文件编号Document No.:(****W-07-12) 生效日期Efficient date:信以为真2008.09.01 版 本 Revision :A 受控状态Controlled status: |
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1 | 08082801 | 08.09.01 | 文件由中文版调整为中英文对照版,文件版本重新改为A版 The edition of document has been adjusted Chine-English edition and renewed as A edition. | 8 | A |
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郑板桥书法 | | | | | |
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1 目的:Purpo
Coordinate the company internal production resources to meet the sales demands.
2 范围:Scope:
This procedure is applicable to the company finished product and component factory.
妇科千金片的功效与作用3 程序:Process
3.1 流程:
3.1 Flow:
Decide to accept the order
Sales Dept.
Confirm the production capability
Decide to outsourcing
Purchasing and planning
Provision Dept.
Production Plan arrangement
Production Dept.
Production workshop
Sales & Customs描写冬天的景色
3.2 生产计划安排Production Plan arrangement
Once the orders be accepted, Production dept. prepare the monthly production schedule, purchasing department will confirm the outsourcing materials and suppliers according to the kinds and quantities that required by orders and monthly production schedule, and purcha as per “Purcha Control Procedure (****P-07-06)”.
Production department will arrange the production schedule according to the PO delivery requirements, put the PO production time to SAP system, then arrange production schedule as final weekly sales.
3.3 生产安排及准备:Production arrangement and preparation:
Once the production workshop confirm the sales demand, they should start to arrange each related people to carry it out.
3.3.2 采购人员应及时将有关外购原辅材料购入,以保证生产计划得到执行。
Buyers should purcha the relevant outsourcing raw and auxiliary materials in time to make sure the production plan be implemented.
3.3.3 IQC及时对进厂的原辅材料进行验收。
IQC need to check and accept the purchad raw and auxiliary materials in time.
Equipment repairers should be responsible for keeping the production equipments in good conditions, and meet the production requirements.
3.3.5 生产车间装配线的生产环境应保持良好。
The production environment of asmbly line in the workshop should be kept all right.
3.3.6 有关资源不足之处,生产经理应及时提出并报主管领导批准。
Production manager should put forward the insufficiency of relevant resources, and report to supervisor leaders for approval.
3.3.7 研发部应及时提供技术图纸规范等,以加强技术方面的支持与指导。
R&D department should provide the technical drawing criterions in time to strengthen the support and guidance in technical aspect.
3.4 生产进度:Production Schedule:
3.4.1 生产车间对每日的生产完成进行统计分析,并将每日生产状况上报生产部管理层。Production workshop should stat. and analyzes the daily production performance, and report the daily production status to the production department in proper ways.
3.4.2 生产部必须了解生产计划的执行情况,并进行负荷分析。若生产计划得不到执行应分析造成原因。并及时向公司领导报告,并协调各方力量以完成计划, 必要时请求总经理协助。
Production department should know about the implementation status of production plan and do burthen analysis. If the production plan cannot be carried out, analyze the root caus and report to company leaders, coordinate with each party to fulfill the plan, and ask general manager for assistance if necessary.
3.4.3 生产计划调整应以不影响交货期为原则。
孕酮太低怎么办Adjust the production plan without affecting the delivery term.
Production plan be affected by the following conditions:
a) 因销售订单或生产订单的错误造成的
Caud by the mistakes of sales orders or production orders.
b) 因材料未齐套和未能及时到料造成的
Caud by incomplete materials and late delivery of materials
c) 生产线产能问题造成的
Caud by capability of production line
模的组词d) 因工艺原因:如测试问题、原材料问题、因产线产出少于标准产出的
所有有影响生产计划导致承诺交货期有影响的原因,都要通过生产计划员与项目经理沟通讨论出有效的Recover plan,必要时项目经理需与销售或客户沟通达成一致。
Process reasons:Such as test issue、raw material issue、output of production line less than the standard
Production planner needs to communicate and discuss with PM to get an effective Recov
ery plan for all caus that affect the production plan ,which also result in the impact on promid delivery term ; PM should communicate with sales or customers to come to an agreement if necessary.