1.Brainchild of someone 某人的主意
For example:
The electric light bulb is the brainchild of Thomas Edison, the telephone is the brainchild of Alexander Graham Bell, two 19th-century American inventors.
For example:
To t up a foundation in our college to help poor students was the brainchild of our sociology professor.
2.Does it ring any bells? 记得吗?
LL: Hey, Li Hua, does the name "Laura Wilson" ring any bells for you?
反问和设问有什么区别LH:Laura Wilson?不是那个上星期我们在网球场上碰到的那个金发女孩嘛?她为什么要为
LL:Oh, no! If someone asks you if something "rings a bell," then he is asking if you remember it. I just got a phone message from Laura Wilson and I can't remember who she is.
LH: Larry,你年纪轻轻,怎么那么健忘!Laura Wilson上星期在网球场上还跟我们说她准备
LL: Oh, now I remember who she is. Once you mentioned her plan to be a professional tennis player, then her name rang a bell with me.
LH: Larry, to ring a bell这个说法很有意思。你刚才问我,Laura的名字有没有ring a bell,就是在问我记不记得Laura。那也就是说,要是我记得的话,那我脑子里就会个铃声。
LL: It's a very vivid expression and easy to remember. Right?
LH: 对,我们和她说好下个周末一起打网球,你还记得吗?Does that ring a bell?
LL: Yeah, that rings a bell. What time were we suppod to meet her?
LH: 我记得我们约好了下午4点种在网球场碰面的。
LL: That rings a bell, too. I had better write that down so that I don't forget again.
LH: Larry, 这个星期五是2月11号,怎么样,那是什么日子啊?Does that ring a bell?
LL: It rings a bell, but I'm not sure why. Could you refresh my memory?
LH: Larry! 我真不敢相信你居然忘记了!
LL: I'm just kidding, Li Hua. Of cour, I remember that Friday is your birthday.
3.Hor around 闹着玩儿
今天Larry和Li Hua在商店里给朋友买生日礼物。
LH: 哎哟,Larry, 你看那边那两个小男孩在打架呢。他们家大人怎么也不管呐?
LL: Oh, don't worry, they're just horsing around. They won't hurt each other.
LH: 你要我别担心,说他们只是在horsing around,HORSE这个词在英文里不是"马"吗?LL: Yes, in "hor around", "hor" is ud as a verb, "to hor around" means "to play or joke
with someone". Tho two kids were just playing, they were horsing around.
LH: 噢,hor在这里是用作动词,to hor around意思是"和别人开玩笑、闹着玩儿"。Larry, 你是说那两个男孩儿是在闹着玩儿啊!
LL: Hey! Why did you punch me in the arm?
LH: I'm just horsing around! 嘿Larry, 这个horsing around还可以用在什么地方呢?
LL: Well, sometimes it means the same as "just kidding" or "just joking." Hey, Li Hua, you have something on
LH: 什么?我衣服上沾了东西啊?在哪儿呢?我怎么看不见呢?
LL: That's becau I'm just horsing around. There isn't anything on your shirt. I just wanted to e
if you would look.
LH: 噢,原来你又在跟我开玩笑啊。这么说,和别人开玩笑或者是恶作剧,也可以算是horsing around. Hey, Larry, 你看你的鞋带松了。
LL: Nice try, Li Hua, but I know you're just horsing around.
LH: 哎哟,我们别光顾开玩笑了,赶快给我朋友挑挑生日礼物吧!
LL: Hey, how about this shirt?
LH: What?! 这衬衫多难看呀!You must be horsing around.
Top 10 Internet catchphras of 2009
Money is not a problem
What brother is smoking is not a cigarette, but loneliness!
Jia Junpeng, your mother wants you to go home to have some food.
Life is like a tea table, with bitter cups placed all over it.
Don't be obsd with brother. He is only a legend.
My debts of gratitude have been repaid with my body!
What makes you unhappy? Tell us to make us happy.
You are left behind the times.
Lei Feng does good without eking recognition, but he records everything in his diary.
It cannot be explained in detail.
5.Go off on someone 对某人大发脾气
LH: Hey, Larry. 你刚下课啊?对了,我刚好要问你,今天你有没有见到Dave?
朱陈村LL: Dave? No, I haven't en him anywhere since professor Jones went off on him yesterday morning.
LH: Jones教授对Dave怎么啦?你说他went off on Dave? 那是什么意思呢?
LL: To go off on someone means to suddenly get very angry at someone. "To go off" can mean "to explode"- for instance, something like a bomb or a gun can go off.
LH: 噢,to go off on someone就是突然对某人大发脾气,就好像炸弹爆炸,枪支开火那样。
LL: Dave asked Professor Jones if he could turn in a paper a few days late, and Professor Jones just went off on him.
LH: Dave 怎么经常要求晚几天交报告呐?唉,也难怪Jones教授要go off on him对他发脾气了。Larry,你再给我举几个go off on someone的例子吧!
LL: Hmm, let me think. I remember when I was in Beijing I tried to pay a taxi driver, and he went
off on me for veral minutes. I had no idea why he was so angry. It turned out, what I gave him was a counterfeit note.
LH: 你给出租车司机假钞票,那他当然要对你大发脾气咯!
LL: Li Hua, have you ever gone off on someone here in the US?
LH: 我啊,我英文还不是很好,轻易不敢和人吵架。我只有对我过去那个同屋发了好几次脾
LL: She tried to cheat you out of a month's rent? If my roommate did that, I wouldn't just go off
on him, I'd take him to court!
6.I have a bad vibe ([vaib] n. 气氛,氛围) 我有种不祥的预
LL: Li Hua, I have a very bad vibe about this test.
LH: 你觉得你考得怎么样?bad vibe是什么意思啊?
LL: A vibe is a feeling. Since I don't think I did very well on this test, I have a bad vibe about the grade I am going to get.
LH: 噢,vibe就是一种感觉,你觉得你这次考试考得不好,所以有种不祥之兆,也就是你所
谓的bad vibe。
LL: (Gets test back) Ooh. You e, my bad vibe was right. I got a C.
LH: 嗨,C不算太糟啦,这门课很困难,而且琼斯教授批分数一贯都很严。
LL: Yeah, I actually had a bad vibe about this cour before the class ever started. Some of my friends told me it was difficult and I'd have to work hard.
LL:So, what did you get?
LH: 嗯,我得到了A。这次考试算是不错,不过我很担心下星期要交的那份报告。I have a bad vibe ab
out that paper.
LL: Why do you have a bad vibe about the paper?
LH: 因为我觉得用英文写报告是最难的。英文不是我的母语,每次写完英文报告,我总觉得
LL: Li Hua, you can always ask me or another student to look over your paper before your turn it in. I am sure you'll do fine. About that, I have a good vibe.
LH: 真的?Larry,你愿意修改我的报告?你真好,谢谢你。
LL: Uh-oh. I have a bad vibe about the look Professor Jones is giving us right now.
LH: 对,嘘,琼斯教授在看我们了,别说了,下课后再聊吧。
7.Peaches and cream 完美无缺
大家知道peaches就是桃子,cream是指奶油。Peaches and cream的意思是:一切都很美好。有人可能会问:桃子和奶油有什么关系呢?这是因为美国人在吃水果时往往喜欢把水果
peaches and cream就意味着完美无缺。请看下面这个例子:
例句: Sally and Joe had a big fight last week, but they've made up and now everything is peaches and cream again.
Peaches and cream还可以形容一个年轻少女容光焕发的面孔。
For example:
Peter's sister is a lovely girl. She has a real peaches and cream complexion, soft and white as milk and a touch of pink like a fresh ripe peach.
8.Lick the habit 戒除恶习
意思。例如在这个习惯用语里: lick the habit。Habit是习惯,所以lick the habit意思想必是克服或者戒除这个习惯。
Honey, I know I've tried to stop before. And I didn't have the willpower to stop for more than a
month or two. But this time I'm going to lick the habit even if it kills me!
这里lick the habit意思是克制戒除这习惯。太阳颂
9.Name-calling 谩骂
For example:
There was more name-calling in the campaign for nator than I ever heard before. If you believed all the nasty names they called each other, you wouldn't vote for either one.
The debate was marred by a brief lap into unpleasant name-calling.
10.L et's play it by ear 看情况吧
LH: Larry, 我看到一张爵士音乐会的海报。我很想去。怎么样,你下星期三有没有空去听呢?LL: I don't know. I have veral papers due next week and I'm not sure if I'll have time. Let's play it by ear, okay?
LH: 哇,你下星期得交好几份报告啊?那肯定没有空了。哎,你刚才说:Let's play it by ear。你想玩什么啊?玩耳朵?
LL: No! "To play something by ear" is to wait and e if something is possible and to be flexible rather than t any firm plans.
LH: 噢,play something by ear就是想做一件事,可是又不能确定是否可能,只好到时候看情况再说,就像中文里说的“看情况而定”!
LL: Right. I just can't make any definite plans right now, so I prefer to play it by ear.
LH: 所以你刚才的意思是,你要再等等看能不能及时写完报告,然后才能确定能不能去音乐会!对了,你不是答应我下星期六去博物馆吗?你还能去吗?
LL: Oh, I forgot that I promid to go with you. Can we play that by ear, too?
LH: 你怎么把答应我的事都给忘了!我特别想去那个博物馆!你不能去也得早告诉我吗!
LL: Just becau I want to play it by ear doesn't mean that we definitely won't go. It just means
that I'm not certain.
LH: Larry,下回你要约我上那儿去,我也学你说:Let's play it by ear, 到时候再说!
LL: That's not fair, Li Hua. It's not my fault that I can't make any definite plans becau I have so much work to do.
LH: 好啦,说真的,这也不是你的错。那我们也只好看情况再说了!
LL: All right, I'll call you the day before the concert to let you know if we should get tickets, okay? LH:到音乐会前一天再告诉我,那还买得到票呀!Let's play it by ear!
11.24-7 全天候、随时
L: Michael,这音乐会真不错,就是太长了。我啊快要饿死了!快去找个地方吃东西吧!
M: Alright. There's a cafe on the corner over there, I think it's open 24-7.
L: 对,前面就有家咖啡馆。你说那个cafe 24-7, 24-7是什么意思呀?
M: I said it's open 24-7. You know the number 24, and ven, right? 24-7 means it is open all the time.
L: 我知道了!就是说一天二十四小时,一个星期七天它都开门。对不对?
M: You've got it! In the U.S. a lot of small diners, convenience stores and gas stations are open
L: 对,我看到一些小饭馆,还有一些杂货店还有加油站,他们都是二十四小时营业的。Michael, 那24-7是不是只能用在商店哪?
M: Not at all! It can be ud for anything. For instance, Li Hua, if you ever have an emergency, you can call me any time, 24-7.
L: 噢,24-7可以用在任何场合。你说要是我遇到紧急情况,可以在任何时候打电话给你。Michael, 你真是太好了。不过,我想我可能会先打911。
M: Yeah, that's probably a better idea. 911 operates 24-7. Li Hua, can you u this phra now?
L: 让我想想。有了。期终考试前,我肯定很多人为了准备考试,交报告晚上开夜车,所以
可以说:Many students worked 24-7 before the finals. 对不对?
M: You're right. I was also up 24-7 studying and writing before the finals.
L: 那最后一个礼拜真够呛。现在总算轻松了。
M: That's right! Woo Hoo! Hey, after we eat, let's go dancing somewhere.
L: Michael,你还没有玩够呀!
M: Now that we are on vacation, I'm ready to party 24-7!
12.T o talk through one's hat 胡说八道
To talk through one's hat这个俗语的意思就是:说话的人自己根本不懂,所以他的话实际上
还是在那次竞选中当选为美国总统。下面我们就to talk through one's hat来举一个例子:
例句: Anybody who says we can balance the budget without raising taxes is just talking through
his hat.
例句: Hey, don't listen to that guy. He's talking through his hat when he tells people that two-headed men from Mars have landed a spaceship near Washington and the government is keeping it cret.