1.it was unbelievable 真是难以置信
2.we wanna hear everything 我们想要听所有的
< the wine and unplug the phone 拔掉电话线并且拿酒来
4.does it end well or do we need to get tissues?结局好不好,或者我们需要面巾纸
5.do not start without me 不要没有我就开始嘛
6.was it like “I gotta have you now”就像我现在就要你那样
活够了7.at first it was really inten 开始的时候真的很激烈
8.and then we just sort of sunk into it 然后我们就完全沉醉了
9.so was he holding you?他抱着你吗
< were his hands on your back ?或者说他的手在你背上吗
11.all right,check out this bad boy 瞧瞧这坏小子
12.what will you u it for?你会用来干嘛呢
13.games and stuff 游戏之类的
14.would you be willing to cook naked 你愿意裸体做菜吗
15.how do you make out last night 昨晚亲的怎么样啊
16.wait a minute 等下
17.I get home 我回到家
18.what am I doing 我自己在干吗啊
19.this incredible,great woman 这么好的女人
20.who I care about and who cares about me 彼此互相关心
21.and I’m just throwing all that way 而我就那样抛弃一切?
23.I’ve dreaming about me and rachel for ten years 我梦想着能和瑞秋在一起有十年了
24.it’s like 就像
25.how are you 你好吗
26.were you gonna play something 你要演奏些什么吗
27.lens 隐形眼镜
狂躁症的典型表现28.this is a song about a love triangle between three people I made up 这首歌是一首我乱编的
30.I must decide who will be the girl that he casts aside 现在必须决定哪个女孩放下
31.this is a nice resume 这是个不错的简历啊
32.what exactly does this job entail?这工作到底是做什么的
33.it’s completely a synthe tic chocolate substitute 一种完全人工的巧克力替代品
< ahead,try a piece 别客气,试一块
35.we think it is even better than that 我们认为这甚至比那个还好
36.I love how it crumbles 我爱这碎碎的感觉
37.it doesn’t do that 不是那样的
38.we should be getting our FDA approval any day now 这个食品,药物管理局应该很快就能
39.hopefully,in time for thanksgiving 希望能够赶上感恩节
40.the way we e it 在我们看来
41.aren’t you gonna swallow that 你不准备吞下去吗
42.just waithing for it to stop bubbling 我只是在等泡泡停止
43.isn’t that great 那不是很棒吗
44.we’ll get married and have lots of kids and dig up stuff together 我们要结婚,然后要很多的
< offen 恕我冒犯
46.but that sounds nothing like her 她不会这样讲的
47.what am I gonna do ?我该怎么做
48.this is like a complete nightmare 这简直是一场噩梦
49.this must be so hard 这真的很难
50.they’re both gorgeous 她们都很赞
51.here’s a thought 这里有一个想法
52.don’t ever touch my computer 不要碰我的电脑
53.let’s get lo gical about this 让我们用理性来分析
54.pros and cons 缺点和优点
55.fonts 粗体字
56.amish boy 原始人
57.let’s start with the cons becau they are more fun 让我们先来分析缺点吧,因为它们比较
58.all right 好吧
59.I guess you can say 我想你可以说
60.she’s a little spoiled sometimes 她有时候是有点娇惯
62.I guess,sometimes she is a little dizzy 有时候有点傻傻的
63.and I’ve en her be a little too into her looks 我觉得她有点太注重她的外表了
64.we have a lot in common 我们有许多共同点
65.becau we are both paleontologists 我们都是考古学家
66.waitress 女侍
< we could keep doing this 或者我们可以继续做下去
69.what el 还有呢
70.her ankles are a little chubby 她的脚踝有一点点胖
71.what’s wrong with her 有什么不好的吗
72.I can’t believe you let me put this in my mouth 我不敢相信你给我吃这个
73.I’m telling you 我告诉你
74.for a hotline,you are not so hot 对于热线来说,你不怎么热啊
75.what is that in the background 背后的是什么声音
76.so did you broke julie’s heart?你有没有伤了朱莉的心呢
77.it was horrible 真可怕
78.I did the right thing 我做了正确的事情
79.so spock actually hugs his father?史巴克真的拥抱了他的爸爸吗
80.it’s not what you think 这不是你所想的那样的
81.it’s the other thing 是其他的事
82.what’s the other thing?what do I think 什么其他的事情,我是怎么想的
83.he broke up with julie 他和朱莉分手了代表用英语怎么说
84.well,go hug her,for god’s sakes 看在上帝的份上,去拥抱她吧
85.it’s always been you 我一直都喜欢你
86.oh,this is good 真好
87.this is really good 真的好
88.what do you say we take a walk 我们出去走走怎么样
89.just us,not them 只有我们,没有他们
90.let me get my coat 我去拿外套
91.I can’t believe this,this is unbelievable 真是太难以置信了
92.why don’t you read it to her?你为什么不读给她听呢
93.a lonely gray couch 寂寞的灰沙发
94.sth is my forever 永远是我的
96.there’s something about me on that paper 那张纸上写了关于我的事情
97.if you guys want to be children 你们要这么孩子气的话
98.that’s fine 那没关系
99.just remember how crazy I am about you 你只要记得我多为你疯狂
< into her looks 太注重外表了
101.is this over yet?结束了吗
102.brilliant 聪明
103.if I’d said it was my diary,she wouldn’t have made me to read it 我应该说那是我的日记,她绝对不会逼我念我的日记
104.that’s true 那倒是真的
106.what a dinkus 简直混蛋
107.hey,cut him some slack 放他一马吧
108.I was hoping that would come up 我正在希望你们能提起呢
109.let’s get some perspective here 让我们来想一下
110.the things happen for a reason 事出有因
111.back me up 帮我一下
113.by the way,good luck in your next life as a dung beetle 祝你下辈子当大便虫快乐
114.open up,plea 开门吧,求你了
115.when somebody does not buzz you in,that means“go away”当别人不开门让你进来的时候,那就是说让你走开
116.I just want to read you something 我只是想读些东西给你听
< interested 不感兴趣
118.how brave you are for starting your life over 勇敢地开始你的新生活
119.the way you smell 闻起来的味道
120.what are you doing out there 你在外面干什么哦英文写信
单车粤语谐音歌词u know what you need 你知道你想要的
125.imagine the worst things you think about yourlf 想象一下你觉得你最糟糕的地方
126.how would you feel if the person you trusted most in the world not think them too but actually us them as reasons not to be with you 如果世界上最信任你的人不想你并且找了一大堆理由来不和你在一起是怎么样的感受吗
127.but e 但是你知道
西游记读后感开头128.I want to be with you in spite of tho things 无论如何,我还是想和你在一起
129.that’s mighty big of you 你真是宽宏大量啊
131.then I guess that’s the difference between us 我想那就是我们之间的不同
132.I never know how long to wait in this situation before you can talk 每次遇到这种情况,我都不知道我要等多久才能开口
133.I’ve indicated four cups of coconut and four cups of nuts 我上面写了四杯椰子和四杯坚果134.doesn’t matter 没关系
135.our FDA approval didn’t come through 食品药物安全局没有通过
137.thank you for all the trouble you went through 还有谢谢你出了这么多力
138.listen,you didn’t eat a lot of it while you were cooking 你做的时候没有吃很多吧
139.some is fine,some is not a lot 一点点就好,一点点不是很多
140.so it doesn’t burn when you pee,doesn’t it 那你尿尿的时候,没有灼烧感吧
141.is that him again 还是他吗
143.I don’t think this is the best time 我不认为这是个好时机
144.look,can you do something for me 你能帮我一下吗
146.the next one is dedicated to rachel from ross 下一首是罗斯要点给瑞秋的
147.he wants you to know he’s sorry for what he did 他对他的行为深感抱歉
148.he hopes you can forgive him 希望你能从心里原谅他
149.it’s pretty appalling 真是令人发指啊
150.work it out 把事情解决
151.it’s like I’m looking in a mirror 我们真是一丘之貉