Untraceability of Wang-Fu Group Signature Scheme

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Untraceability of Wang-Fu Group Signature Scheme
Zhengjun Cao†Lihua Liu‡
†Center of Information Security,Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science,
Chine Academy of Sciences,Beijing,P.R.China.
‡Department of Mathematics,Shanghai Jiaotong University
Abstract Wang ly propod an improved edition bad on Tng-Jan group signature scheme[1].In the paper,we show that the scheme is
untraceable by a simple attack.
Keywords group signature scheme,full-anonymity,full-traceability.
Group signatures,introduced by Chaum and Heyst[2],allow individual members to make signatures on behalf of the group.More formally,a cure group signature scheme must satisfy the following propertie
•Unforgeability:Only group members are able to sign messages on behalf of the group.
•Anonymity:Given a valid signature of some message,identifying the actual signer is computationally hard for everyone but the group manager.
•Unlinkability:Deciding whether two different valid signatures were produced by the same group member is computationally hard.
•Exculpability:Neither a group member nor the group manager can sign on behalf of other group member.
•Traceability:The group manager is always able to open a valid signature and identify of the actual signer.
•Coalition-resistance:A colluding subt or group members(even if comprid of the entire group)cannot generate a valid signature that the group manager cannot
link to one of the colluding group members.
The anonymity and traceability of group signature scheme make it very uful in E-commerce activities[3,4].
Lee and Chang propod a group signature in1998[5],but it has rious drawbacks.Hence, Tng and Jan propod two improved group signature schemes bad on Lee-Chang scheme. Regrettably,their schemes are all incure,too.Z.C.Li et al.have prented veral attacks on them[7,8,9,10,11,12,13].Incidentally,We have given a new and simple attack in a script.
Recently,Wang and Fu propod a new edition bad on Tng-Jan scheme.In this paper, we show that the new edition is also incure by a simple attack.It shows that Wang-Fu group signature scheme is untraceable.
2Wang-Fu group signature scheme
(1)Pick two large primes p,q,such that q|(p−1),g∈GF(p)is a generator of
order q.Open p,q,g as public parameters.
(2)Member u i randomly choos cret key x i∈Z∗q,computes public key y i=
g x i(mod p).Group manager T randomly choos cret key x T∈Z∗q,computes
public key y T=g x T(mod p).
(3)Choo a cure Hash function h.
When u i join the group,he executes as follows:
(1)T randomly picks k i∈Z∗q,computes
r i=g−k i y k i
(mod p),s i=k i−r i x T(mod q)
nds s i,r i to u i in cret,keeps(s i,r i,k i)in record.
(2)After u i receives(s i,r i),he verifies
g s i y r i
T r i?=(g s i y r i
)x i(mod p)
If it holds,u i accepts(s i,r i).
Given a message m,u i randomly choos a,b,d,t∈Z∗q,computes
C=r i a−d(mod q),
A=y b i(mod p),
D=g b(mod p),
E=r a i(1+g−s i a y−r i a
)x i(mod p),
F=y d T(mod p),
B=s i a−bh(A,C,D,E,F)+bh(E,D,F)(mod q),
αi=[D h(E,D,F)+g B y C T F D h(A,C,D,E,F)](mod p),
R=αt i(mod p),
s=t−1[h(m,R)−x i R](mod q).
The signature is(s,R,A,B,C,D,E,F,m).
Verifier computes
αi=D h(E,D,F)+g B y C T F D h(A,C,D,E,F)(mod p),
δi=A h(E,D,F)[αi D−h(E,D,F)−1]E(mod p) Check
αh(m,R) i ?=δR
R s(mod p)
If it holds,then(s,R,A,B,C,D,E,F,m)is a valid group signature.
Group Manager T who knows(s i,r i,k i)of member u i,(i=1,2,···,n.)computes
v i=s−1
k i(mod q),ωi=g v i(mod p)
and checks
g B y C T F D h(A,C,D,E,F)=ωB i D[h(A,C,D,E,F)v i−h(E,D,F)v i+h(E,D,F)](mod p)
Therefore,he can reveal the signer of(s,R,A,B,C,D,E,F,m).
2.6Delete member
In recent,Bellare et al.have pointed out that full-anonymity and full-traceability are two basic requirements of group signature,one can refer to[6]or[14]for more details.Without question,it is an excellent explanation after the concept of group signature has been invented. But wefind that the improved scheme is untraceable although it overcomes some drawbacks of original scheme.
Given a message m,member u i randomly picks a,b,d,t∈Z∗q,ρ∈Z∗q,computes
C=r i a−d(mod q),
A=y b i(mod p),
D=g b(mod p),
)x i(mod p),
E=r a i(1+g−s i a y−r i a
ˆF=y d
gρ(mod p),
ˆF)+bh(E,D,ˆF)−ρ(mod q),
i a−bh(A,C,D,E,
αi=[D h(E,D,ˆF)+g B y C TˆF D h(A,C,D,E,ˆF)](mod p),
R=αt i(mod p),
s=t−1[h(m,R)−x i R](mod q).
The group signature is(s,R,A,ˆB,C,D,E,ˆF,m).
αi=D h(E,D,ˆF)+gˆB y C TˆF D h(A,C,D,E,ˆF)
=g bh(E,D,ˆF)+g s i a g−bh(A,C,D,E,ˆF)g bh(E,D,ˆF)g−ρg x T r i a g−x T d g x T d gρg bh(A,C,D,E,ˆF)
=g bh(E,D,ˆF)(1+g s i a g x T r i a)=g bh(E,D,ˆF)(1+g k i a)(mod p)
δi=A h(E,D,ˆF)[αi D−h(E,D,ˆF)−1]E(mod p)
we have
αH(m,R) i =αx i R
αts i=[g bh(E,D,ˆF)x i g k i ax i(1+g−k i a)x i]R R s
=[A h(E,D,ˆF)g k i a r a i(1+g−s i a y−r i a
)x i]R R s
=[A h(E,D,ˆF)(αi g−bh(E,D,ˆF)−1)r a i(1+g−s i a y−r i a
x i]R R s =δR i R s(mod p)
gˆB y C TˆF D h(A,C,D,E,ˆF)=g k i a g bh(E,D,ˆF)(mod p)
ωˆB i D[h(A,C,D,E,ˆF)v i−h(E,D,ˆF)v i+h(E,D,ˆF)]
=(g s−1i k i)[s i a−bh(A,C,D,E,ˆF)+bh(E,D,ˆF)−ρ]g bh(A,C,D,E,ˆF)s−1i k i g−bh(E,D,ˆF)s−1i k i g bh(E,D,ˆF)
=g k i a g bh(E,D,ˆF)ω−ρ
(mod p)
gˆB y C TˆF D h(A,C,D,E,ˆF)=ωˆB i D[h(A,C,D,E,ˆF)v i−h(E,D,ˆF)v i+h(E,D,ˆF)](mod p)
It means that the scheme is untraceable.(Underlined parts show the differentia between the attack and the original scheme!!)
Remark The two attacks prented in[7]on original Tng-Jan group signature scheme are applied to the new edition.But our attack is more simple becau it only needs to choo another random numberρ.
In the paper,we analyze Wang-Fu group signature scheme,and show its untraceability by a simple attack.We hold that the structure of Tng-Jan group signature is too loo to withstand any attacks.Various editions of the scheme have been studied in[7,8,9,10,11,12,13].It’s easy to e that the scheme has no any specialities whether in tup pha or in open pha.So, we think that it’s no necessary to make any improvements of it.
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