英语专业高级英语第1册Exercis (paraphra)
L 1
1. Bargaining is the order of the day: Bargaining is the normal way of doing things. 蓝色彼岸
2. thread their way among the throngs of people: (The donkeys) went in and out along the people and from one side to another.
3. makes a point of protesting that…of all profit: (The ller) thinks it is necessary for him to declare that the price he is asking makes it impossible for him to gain any profit.
孙鹏妈妈4. he is sacrificing this becau of…the customer: He is lling the thing at less than its cost becau he respects the customer.
5. with the customer coming and going at intervals: the customer bargain for some time, then leaves (hoping to frighten the ller that he might lo the customer) and comes back again after a period of time and carries on the bargaining.心经全文多少字
6. the red of the live coals glowing bright…of the bellows: The light of the burning coal becomes alternately bright and dim as the coals burn and die down, (burn again) along with the repeated movements of the bellows.
7. or the simple, everyday kitchenware…strictly functional: you can also find simple houhold utensils for daily u, which are pleasant to look at but do not have decoration on them and are strictly designed to rve uful purpo.
我们都是朋友8. Every here and there…a sunlit courtyard: Now and again through a doorway you’ll be able to catch a brief view of a sunlit courtyard.
1. a lot of sad thought…official might say: My sad thought had no connection with the stationmaster might say.
2. was for me a far greater adventure…I’d previously taken: (The fact that I was now in Hiroshima) was in itlf a much more exciting experience for me than any trip I had taken
or any reporting work I had done in the past.
色形3. rious looking men… the crowds about them: They (rious looking men) were so absorbed in their conversation that they emed not pay attention to the crowds about them.
4. The tall buildings of the martyred city…of the wheel: The high buildings pasd swiftly and when the driver made sudden changes of direction, we sometimes swung to one side, sometimes to the other side in respon to the swaying motion of the car.
5. The rather arresting spectacle…and the miniskirt: The traditional floating hou among high modern buildings reprent the constant struggle between old tradition (traditional culture) and new development (western style).
6. After three days in Japan, the spinal…extraordinarily flexible: After three days in Japan one gets quite ud to bowing to people as a ritual to show gratitude.
电脑使用入门教程7. I was just about to…my sad reverie: I was on the point of showing my agreement by no
dding when I suddenly realized what he meant. His words shocked me out of my sad dreamy thinking.
8. the very sight of which would…healthy visitor: even healthy visitors would shiver when (as soon as) they e tho surgical instruments.
高考作文评分标准9. each day of suffering…from earthly cares: one more day of suffering would mean a day nearer my death (would bring me clor to my death).
10. I have the opportunity to improve my character: I have the chance to rai my moral standard, to purify my soul.
11. I could read the answer in every eye: The expression of the people told me what the answer was.
1. I suppo they will be rounded up in hordes: I think the Red army men will be surrounded and captured in large numbers.
2. Hitler was counting on enlisting capitalist…and the U.S.A: Hitler was hoping that if he attacked Russia, he would win the support of tho who were enemies of Communism in Britain and the U.S.
3. I asked whether for him…the Hou of Rimmon: I asked whether he was not renouncing his precious attitude towards communism since he had all along been oppod to communism.
4. my life is much simplified thereby: By that means, it will be much easier for me to decide on my attitude towards events.
5. If Hitler invaded Hell I would make…Hou of Commons: I would say a word in favor of anyone who is attacked by Hitler, no matter how bad he had been in the past.
6. The Nazi regime is devoid of all …racial domination: The Nazi state does not have any ideal or guiding principle at all. All it has it a strong desire for conquest.
7. It excels all forms of human wickedness…ferocious aggression: The Nazi regime is ver
y effective in cruel suppression and savage attack on other countries; in this respect it is wor than any other known form of evil.