DB2TOP(1) Ur Manuals DB2TOP(1)
db2top − DB2 performance monitor
db2top [−d dbname] [−n nodename] [−u urname] [−p passÂ-
word] [−V schema] [−i interval] [−P<partition> ] [−b
option] [−a] [−B] [−k] [−R] [−x] [−f file</HH:MM:SS>
<+offt> ] [−D delimiter] [−C<option>] [−m duration] [−o
db2top [−H host ] [−N port ] [−h]
db2top is a monitor for DB2 UDB specifically designed for DPF environments. It provides a unified, ’single system view’ of a multi−partition DB2 databa that can be ud to quickly identify either partition−specific or global problems in the system.
The ur interface is character−bad and built using the curs library and is similar in nature to many UNIX moniÂ- toring utilities.
db2top us the DB2 snapshot monitoring APIs to retrieve data. It us both global as well as partition−specific monitoring information to provide aggregation as well as quick drill−down capabilities.
It can be run interactively or in batch mode. Main feaÂ- tures can be lected by an interactive command or by specifying the option in the personal or system−wide conÂ- figuration file. See below .db2toprc for more information.
−n specifies the node to attach to.
−d specifies the databa to monitor.
−u specifies the DB2 urname ud to access the databa.
−p specifies the DB2 password.
−V specifies the default schema ud in explains.
−i specifies the delay between screen updates.
−k specifies whether to display actual or delta values.
−R Ret snapshot at startup.
−P <number>. Snapshot issued on current or partition numÂ-
−x specifies whether to display additionnal counters on ssion snd appl creens (might run slower on ssion).
−b tells db2top to run in background mode.
−a specifies only active queries will be displayed.
−B enable bold for active objects.
−C Runs db2top in snapshot collector mode, raw snapshot data is saved in <db2snap−Machine>.bin> by default (unless −f is specified).
−f <file> </HH:MM:SS> <+offt>. Run db2top in replay mode when snapshot data has been previously collected in <file>. offt will jump to a certain point in time in the file. It can be expresd in conds (+10s), minutes (+10m) or hours (+10h). /HH:MM:SS will skip entries until the specified point in time.
−m Will limit duration of db2top in minutes for −b and −C.
−o <outfile>. Outfile for −b option.
−D <delimiter>. Separator for −b option.
−h short help. When using the −b option, db2top will display information in CSV format. db2top can be run in background mode in combination with reading snapshot data from collection file, in this ca, u the −f <file> option. Valid sub− options for −b and −C are :
d : databa
l : ssions
t : tablespaces
b : bufferpools
T : Tables
D : Dynamic SQL
s : Statements
U : Locks
u : Utilities
F : Federation
m : Memory pools
When using the −X switch with the −b option, the output will be displayed in XML format. Whe
n using the −L switch with the −b option, in ssion mode (sub−option l), all queries will be written to ’ALL.sql’. When using the −A switch with the −b option, db2top will produce a top twenty performance report. When using the −s <sample> switch with the −b option, db2top will only display n samÂ-ples and exit.
Interactive commands
d Goto databas
e screen.
l Goto ssions screen.
a Goto application details for agent (or restrict on agent on statement screen). db2top will prompt for the agent−id.
G Toggle between all partitions and current partitions.
P Select db partition on which to issue snapshot.
t Goto tablespaces screen.
T Goto tables screen.
b Goto bufferpools screen.
D Goto the dynamic SQL screen.
m Display memory pools.
s Goto the statements screen.
U Goto the locks screen.
p Goto the partitions screen.
u Goto the utilities screen.
A Goto the HADR screen.
F Goto the federation screen.
B Goto the bottleneck analysis screen.
H Goto the history screen (experimental).
f Freeze screen.
W Watch mode for agent_id, os_ur, db_ur, applicaÂ-^HÂ-tion or netname. Statements returned by the ssion
snapshot (option l) will be written to agent.sql, os_ur−agent.sql, db_ur−agent.sql, application−
agent.sql or netname−agent.sql. The Dump DB Struct
field will create scripts in the current directory to
recreate the databa. When issued from the dynamic
SQL screen (option D), statements will be written to db2adv.sql in a format compatible with db2advis.
/ Enter expression to filter data. \Expression must
conform to regular expression. Each function (screen)
can be filtered differently. regexp check is applyied
to the whole row.
<|> Move to left or right of screen.
z|Z Sort on ascending or descending order.
c This option allows to change the order of the columns
displayed on the screen. The syntax is in the form:
1,2,3,... where 1,2,3 correspond respectively to the
1st, 2nd and 3rd columns displayed. The are the
column numbers to u when specifying a sort criteÂ-
S Run native DB2 snapshot.
L Allows to display the complete query text from the SQL screen. Regular DB2 explain can then be run using
e or X.
R Ret snapshot data.
i Toggle idle ssions on/off.
I Ret refresh interval.
k Toggle actual vs delta values.
g Toggle graph on/off.
X Toggle extended mode on/off.
C Toggle snapshot data collector on/off.
V Set default explains schema.
O Display ssion tup.
w Write ssion ttings to .db2toprc.
q Quit db2top.
Interactive commands(applications screen only)
r Return to previous function.
R Toggle automatic refresh.
g Toggle graph on/off.
X Toggle extended mode on/off.
d Display agents.
Snapshot data collector
db2top can be run in replay mode, which means it can be run against a saved copy of the raw
binary snapshot data. In order to do so, db2top must be run first in data colÂ- lector mode, either in batch mode by running db2top from the command line with the [−C] switch, or by activatÂ- ing/deactivating data collection from an interactive sÂ- sion by pressing C. This will create a file <db2snap−Machine> in the current directory. Afterwards, db2top can be ran against <db2snap−Machine> by using the [−f <db2snap−Machine> arguments. db2top does not need to attach to DB2 in replay mode, which makes convenient to do remote monitoring. It is possible to limit the content of the stream file (and it’s size) by specifying any of the suboptions dltbTDsUF.
Network data collector(EXPERIMENTAL)
db2top can be run in client/rver mode. This means that one instance of db2top can issue DB2 snapshots in data collection mode and nd the output stream via the network to other instances of db2top. To enable this, db2top needs to be started in collection mode with −C and −N (network). Eventually, the −D will t db2top to daemon mode; in this ca, messages are nt to syslog(3). Then, other instances of db2top will connect to the rver using the −H [host] and −N <port> switchs.
Network commands
−−stop, −−restart,−−ping.
.db2toprc is a configuration file ud to tup parameters at initialization time. db2top will arch for the location of .db2toprc using the environement variable $DB2TOPRC. If the variable is not t, db2top will then arch for .db2toprc in the current directory and finally in the home directory.
e above.
If non null and nothing has been specified on the command line or in .db2toprc, db2top will honor the DB2DBDFT registry variable content as the default databa.
if EDITOR is t, results of explain or native snapshots will be displayed using this command, otherwi, it will default to vi(1).
db2toprc structure
The various ctions of $DB2TOPRC are described here after.
This entry allows the ur to specify a comÂ- mand which result will be displayed on the 2nd line at the right of the screen, for example:
cpu=vmstat 2 2 | tail −1 | awk
will display ’Cpu=2(usr+sys)’ on the right of
the screen.
This entry allows the ur to specify a comÂ-
mand which result will be displayed on the 2nd
line at the left of the screen, for example:
io=vmstat 2 2 | tail −1 | awk
will display ’Disk=76(bi+bo)’ on the right of
the screen.
Both commands are run in a background process and
the fields on the screen are updated asynÂ-
shell alias=command
The shell entry allows to specify a ur
defined command, for example:
shell M=top
will spawn top from a db2top ssion when
entering M. It will return to the current
screen upon exit.
function alias=command
The function entry allows to specify a ur
defined command, for example:
function N=netstat
will create a new function called N that will
display repeteadly the output of netstat.
Sample.db2toprc file
# db2top configuration file
# On unix, should be located in $HOME/.db2toprc
# File generated by db2top−1.0h
node= # [−n] nodename
databa=sample # [−d] databaname
ur= # [−u] databa ur
password= # [−p] ur password (crypted )
schema= # [−V] default schema for exp lains
interval=2 # [−i] sampling interval
active=OFF # [−a] display active ssion s only (on/off)
ret=OFF # [−R] Ret snapshot at star tup (on/off)
delta=ON # [−k] Toggle display of delt a/cumulative values (on/off)
graphic=ON # True if terminal suppo rts mi graphical characters
colors=ON # True if terminal suppo rts colors
graph=ON # display graph on ssi ons list (on/off)
port= # Port for network colle ction
streamsize=size # Max collection size pe r hour (eg. 1024 or 1K : K, M or G)
# Command to get cpu usage information from OS
cpu=vmstat 2 2 | tail −1 | awk ’{printf("%d(usr+sys)0,$14+$15 );}’
# Command to get IO usage information from OS
io=vmstat 2 2 | tail −1 | awk ’{printf("%d(bi+bo)0,$10+$11);}’
# Ordering of information in ssions screen
ssions=0,1,18,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,20 ,21,22,23
# Ur defined commands
shell P=top
function N=date && netstat −t tcp
The columns order screen
After pressing c, a screen will be shown specifying the
order of the columns displayed on screen. The left part
of the sceen displays the default order and column numbers
whereas the right part displays the current ordering. To
change the order of the columns, enter in the text field
at the bottom of the screen the new column order : enter
the relative column positions as displayed on the left
perated by comma. Not all columns need to be specified.
This column ordering can be saved in $DB2TOPRC for subÂ-
quent db2top ssions by pressing w. It is possibile to
define the default sort order for this function by using
师幼互动the sort=num<a|d> syntax, where num is the column number
and <a|d> means ascending or descending.
Example : tablespaces=0,1,18,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,sort=22a
Valid keywords for column ordering in db2toprc.
Occasionally strange information may appear when the snapÂ-
shot API returns unexpected very large values. db2top will
try to display * instead of the values.
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