Mr. Know All
By W. Somert Maugham(1874-1965)British writer
本⽂是⽑姆的⼀篇短篇⼩说,讲述了我与⼀名英籍黎巴嫩⼈Mr Kelada在⼀间船舱⼀起坐船从旧⾦⼭到⽇本横滨时,船上发⽣的⼀间关于珍珠项链真假的故事故事。Mr Kelada⾃称做珠宝⽣意,并且看到⼀位⼥⼠的项链要值5000美元,可是⼥⼠的⽼公说只是仿制品,值18美元。⼆⼈相争不下,准备打100美元赌。当Mr Kelada取项链时发现⼥⼠⾯⾊苍⽩,⽴刻知道了⼀切。Mr Kelada⽀付了100美元,承认是⾃⼰输了。⽂章结尾,Mr Kelada收到了门缝塞进来的100美元,并且对我说:“如果我有⼀名年轻的妻⼦,我不会让她独⾃待在家⼀年的”。
1. portholes
n. [船] 舷窗(porthole 复数)
Portholes: 舷窗| 炮门
2. ocean-going
adj. 远洋航⾏的,远洋的
ocean-going: 远洋航⾏的| 远洋
3. liners
n. [航] 班机,[⽔运] 班轮(liner的复数);衬层;挂⾯层
liners: 挂⾯层| 衬层| 对开航班
4. Yokohama [,j?uk?'hɑ:m?; 'j?:k?:'hɑ:mɑ:]
n. 横滨(⽇本⼀城市名)
Yokohama: 横滨| 横滨市| 横滨橡胶
5. wardrobe trunk
wardrobe trunk: 挂⾐箱
6. Monsieur [m?'sj?:]
n. (法)先⽣;绅⼠
monsieur: 先⽣| 罗莎冰雕| 绅⼠
7. brilliantine ['br?lj(?)nti?n]
n. 润发油;[纺] 亮光薄呢(⽺⽑与棉纱织成的织物)
vt. ⽤⽣发油梳理头发
brilliantine: 发蜡| 润发油| 光亮薄呢
8. ebony ['eb(?)n?]
n. 乌⽊,⿊檀
n. (Ebony)⼈名;(英)埃博妮
adj. 乌⽊制的,⿊檀⽊制的;似⽊的,⿊檀⽊⾊的
Ebony: 乌⽊| 乌檀| ⿊檀⽊
9. monogram ['m?n?gr?m]
n. 交织⽂字;将姓名的⾸字母组成的组合图案
vt. 把交织字母印绣刻于
Monogram: ⽂织字母| 字母组合| ⽂织字母
10. scrub [skr?b]
n. 矮树;洗擦;擦洗者;矮⼩的⼈(或物)
vt. ⽤⼒擦洗;使净化
vi. 擦洗;进⾏⼿臂消毒
adj. 矮⼩的;临时凑合的;次等的
Scrub: 磨砂式| 擦洗| 擦净
11. jolly ['d??l?]
adv. 很;⾮常
adj. 愉快的;欢乐的;宜⼈的
vt. (⼝)⽤好话劝某⼈做…;(⼝)⽤好话使⾼兴vi. (⼝)开玩笑
n. (Jolly)⼈名;(法)若利;(英、印)乔利;(德)约利Jolly: 祖莉| 愉快的| 欢乐的12. to the backbone
to the backbone: 彻底地| 彻头彻尾
13. sleek [sli?k]
adj. 圆滑的;井然有序的
vt. 使…光滑;掩盖
vi. 打扮整洁;滑动
梦幻西游答题器网页版sleek: 光滑的| 轧光斜纹棉布| 时髦的
14. bone-dry ['b?un'drai]
adj. 绝对禁酒的;极⼲燥的
bone-dry: 绝对禁酒的| 极⼲燥的| 极度⼲燥15. lemon squash
n. 柠檬⽔
Lemon Squash: 柠檬果汁| 柠檬汽⽔| 柠檬杂饮16. the Union Jack
the Union Jack: 英国国旗| 英联合王国国旗| 国旗17. Beirut [bei?ru:t]
n. 贝鲁特(黎巴嫩⼀港⼝)
BEIRUT: 贝鲁特| 贝鲁特| 卸货港
18. mister ['m?st?]
n. 先⽣;平民
vt. 称…先⽣
Mister: Mr. (KARA单曲) | 先⽣| 师长教师
19. knave [ne?v]
n. ⽆赖;流氓;(纸牌中的)杰克
n. (Knave)⼈名;(瑞典)克纳弗
knave: 流氓| 骗⼦| 不诚实的⼈
20. snub [sn?b]
vt. 冷落;严厉斥责;掐灭
n. 冷落;斥责;突然的停⽌
adj. 制动⽤的;短扁上翘的
Snub: 斥责| 责骂| 冷落
21. a good mixer
a good mixer: 善于交际的⼈
22. quoit [k??t; kw??t]
n. 铁圈;⾦属环
vi. 玩套环游戏
vt. 投掷
quoit: 圈环| 铁圈| 绳圈
23. dress ball
24. overweening [??v?'wi?n??]
adj. ⾃负的,过于⾃信的;过分的
overweening: 形容⼈妄⾃尊⼤| 唯我独尊| 骄傲的
25. Kobe ['k?ubi; -bei]
n. 神户(⽇本本州岛西南岸港市)
Kobe: 神户| 神户市| 最崇拜的⼈
26. have a fling at
have a fling at: 试做
27. voluble ['v?lj?b(?)l]
adj. 健谈的;缠绕的;易旋转的
voluble: 易旋转的| 健⾔| 健谈的
28. deprecating ['d?pr?ket??]
adj. 不以为然的;不赞成的
v. 对…表⽰不赞成;轻视(deprecate的ing形式)deprecating: 反对的| 不以为然的| 否决的
29. clasp [klɑ?sp]
n. 扣⼦,钩⼦;握⼿
vi. 扣住
vt. 紧抱;扣紧;紧紧缠绕
clasp: 扣⼦| 扣住| 别针
30. Levantine ['lev?ntain]
adj. 黎凡特的;地中海东部的;地中海东部⼈的
n. 黎凡特⼈;地中海东部⼈
Levantine: 地中海东部⼈的| 地中海东部的| 早朝
31. swarthy ['sw??e?]
adj. 黝⿊的;⿊⽪肤的领导送礼送什么好
swarthy: 黝⿊的| ⿊黝黝的| ⾚⿊
32. chaff [t?ɑ?f; t??f]
n. 糠;⾕壳;⽆价值的东西
vi. 开玩笑;打趣
vt. 开玩笑;逗趣
chaff: 箔条| ⾕壳| ⾕物的⽪壳
"Are you English?" I asked, perhaps tactlessly.
"Rather. You don`t think I look like an American, do you? British to the backbone, that`s what I am."
His long black hair was sleek and curly.
Prohibition was in force and to all appearance the ship was bone-dry.
When I am not thirsty I do not know which I dislike more, ginger ale or lemon squash.
It was impossible to snub him. It never occurred to him that he was not wanted.
He was a good mixer, and in three days knew everyone on board.
…and arranged the fancy-dress ball
and it was an affront to his overweening vanity that you should disagree with him.
I do not believe Ramsay knew anything about them at all, but he could not resist the opportunity to have a fling at the Levantine
She had a little smile on her lips and her tone was gently deprecating
Mrs Ramsay hesitated a moment. She put her hands to the clasp
The Levantine look a magnifying glass from his pocket and cloly examined it. A smile of triumph spread over his smooth and swarthy face.
You could not look at her without being struck by her modesty. It shone in her like a flower on a coat.
He handed back the chain. He was about to speak. Suddenly he caught sight of Mrs Ramsay`s face. It was so white that she looked as though she were about to faint. She was staring at him with wide and terrified eyes. They held a desperate appeal; it was so clear that I wondered why her husband did not e it.
"If I had a pretty little wife I shouldn`t let her spend a year in New York while I stayed at Kobe," said he.
力开头的四字成语"Whisky and soda or a dry martini, you have only to say the word."