当老外夸你“很不错”时,当老外“顺便说一句”时,当老外说“基本同意”时,他们想表达的实际含义是什么呢?而你又是如何理解的呢?快来看看老外的所言、所想,千万不要误会他们的意思,闹出笑话哦!(只有no,yes或者that is right德玛西亚之力等等才是否定或者肯定回答,不像汉语反着翻译。)
When the British say "I hear what you say. " They mean "I disagree and do not want to discuss it further." But what others understand is "He accepts my point of view."
When the British say "With the " They mean "I think you are an idiot." But what others understand is "He is listening to me."
When the British say "That's not bad. " They mean "That's good." But what others understand is "That's poor."
When the British say "That is a very brave proposal. " They mean "You are insane." But what others understand is "He thinks I have courage."
When the British say "Quite good. " They mean "A bit disappointing." But what others understand is "Quite good."
When the British say "I " They mean "Do it or be prepared to justify yourlf." But what others understand is "Think about the idea, but do what you like."
When the British say "Oh, incidentally / by " They mean "The primary purpo of our " But what others understand is "That is not very important."
When the British say "I was a bit " They mean "I am " But what others understand is "It doesn't really matter."
When the British say "Very interesting. " They mean "That is clearly nonn." But what others understand is "They are impresd."
When the British say "I'll bear it in mind. " They mean "I've forgotten it already." But what others understand is "They will probably do it."
When the British say "I'm sure it's my fault. " They mean "It's your fault." But what others understand is "Why do they think it was their fault?"
When the British say "You must come for dinner. " They mean "It's not an invitation, I'm just being polite." But what others understand is "I will get an invitation soon."
When the British say "I almost agree. " They mean "I don't agree at all." But what others understand is "He's not far from agreement."
When the British say "I only have a few minor comments. " They mean "Plea re-write completely." But what others understand is "He has found a few typos."
魔方的公式When the British say "Could we consider some other options?" They mean "I don't like your idea." But what others understand is "They have not yet decided."
必须养成习惯的一句话----Excu me
当年课本上的Excu me是每当问路或叫别人让路时用的话。Excu me是英语(课程)国家里极为重要的礼貌用语。在公共场合打喷嚏、咳嗽、打哈欠、打嗝,甚至放屁都要对大家说Excu me这是欧美小孩子5岁前就知道的事情。但是很多亚洲学生在国内从来不知道这些,过来后都没有养成这样的习惯。有人打了一个超响喷嚏后,吸吸鼻子,什么话都不说,
结果给很多外国人留下了很不好的印象。别人打喷嚏怎么办?你应该说Bless you(保佑你)!
必须慎用的一句话---- Of cour
中国人编写字典往往只解释字面意思,却不解释文字的潜台词。Of cour的字面意思是"当然",但是不太有人知道它的潜台词是"明知故问".如果别人向你询问问题,最好不要使用of cour来回答,否则别人会认为你很没有礼貌。举个例子来说,别人向你问路,问是不是向左走,你说 of cour然后别人又问,是不是到第一个拐角转弯,你又回答of cour别人就会很生气。因为你老是在说九寨沟的春天"明知故问"这个词。
什么时候应该用of cour呢?当别人请求你帮忙的时候,你可以说of cour.或者你在向别人介绍情况,对于有逻辑关系的结果进行描述时,你也可以用Of cour.
应当少用的一句话---- Do you understand? 或Understand?
其实有很多方法来问对方是否理解你所说的内容。比如说:Did I make nce?意思是,"我解释得清楚吗?"这样一来,即使对方不清楚,听上去你也是把过错推给了自己。是你的解释能力有问题,而不是对方的理解能力不好。这样就会比较礼貌。
其他类似的表达有很多:Do you follow?潜台词是,"我是不是解释得太快了",或者"我的跳跃性太大了".如果真的遇到理解能力超烂的人,你也可以婉转地问他:Are you on the same page(with me)?(你和我看的是同一页内容吗?)或者Do you read me(你了解我的意思了吗)?
应该准确运用的一句话----I know
I know的潜台词是:我早就知道了!记得KITKAT广告里的女主角吗?别人打电话过来,她一个劲地说 I know, I know,表现出非常无聊的样子。因为电话那头的人所说的东西她早就知道了。最后她只能把电话交给鹦鹉,自己跑去吃巧克力。