会议缩写 | 会议全称 | CCF推荐等级 | 影响因子 |
FSE | ACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering | A | |
POPL | ACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages | A | 54.44 |
PLDI | ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design & Implementation | A | 36.15 |
SOSP | ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles | 圆明园事件A | 51.54 |
ICSE | International Conference on Software Engineering | A | 16.06 |
OOPSLA 自主实习申请书 | OO Programming Systems, Languages and Applications | A | 9.55 |
OSDI | USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementations | A | 66.23 |
PEPM | ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics Bad Programming Manipulation | B | 11.1 |
ECOOP | European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming | B | 33.39 |
ESEC | European Software Engineering Conference | B | 14.64 |
FM | Formal Methods, World Congress | B | 10.56 |
RE | IEEE International Requirement Engineering Conference | B | 一师一优课 13.4 |
LICS | IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science | B | 姜英语27.42 |
COMPSAC | International Computer Software and Applications Conference | B | 3.41 |
ASE | International Conference on Automated Software Engineering | B | 9.65 |
CC | International Conference on Compiler Construction | B | 13.4 |
COLING | International Conference on Computational Linguistics | B | 9.36 |
CONCUR | International Conference on Concurrency Theory | B | 19.97 |
MoDELS | International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems | B | 4.29 |
爱的表现 ICSM | International. Conference on Software Maintenance | B | 11.98 |
ICSR | International Conference on Software Reu | B | 10.2 |
ICFP | International Conf on Function Programming | B | 15 |
SAS | International Static Analysis Symposium | B | 15.28 |
ISSTA | International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis | B | 13.34 |
PASTE | ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering | C | 14.78 |
APSEC | Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference | C | 3.48 |
CAV | Computer Aided Verification | C | 30.57 |
ESOP | European Symposium on Programming | C | 18.34 |
ICECCS | IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems | C | 4.07 |
SCAM | IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation | C | 6.24 |
CAiSE | International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering | C | 7.07 |
EMSOFT | International Conference on Embedded Software | C | 7.06 |
ICFEM | International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods | C | 5.88 |
FoSSaCS | International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures | C | 11.31 |
TOOLS | International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns | C | 4.41 |
CP | International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming | C | 12.25 |
RTA | International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications | C | 9.55 |
TACAS | International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems | C | 21.97 |
SPIN | International Workshop on Model Checking of Software | C | 22.87 |
LOPSTR | International Symposium on Logic-bad Program Synthesis and Transformation | C | 6.61 |
FATES | International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software | C | 11.31 |
IWSSD | International Workshop on Software Specifications & Design | C | 13.57 |
会议缩写 | 会议全称 | CCF推荐等级 | 影响因子 |
CCS | ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | A | 33.99 | 气温英语
S&P | IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy | A | 47.92 |
CRYPTO | International Cryptology Conference | A | 51.61 |
ACSAC | Annual Computer Security Applications Conference | B | 12.01 |
ASIACRYPT | Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security | B | 20.53 |
Eurocrypt 以利沙 | Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques | B | 36.32 |
ESORICS | European Symposium on Rearch in Computer Security | B | 13.18 |
CSFW | IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop | B | 23.59 |
RAID | International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection | B | 19.59 |
NDSS | ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium | B | 39.56 |
DSN | The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks | B | 13.13 |
TCC | Theory of Cryptography Conference | B | 14.66 |
Security | USENIX Security Symposium | B | 42.57 |
IH | Workshop on Information Hiding | B | 26.15 |
WiSec | ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security | C | 7.52 |
ACM MM&SEC | ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop | C | 8.24 |
SACMAT | ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies | C | 22.32 |
SAC | ACM Symposium on Applied Computing | C | 4.33 |
DRM | ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management | C | 7.96 |
WORM | ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode | C | 30.14 |
ACNS | Applied Cryptography and Network Security | C | 7.59 |
ACISP | Australasia Conference on Information Security and Privacy | C | 7.34 |
DFRWS | Digital Forensic Rearch Workshop | C | 16.13 |
FSE | Fast Software Encryption | C | 19.61 |
FC | Financial Cryptography | C | 13.79 |
DIMVA | Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware and Vulnerability Asssment | C | 8.04 |
IWIA | IEEE International Information Assurance Workshop | C | 7.88 |
IAW | IEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop | C | 5.05 |
SEC | IFIP International Information Security Conference | C | 3.95 |
ISC | Information Security Conference | C | 8.15 |
ICICS | International Conference on Information and Communications Security | C | 6.4 |
SecureComm | International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks | C | 3.84 |
PKC | International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography | C | 16.34 |
NSPW | New Security Paradigms Workshop | C | 18.7 |
CT-RSA | RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track | C | 16.5 |
SOUPS | Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security | C | 6.79 |
CHES | Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems | C | 26.19 |
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