药学英语Unit 14Text B 注释及译文

更新时间:2023-07-12 04:14:54 阅读: 评论:0

Text B How Does FDA Approve New Drugs?
Under current law, all new drugs need proof that they are effective, as well as safe, before they can be approved for marketing. But its important to realize that no drug is absolutely safe. There is always some risk of an adver reaction. Its when the benefits outweigh the risks that FDA considers a drug safe enough to approve.
1.outweigh [autˊweɪ] vt. 在重量上超过;在重要性或价值方面超过
In fact, it was only 25 years ago that U.S. drug law first embraced the idea of risk vs. benefit that now the key to new drugs approval. Providing evidence of safety before marketing was first required by Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act in 1938, but not until the Drug Amen
dments of 1962 did firms also have to show a drugs effectiveness before marketing. Before any drug gets on the market today, FDA decidesas quickly as a thorough evaluation allowswhether the studies submitted by the drugs sponsor(usually the manufacturer) show it to be safe and effective for its intend u.
电池充不进电1.embrace [im'breis] vt. 清明节英语包括; 包含;接受;信奉, 皈依
  vt. & vi. 拥抱n. 拥抱, 怀抱
2.cosmetic [kɔz'metik] n. 化妆品 adj. 化妆用的; 美容的;装点门面的
Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act联邦食品、药品和化妆法案
3.Drug Amendments [ə'mendmənts] 药品法修正案
4.thorough ['θʌu] adj. 彻底的;十足的;考虑周到的
5.sponsor ['spɔnsə] vt. 赞助, 发起, 主办n. 申办者
Promising Experimental Drugs
In May 1987, FDA published a regulation to allow broader u of promising experimental drugs such as zidovudine so that desperately ill and dying patients can receive the benefits of tho drugs years earlier than was possible before. Promising is the key word in this broadened u of unapproved drugs. FDA cant allow drugs to be ud haphazardly. Its a disrvice. says FDA medical officer Alexander Fleming, M.D., to let even a dying patient u an unproven drug unless qualified physicians believe it has some chance of helping. That only rais fal expectations and might cau needless s
uffering or hasten death. A try anything法宣在线学习登录 approach prevents physicians from quickly learning whether a drug works, and thats a disrvice to other similarly ill who could be helped by an effective drug. In other words FDA requires that experimental drugs, too, satisfy a certain benefit-to-risk ratio.
1.zidovudine电脑上怎么打字 [zi'dɔvjudi:n] n. 齐多呋定
2.desperately ['despərɪtlɪ] adv. 绝望地;不顾一切地,拼命地;
3.haphazardly [‚hæp'hæzɚdlɪ]最美的情话 adv. 偶然地;随意地;杂乱地
4.disrvice ['dis'sə:vis] 符号大全花样符号n. 伤害,虐待,不亲切的行为
5.hasten ['heɪsən] vt. & vi. 加速;催促;赶快
使用范围的前提。FDA不会允许患者在没有专业人士指导的前提下随意用药。FDA医药部的官员,医学博士Alexander Fleming指出:即使是对于濒死的患者,也要经医生认可才能使用实验阶段的药物,否则结果可能不堪设想。随意用药往往只是让患者空欢喜一场,或者让患者遭受不必要的痛苦或导致其猝死。对于医生而言,病急乱用药的方法使其无法迅速获知某种药物是否有效。这对患有此类疾病的患者而言是个不利的,原本他们可能使用有效的药物而受益。换言之,对于实验阶段的药物,FDA也要进行“风险-益处评估”才会决定是否放宽其使用范围。
So, FDA reviewers scrutinize massive amounts of information in NDAs to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of new drugs. A drug is first reviewed, however, when a sponsor submits an investigational new drug application (IND) to FDA before tests with people begin. Within 30 days, FDA must let the sponsor know whether, in its judgment, the propod test is sufficiently safe. If so, the IND is considered to be in effect and the clinical史上最难最变态绕口令 study may proceed; if not, FDA may place the study on hold until the sponsor makes needed changes.
1.reviewer [rɪ'vju:ə] n. 评论家
2.scrutinize ['skru:tn,aɪz] vt. 仔细检查,详审
Sponsors are encouraged to meet with FDA before the final pha of human test, which are the large-scale controlled clinical trials. At this conference, FDA gives advice about the design of the sponsors study plan to ensure that the trials will be acceptable. FDAs Temple puts it: We have the experience of finding and eliminating flaws in the plan that we know will give us trouble later on in the NDA review. We dont want people to carry out a large study that have no chance of being considered adequate and well-controlled. 
1.trial ['traiəl] n. 审判, 审理;测试, 试验, 考验;
2.flaw [flɔ:] n. 缺点, 瑕疵, 缺陷
Review time
国培研修计划On the date FDA receives an NDA, a review clock is started: by law, FDA has 180 days to review the application and either approve or reject it. The span from day 1 to day of approval is almost always longer than 180 days, however, both becau the initial review takes longer than that and becau it is usually necessary to carry out more than one review to resolve issues raid by the information initially submitted. Average approval time, in fact, is more like two years.
1.initial [i'niʃəl] adj.最初的, 开头的
2.resolve [ri'zɔlv] vt. & vi. 决定; 决心

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