高2009届高三英语 Unit 16--17重难点详解
Unit 16 Social and personal
1. part-time jobs 兼职工作,零活,非全日制的工作
part - time是复合形容词,作“部分时间的”“兼职的”“兼任的”解,a part-time teacher(兼职教师),a part-time engineer(兼职工程师)。taking a part-time job(打零工)。part-time也可作副词,如:Mr. Cook teaches part-time in our school. 库克先生在我们学校兼课。
2. Fred Pearson was walking through the university town of Oxford one morning in 1961. 1961年的一个上午,弗雷德.皮尔逊正在走过牛津大学城。
Oxford是英格兰中南部牛津部(Oxfordshire)的一个主要城镇,是英国牛津大学(Oxford University)的所在地。该大学创建于1167年,是世界闻名的一所大学。
3. He was on his way to a lecture, when a tourist stopped him and asked him for directions. 他正准备去听课,这时一位游客拦住了他问路。
We were watching TV when there were was a knock. 我们正在看电视,突然有人在敲门。
He was about to go out when the bell rang. 他正要出门,这时门铃响了。
4. As Fred was going in the same direction, he walked along with the tourist. 因为弗雷德正是去同一个方向,所以他就同这位游客一道走。
in the same direction 朝同一个方向(注意:介词是in而不是to)
in all directions/ in every direction 朝四面八方
in the opposite direction 朝相反的方向
5. They got on so well that Fred decided not to go to the lecture but to show the tourist around the university instead. 他们相处得很好,因此,弗雷德决定不去听课了,而领着这位游客参观这所大学。
1) get on有“相处”“上车、上马”“进展、生活”的意思。如:
How are you getting on/along with your English? 你的英语学习进展如何?
He got on a bus but didn't know where to go. 他上了一辆公共汽车但不知道该去哪儿。
They were getting on/along well with each other. 他们相处得非常融洽。
2) show sb. around 是“带领某人参观……”的意思。
She showed us around the city. 她带我们参观了那座城市。
与show构成的短语还有be on show(展览);show sb. out/in(领某人出去/进来)。
6. They spent a full and very enjoyable morning together, and Fred discovered that he had a gift for making a visit interesting and lively. 他们在一起度过了一个充实而又非常欢快的上午,弗雷德从中发现自己具有导游的才能,能够使参观变得生动活泼,饶有风趣。
句中的gift是可数名词,作“禀赋”“天生的才能”解,常用于“have a gift for”结构,意思是“有……的才能”。例如:
She has a gift for music. 她有音乐天才。
He was a man of excellent gifts. 他是一位极有天赋的人。小名字
7. This is one example of a part-time job leading to greater things. 这是一个通过做零活而走向成功的事例。
lead to有“通向、通往”“导致、导向”的意思。例如:
高一语文必背古诗词All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马。
Laziness led to his failure. 懒惰导致了他的失败。
8. It is a good idea to start a part-time ob as long as it does not affect your studies. 只要不影响学业而干点零活,这是个好主意。
so/as long as 是一个连词词组,意为“只要”。例如:
I'll come to e you as long as I am free. 只要我有空,我会来看你的。
9. They value someone who leads an active life and is anxious to learn. 他们器重那些生活活跃而又渴望学习的人。
感恩老师的演讲稿You should value the advice of your teacher. 你应当重视老师的劝告。
We'd better value the friendship between us. 我们最好还是珍视我们之间的友谊吧。
We should learn the value of money, and learn how many hours' work has to be done before we can buy something. 我们应当了解金钱的价值,应当了解需要劳动多少小时才能买回某件物品。又如:
It is of great value. = It's very valuable. 这很有价值。
10. It's a part-time job, so I only work evenings. 这是一件零活,我只在晚上做。
I've got to work evenings. 我必须每天晚上工作。
I'm always at home evenings. 晚上我一般都在家。
11. Maybe I should have told that workmate I knew what he was doing. 也许我早就该告诉那位工友,我了解他在干些什么勾当。
“should + have + 过去分词”结构,意思是“本来应该如何如何”,暗示“事实并非如此”的意思。如本句“我本该告诉……”,但事实上并没有告诉。例如:
I should have phoned Tom this morning, but I forgot. 今天上午我本该给汤姆打电话,可是我忘了。
What's the matter? You should have received that letter. 怎么回事了?你本该早就收到那封信了。
12. There is no need to say anything to the other worker. 没有必要给那位工友说什么。
“There is no need ”是一种固定的表达法,意思是“没有必要做……”。例如:
谐音记单词There is no need to worry about it. 没有必要为此担忧。
也可以说“There is no ”。例如:
There is no need for play. 不必玩了。
There is no doubt about the correct thing to do. 正确的事情该做,不要有什么疑虑。
“There is no ”意思是:“对于……没有怀疑/疑虑”。例如:
There is no doubt about his advice. 他的忠告没有什么可怀疑的。
There is a little/not much doubt about what I said. 我说的话没有什么可怀疑的。
13. It is quite possible that the thief might put some meat in your bag, hoping you will be caught and called a thief. 很可能这个小偷会把肉放进你的袋子里,希望人们抓住你,叫你小偷。
在这个句中,v.-ing形式短语用作状语,修饰谓语动词might put,表示伴随动作。这个句子可改为:
Possibly, the thief might put some meat in your bag and hope you will be caught and called a thief.
14. In my opinion, you should have done this as soon as you found out he was stealing. 依我个人之见,你一旦发现他偷东西,就该去报告。
in one's opinion依照某人的看法;按照某人的观点。又如:
In my opinion, she shouldn't have told you at all. 依我之见,她根本就不该告诉你。
15. In the cour of history, people have nt messages in many different ways. 历史上,人们用各种各样的方法传递信息。
in the cour of = during the cour of 作“在……的过程中”“在……期间”解,例如:
In the cour of the class, Mr. Liu taught us to sing an English song. 在那节课上,刘老师教我们唱了一首英语歌曲。
16. In 1994 the Swiss army made a decision to give up its collection of message - carrying birds. 1994年,瑞士军队决定不再征集能传递信息的鸟。
message - carrying birds 动词v.-ing形式与前面的名词合成一个词,作定语。例如:
English - speaking countries 讲英语的国家
户开头的成语接龙peace - loving people 爱好和平的人们三年级上
例:1.How __ can you finish the drawing? (1992年全国高考题)
A. often B. soon C. long D. rapid
简析:这句话的意思是“你什么时候能完成这幅画?”在一般将来时中,要用how soon提问。How often表示频度,如:How often do you go to the factory? Once a week; How long表示时间长度或其他长度等,如:How long have you been here? For about two years.答案选B。
例:2.If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, __ great it is. (1995年全国高考题)
A. what B. how C.however D.whatever
简析: 这是一个让步状语从句,great是形容词,前面要填however。 However后接形容词,how后面也可接形容词,但不能构成让步状语从句。这句话的意思是:“如果我们以坚强的意志工作,无论困难多大,我们都能克服。”答案C。
例:3.She found her calculator __ she lost it.(2000年上海市高考题)
A. where B. when C. in which D. that
简析:这是一个地点状语从句,其意思是:“东西是在丢的地方找到的”。where和in which
都可以用于定语从句中。但in which前必须有先行词,这个句中没有先行词,所以不能填in which。答案A。
例:4.-How did you find your visit to the muum?
-I thoroughly enjoyed it. it was __ than I expected. (1991年全国高考题)
A. far more interesting B. even much interesting
C.so more interesting D. a lot much interesting
简析:因为这个句子中有than, 所以要用比较级。选项B和D中的even much interesting和a lot much interesting都不是比较级。interesting是多音节形容词,前面加more才能构成比较级,所以不能作为答案, more放在多音节形容词的前面构成比较级,so后不接比较级,far可以用于形容词比较级前作修饰语,强调程度、性质、意思是“...得多”,答案选A。
例:5.The director gave me a better offer than ___. (1999年上海市高考题)
A. that of dick's B.Dick's C. he gave Dick D.tho of Dick
简析:在做形容词的比较级之类的题目时,要注意比较的对象。这句话的意思是“导演给我提供的条件要比Dick提供的好”。比较的是所提供的条件。所以用了he gave Dick。Dick's, that of Dick's 和tho of Dick都是表示Dick的条件或供他提供的条件,所以不能作为答案。答案C。
例:6. Greenland, ___ island in the world, covers over two million square kilometres. (2000年上海市高考题)
欧阳通A. it is the largest B. that is the largest
C. is the largest D. the largest
简析:如果把这个句子理解为非限定性定语从句,那是判断失误,因为非限定性定语从句必须用关系代词which填写,但所给的选项中没有which引导的句子,实际上,the largest island in the world 用作同位语。答案为D。
1. affect[\~E5fekt\~]v. 影响
例:Changes in climate affected the amount of rainfall. 气候变化影响了降雨量。
[记忆技巧]形近词比较记忆:effect[\~i5fekt\~]n. 结束
2. offer[\~5CfE\~]v. 提供,给予
例:The people of the African interior began to offer gold in exchange for the goods they needed from abroad. 从此后非洲内地的各族人民开始用黄金交换他们所需要的外国货物。
[记忆技巧]同义词比较记忆:prent[\~pri5zent\~]v. 给予,give[\~^iv\~]v. 给,propo[\~prE5pEuz\~]v. 提议
[常用词组]offer itlf/ themlves出现,发生/offer sb. one's hand 伸出手(为和某人握手)
3. link[\~liNk\~]v. 连接,联系
例:We should link theory with practice. 我们应该把理论和实践结合起来。
link sth. with sth. 为固定搭配,表示“把……与……连接”。
4. value[\~5vAlju:\~]n. 价值,价格,有用性
例:The hou was sold for $200,000, which was far morn than its real value. 那所房子卖了200,000美元,这比它的实际价值要高得多。
[记忆技巧]同义词比较记忆:worth[\~wE:W\~]n. 价值,ufulness[\~5ju:sfJlnIs\~]n. 有用,importance[\~im5pC:tEns\~]n. 重要(性)
[常用词组]of value有益处的
5. opinion[\~E5pinjEn\~]n. 意见,看法,主张
例:Mr employer's opinion of my work does not matter to me at all. 我并不在乎老板对我的工作有什么意见。
[记忆技巧]同义词比较记忆:view[\~vju:\~]n. 观点,belief[\~bi5li:f\~]n. 信念,judgement[\~5dVQdVmEnt\~]n. 判断,idea[\~ai5diE\~]n. 思想,念头
[常用词组]in sb.'s opinion 依照某人的看法/be of (the) opinion that认为……
6. instead[\~in5sted\~]adv. 代替,顶替
例:The u of plastics for shoes instead of leather has ruined shoe repairing as a business. 用塑料代替皮革制鞋,使修鞋业不复存在了。
[记忆技巧]同义词比较记忆:also[\~5C:lsEu\~]adv. 也,还;too[\~tu:\~]adv. 也
affect常用作动词,例如:No doubt the prent reform affects everyone. 毫无疑问,目前的改革影响着每一个人。 /The audience was deeply affected was deeply afected. 听众大受感动。effect多作名词解,表示某种原因产生的结果、效果,强调的是一种稳定持续的结果与影响。
例如:Our warning produced no effect on her at all. 我们的警告对她一点作用也没有。/His meeting with Lu Xun has a great effect on his literary development.他同鲁迅的会面对他文学方面的发展有很大的影响。常与effect搭配的短语有:in effect生效/put/into effect 使...生效/take effect 生效。
这两个词都表示例子。example例子,实例,普通用语,主要指在同类事物中具有代表性、典型性的例子,能简明扼要地说明问题。example在教学中用得相当多,如:in the following example 在下例中
/in the above example在上例中/to offer a good example of...
举出一个好例子/Further examples are needed.需要进一步举例说明。/Her rudeness was
a typical example of her usual bad manners. 她的粗野足以典型地说明她平日就不讲礼貌。instance例子,事例,实例,与example极为相近,常可以交换使用。但instance多指事实,诸如过去的某事件或例外的事实等,不像example那样强调代表性、典型性。没有通例的意思,只是举出一孤立事实说明问题。for instance也是常用语,仅指举例说明,for example却是从诸多事物中选出一例,说明一般。如: I can't think of an instance when mother was unfair.我想不出一件事例能说明母亲不公正。
这一对词语在语义上差异甚大。hard是常用语,含义较多,在句子中可充当形容词或副词。注意hard在下列句中的词性与含义:This material is as hard that it can be ud for cutting steel.这种材料很硬,可以用来削切钢材。(形容词:硬的)/Though he finished his work, yet he found it hard.他虽然完成了工作,但觉得很难。(形容词:困难的)/ This problem demands a lot of hard thinking. 这个问题可伤脑筋了。(形容词:努力的)/The chemist tried very hard to make his analysis accurate.那化学家设法使他的分析准确。(副词:努力地)/It was a winter night.It was raining hard.那是个冬天的夜晚,雨下得很大。(副词:猛烈地)/hardly 简直没法(不能),几乎不,副词。scarcely和harely是它的同
义词。例如:It is hardly possible that such a thing could have happened.发生这样的事不太可能。/I could hardly believe my ears when I heardthe new.当我听到此消息时,我简直不相信自己的耳朵。