1. Packaging design:包装设计
2. Product packaging:产品包装
3. Consumer packaging:消费者包装
4. Industrial packaging:工业包装
5. Display packaging:展示包装
6. Packaging material:包装材料
7. Package shape:包装形状
8. Package size:包装尺寸
9. Package color:包装颜色
10. Package texture:包装质感
11. Package labeling:包装标签
12. Package printing:包装印刷
13. Package aling:包装密封
14. Package opening:包装打开方式
15. Package protection:包装保护
1. What is the target audience of the product packaging?:产品包装的目标受众是谁?
2. What is the product’s unique lling point?:产品的独特卖点是什么?
3. What is the packaging budget?:包装预算是多少?
4. What is the packaging material?:包装材料是什么?
5. What is the package shape and size?:包装形状和尺寸是什么?
6. What is the package color and texture?:包装颜色和质感是什么?
乐无边 7. What is the package labeling and printing?:包装标签和印刷是什么?
8. What is the package aling and opening?:包装密封和打开方式是什么?
9. What is the package protection?:包装保护效果如何?
1. The packaging design needs to be eye-catching and attractive to the target audience.:包装设计需要吸引目标受众的注意力。
2. The packaging material should be durable and environmentally friendly.:包装材料应该耐用且环保。
3. The package shape and size should be designed to fit the product and be easy to handle.:包装形状和尺寸应该设计得适合产品并易于携带。
4. The package color and texture should be consistent with the product’s brand image.:包装颜色和质感应该与产品品牌形象一致。
5. The package labeling and printing should clearly convey the product information and brand identity.:包装标签和印刷应该清晰地传达产品信息和品牌身份。
6. The package aling and opening should be designed for convenience and safety.:包装密封和打开方式应该考虑便利和安全。
7. The package protection should ensure the product’s safety during transportation and storage.:包装保护应该确保产品在运输和储存过程中的安全。
卧蚕和眼袋 四、包装设计英语中的实例腌鸡蛋的方法
1. Coca-Cola’s classic red and white packaging design has become a global icon, instantly recognizable to consumers around the world.:可口可乐的经典红白包装设计已成为全球标志,深受全球消费者喜爱。
2. Apple’s sleek and minimalist product packaging design reflects the company’s focus on simplicity and elegance.:苹果的简约、精致的产品包装设计展现了公司对简约和优雅的追求。
3. Nike’s bold and dynamic packaging design captures the brand’s spirit of athleticism and innovation.:耐克大胆、动感的包装设计体现了品牌的运动精神和创新精神。八字喜忌
4. Tiffany & Co.’s iconic blue box packaging design is instantly recognizable and has become a symbol of luxury and elegance.:蒂芙尼标志性的蓝色盒子包装设计独具特色,已成为奢华和优雅的象征。
5. Amazon’s frustration-free packaging design aims to reduce waste and simplify the opening process for consumers.:亚马逊的无压力包装设计旨在减少浪费并简化消费者的开箱过程。