孕妇能吃方便面吗Cosmetic Testing on Animals
财务规划怎么写 Every year ,millions of animals are suffering from painful testing due to the scientific rearch for the effects of drugs, food additives, cosmetic and other chemical products. However, did you know that 小学生怎么画沾沾自喜什么意思95% of animals ud in experiments are not protected by the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA)? Today I’m here going to talk about the disadvantages of cosmetic testing on animals.
First, doing tests on animals is cruel and inhumane. Animals ud in experiments are usually forced feeding and forced inhalation. Rearchers inflict the animals to cau wounds as a result of studying the healing process and kill them by carbon dioxide smother, neck-breaking or other means. Animals can suffer like us human beings, so it is discriminate to experiment on them while avoid from experimenting on humans.
Although many rearchers u animals to test chemical products, but there are so many differences between animals and human beings. If we only rely on the experiments on animals, the test subjects will be poor. We can not make sure cosmetic that pass animal tes
ts are necessarily safe. Most experiments involving animals are flawed, wasting the lives of the animal subjects. As we know, 94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials. Let me give you an example, we know that there is a brand called “LUSH” which tests their cosmetic and shampoo on animals first before launching on the market. They claimed that they are nature and customers can be relieved, but it still has lots of risks.
The last but not the least, Animal tests are more expensive than alternative methods and are a waste of rearch and development costs. We could put that part of money on other aspects. The majority of animals ud in cosmetic testing are killed during or after the experiments. Since they have already been tested, they have suffered physical and psychological injury and they are poor for rearch.
兰陵王妃结局Above all ,it’s really an inhumane、砂锅焖饭的做法unsafe、鸡肉的功效与作用waste way to do the cosmetic testing on animals.
That’s the part of disadvantages of cosmetic testing on animals.