2 Gloss (ASTM D523)
光泽度(ASTM D523)
Gloss specifications will be defined by the Industrial Design team (or its approved agent). Gloss tolerance will be specified in the Dell Color document (example in addendum). Finish gloss shall be determined from the piece part drawing or other applicable documents, and conform to the following spec: Dell Corporate Cosmetic Specification, P/N 6724U, “SPEC,DELL,COSMETIC,CORP-STD”.
光泽度规格由工业设计团队(或其认可的代理机构)定义。戴尔的颜色文件中(如附录)中指定了光泽度公差。最终光泽度应由零件图纸或其他适用文件确定,并符合以下规格:戴尔公司外观标准,P /N 6724U,“戴尔外观企业标准”。
Applicator shall measure the gloss at the locations specified on the piece-part drawing or other applicable document. If the location is not specified, the locations shall be approved by Dell Mechanical Engineer.
4.3 Texture or Roughness, (Ra, Rz, Rpc)
年会音乐Texture or roughness will be defined by the Industrial Design Team (or its approved agent). Applicator shall measure the texture or roughness at the locations specified on the piece-part drawing. If the location is not specified, the locations shall be approved by
Dell Mechanical Engineer. Ra, Rz, & Rpc must all be reported.
4.4 Oxide, (ASTM B244), or Dry Film Thickness
氧化物(ASTM B244),或干膜厚度
A wide variety of measurement equipment and techniques are available bad upon film or finish type. The can include the following:
1.Cross ction
3.Tape test (using micrometer)
4.Acoustic reflection
5.Electromagnetic Conductance
形容鸟叫的成语Any equipment ud for thickness measurement shall be calibrated and traceable to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and comply with ISO (International Organization for Standardization) requirements.
The master standard plaque and the applicable Dell Color document (examples in addendum) shall define the minimum dry film or oxide thickness in microns to achieve the appearance and performance requirements. It is the finish applicator’s responsibility to ensure that all coatings on the piece part meet the appearance and performance requirements as prescribed in this specification and in the applicable Dell Color Standard document.
Soft touch DFT is to be measured using only cross ction or tape method. Other methods are not permitted for soft touch DFT measurement.
5.0 Finish Performance Requirements
5.1 Adhesion (ASTM D3359)
野鸡叫声扩音器附着力测试(ASTM D3359)
For all coatings EXCEPT Conductive Coatings:
Test Parameters: 测试参数:测量参数
Curved surfaces or surfaces too small (with one dimension less than 10mm) for Cross-cut – u Method A, “X-cut Tape Test” – Permacell, 3M 250 tape, (or equivalent) shall be ud for testing purpos.
弯面或太小的表面 (有一尺寸小于10mm)要用交叉切割的方法测试的话,使用方法A,“x – cut胶带测试”- 应使用3M 250胶带 (或同等的胶带)用于测试。
Flat surfaces – where possible, u Method B, “Cross-cut Tape Test,” – Permacell, 3M 250 tape (or equivalent) shall be ud for testing purpos.
平面-在可行的位置,使用方法B,“交叉切割胶带测试”- 应使用3M 250胶带 (或同等的胶带)用于测试。
For DFT < 50 μm, make 1mm spaced cuts. For 50 μm to 125 μm, make 2mm spaced cuts. For DFT > 125 μm, u X-cut method.