Ross kisd me.
Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
It was unbelievable!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Let's hear everything.
Monica, get the wine and unplug the phone.
Rachel, does this end well or do we need to get tissues?
It ended very well.
商朝的都城Do not start without me! Do not start without me!
Okay. All right. Let's hear about the kiss.
Was it a soft brush against
...or was it a "I gotta have you now" kind of thing?
Well, at first it was really inten, you know?
Oh, God. And then we just sort of sunk into it.
So was he holding you? Or were his hands on your back?
No, actually, first they started out on
...and then they slid up and were in my hair.
...then I kisd her.
-Yeah. -Cool.
-Yeah. -Cool.
-Yeah. -Cool.
All right, check out this bad boy!
Twelve megabytes of RAM, 500-megabyte
... built-in
...and a modem that transmits at over 28,000 BPS.
What will you u it for?
Games and stuff.
There are no jobs. There are no jobs for me.
Oh, wait, here's one.
-Would you be willing to cook naked? -There's an ad for a naked chef?
No, but if you'll cook naked, then you might be willing to dance naked.
So how'd you make out last night?
That is funny. That is painfully funny.
No, wait, wait.
Yeah, that's just painful.
Wait a minute. I thought last night was great.
Yeah, it was. But I
...and I e Julie's saline solution on my
...and I think, "My God! What am I doing?"
Here I am with Julie, this incredible,
...who I care about and who cares
...and I'm just throwing all that away?
You got all that from saline solution?小学生童话
Wait. We're talking about Rachel. You and Rachel.
I've been dreaming about me and Rachel for 10 years.
But now I'm with Julie.
So it's like, me and Julie, me and Rachel.
Me and Julie, me and Rach
Rachel! Rachel.
-Hey, you. -How are you?
Good. How are you?
-Hi, honey. -Hi, Julie. Hi, Julie?
How are you?
So everybody's here.
Everybody's good.
Were you gonna play something?
-Well, actually -Play it!
All right.
-Julie, I didn't know you wore lens. -What?
Okay. Hi.
Hello. Hi. Okay.
This is a song about a
重庆哪里好耍... between three people I made up.
It's called "Two of Them Kisd Last Night."
There was a girl We'll call her Betty
And a guy Let's call him Neil
Now I can't stress This point too strongly
This story isn't real
Now our Neil must decide Who will be the girl that he casts aside8月30日
Will Betty be the one Who he loves truly
Or will it be the one Who we'll call Loolie
He must decide He must decide
Even though I made him up He must decide
Well, this is a nice resume.
Nice, nice, nice.
Muy impressivo.
Mr. Rastatter, what does this job entail? The ad wasn't clear.
-I'm sorry? -Macholate.
It's a synthetic chocolate substitute.
Go ahead, try a piece.
We think Macholate is even better than chocolate.
All right.
I love how it crumbles.
-You e, chocolate doesn't do that. -No, ma'am.
We should be getting our FDA approval any day now.
Hopefully, in time for Thanksgiving.
The way we e it,
...your major food-preparation holidays. Easter, Christmas, what have you.
But given the
...we can make Thanksgiving the Macholate holiday.
Aren't you gonna swallow that?
Just waiting for it to stop bubbling.
Isn't that great?
...we're looking for chefs who can create Thanksgiving recipes.
You interested?
... -lutely!
I love creating recipes, I love Thanksgiving,
... I love Macholate.
Especially that aftertaste. I
...that'll last you till Christmas.
How about Macholate mous?
...very Thanksgiving-y.
How about Pilgrim Macholate mous?
What makes it Pilgrim?
We'll put buckles on it.
Did Ross call?
No, I'm sorry.
Why didn't he call?
He's gonna stay with Julie.
He's gonna stay with her and she'll be:
"Hi, I'm Julie. Ross picked me.
We'll get married and have lots of kids and dig up stuff together!"
No offen, but that sounds nothing like her.
What am I gonna do? This is like a complete nightmare!
I know. This must be so hard. "Oh, no! Two women love me!
They're both gorgeous xy, my wallet's too small for