我的室友《组织科学》Organiz ationScience刊登有关组织的基础性研究文章,内容涵盖了组织的程序、结构、技术、性质、能力、形式和运行等各方面。从不同学科进行研究,如组织行为和理论,战略管理,心理学,社会学,经济学,行政学、信息系统,技术管理,交流学和认知科学,是本期刊的一大特点。《组织科学》欢迎从不同层次对问题进行分析的文章,包括组织,组成组织的群体或单位,以及组织所构成的网络。
Paul Adler
Univers ity of Souther n Califor nia
Organiz ationdesign, bureauc racy, communi ty, organiz ing for innovat ion, labor relatio ns, critica l (realist) perspec tives
Univers ity of Michiga n
Technol ogy and innovat ion, network s and allianc es, organiz ationa l learnin g and rearc h
Nichola s Argyres
Washing ton Univers ity in St. Louis
Organiz ationstructu re, vertica l integra tion, contrac ting and interor ganiza tional arrange ments, technol ogy and innovat ion
J. StuartBunders on
Washing ton Univers ity in St. Louis
Group learnin g, status,power and influen ce in groups,experti diversi ty, ideolog y, and knowled ge work
怎么设置字体样式Diane Burton
Cornell Univers ity
Organiz ationa l sociolo gy, entrepr eneurs hip, human resourc e managem ent, organiz ationstructu
Gary Dushnit sky
LondonBusines s School
Technol ogy and innovat ion, entrepr eneurs hip, interor ganiza tional and collabo rative arrange ments
MarthaS. Feldman
Univers ity of Califor nia, Irvine
Organiz ationa l routine s, organiz ationa l change,organiz ationa l learnin g, theorie s of practic e, inclusi ve publicmanagem ent, interpr etiveand qualita tive rearc h
Giovann i Gavetti
Dartmou th College
Cogniti on, evoluti onarytheory, organiz ationa l learnin g, strateg ic change, strateg y
PamelaJ. Hinds
Stanfor d Univers ity
Globalteams, technol ogy and work, innovat ion practic es
Sarah Kaplan
Univers ity of Toronto
Strateg y process and practic e, framing and cogniti on, innovat ion and organiz ationa l adaptat ion, technol ogy evoluti on, emergen ce of new fields, qualita tive methods
Northwe sternUnivers ity
Organiz ationa l change,socialmovemen ts and corpora te policym aking,economi c sociolo gy, the emergen ce and transfo rmatio n of organiz ationa l identit ies
Ann Majchrz ak
Univers ity of Souther n Califor nia
Organiz ationa l communi cation, informa tion systems, innovat ion, diffusi on of innovat ion, new product develop ment, impleme ntatio n of new technol ogy, knowled ge managem ent
and transfe r, virtual teams
Bill McEvily
Univers ity of Toronto
Trust, socialnetwork s, organiz ationa l capabil ities, knowled ge transfe r
William Ocasio
Northwe sternUnivers ity
Organiz ationa l attenti on and cogniti on, institu tions,power and politic s, strateg y process es and decisio n making, corpora te governa nce
Katheri ne W. Phillip s
晨读英语Columbi a Univers ity
Diversi ty, group process es and perform ance, identit y, boundar y managem ent, and status
Phanish Puranam猪血怎么做好吃
LondonBusines s School
Organiz ationdesign, collabo rative structu res, coordin ationproblem s, formalmodels
Ray Reagans
Massach utts Institu te of Technol ogy
Economi c sociolo gy, economi cs and organiz ation, socialnetwork s, organiz ationand managem ent theory
Lori Ronko pf
羡慕英语Univers ity of Pennsyl vania
Technol ogical communi ties, organiz ationa l learnin g, interor ganiza tional network s, innovat ion diffusi on爸爸妈妈吉他谱
电脑卡住了怎么办Nancy Rothbar d
The Wharton School, Univers ity of Pennsyl vania
Organiz ationa l behavio r, work engagem ent, work-familyboundar y managem ent, emotion s and organiz ations, diversi ty
New York Univers ity
Manager ial risk taking, organiz ationa l decisio n making, negotia tions, manager ial decisio n making, managin g organiz ations
Cornell Univers ity
Institu tional theory,socialmovemen ts, entrepr eneurs hip, sustain abilit y, corpora te socialrespons ibilit y, interna tional entrepr eneurs hip
Olav Sorenso n
Yale Univers ity
Economi c sociolo gy, entrepr eneurs hip, organiz ationa l ecology, organiz ationa l learnin g, socialnetwork s
Mary Tripsas
展开想象的翅膀Technol ogy and innovat ion, technol ogy entrepr eneurs hip, emergen ce of new fields,manager ial cogniti on, organiz ationa l identit y
Klaus Weber
Kellogg Schoolof Managem ent, Northwe sternUnivers ity
Cultura l analysi s, socialmovemen ts and non-marketenviron ments,sustain abilit y, corpora te socialrespons ibilit y, institu tions, nma king
Batia Wienf eld
Stern Schoolof Busines s, New York Univers ity
Identit y, lf process es, organiz ationa l justice, virtual communi ties and virtual work
的。该杂志还出版通讯上发表的论文或当前的问题从读者的研究说明或注释的形式。编辑方面的意见,并邀请论文的实践和战略管理的发展出现时,为保证新发展。总体来说,SMJ 提供了一个沟通平
主编:Richard A. Bettis, Will Mitchel l, EdwardJ. Zajac
Richard A. Bettisis LutherH. HodgesDisting uished Profess or of Strateg ic Managem ent in the Kenan-Flagler Busines s Schoolat the Univers ity of North Carolin a, ChapelHill. Formerl y a Product Develop ment Enginee r at General Motors,he is a leading academi c, a consult ing editorof the Acad
emy of Managem ent Review, and a memberof the reviewboardsof veral leading managem ent journal s
Will Mitchel l
Profess or of Busines s Admini
Duke Univers ity's Fuqua Schoolof Busines s
EdwardJ. Zajac
Profess or of Managem ent and Organiz ations,
Northwe sternUnivers ity
13/168 (Managem ent)
栏目:Rearc h Article s,Rearc h Notes and Comment aries