THU0318 Real-Life Asssment of the Validity of Patient Global Impression of Change in
笑对人生期刊名称: Annals of the Rheumatic Dias
作者: M.-A. Fitzcharles,E. Rampakakis,P.A. Ste-Marie,J.S. Sampalis,Y. Shirets考试
年份: 2014年
期号: 第Suppl 2期
三国演义读后感500字摘要:Background Asssing fibromyalgia (FM) is challenging due to the lack of hard outcomes and the need to rely on patient-reported symptoms. Completion of questionnaires by patients may be fraught with inaccuracy, and meaningful interpretation of results can only be performed with due consideration of the clinimetric properties and weakness of instruments. Global rating of change scales reprent a practical method of measuring dia verity and treatment outcomes, and may be particularly uful in routine clinical practice. Objectives To asss the validity of Patient Global Impr
ession of Change (PGIC) in patients treated in routine clinical care. Methods FM patients from a prospective cohort at a tertiary care multidisciplinary clinic with at least one follow-up (FUP) asssment were included. Dia verity at