Distinct expression and prognostic value of MS4A
in gastric cancer
黄庭坚书法作品期刊名称: Open Med
作者: Sun, Lei,Zhang, Yanli,Zhang, Chao冲浪的原理
期号: 第1期桑椹的作用
关键词: Membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A;Gastric紫色配色
cancer;Prognosis;mRNA expression
警官用英语怎么说摘要:Gastric cancer has high malignancy and early metastasis, which lead to poor survival rate. In this study, we assd the expressions and prognostic values of MS4A family, a newly recently discovered family, by two online datat, GEPIA and Kaplan Meier-plotter. From the results eight members, MS4A2, MS4A6,
MS4A7, MS4A8, MS4A14, MS4A15, TMEM176A and TMEM176B showed positive expression in gastric cancer or normal tissues, and the genes were screened for further analysis of prognostic values. We obrved that low mRNA expressions of MS4A2, MS4A7, MS4A14, MS4A15, TMEM176A and TMEM176B were correlated with better overall survival (OS) in all gastric cancer patients, while high mRNA expression of MS4A6 was obrved to be associated with good prognosis. MS4A8's high mRNA level was correlated to better OS in diffu gastric