学员姓名: 年 级:高三 课 时 数: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 讲义审核: | |
授课主题 | 一词多义N-S |
教学目标 | 学习掌握高三重点单词的一词多义 |
教学重难点 | 不同词性对应的汉语意思的差异 |
授课日期及时段 | 20 年 月 日 |
教学内容 | |
趣味导入 At prent I prent my prent to my prent teacher.想想这句话中的prent都是什么意思? 知识导航 N 1. nature (n.) A. 自然界;大自然; B. 天性;本性 (1)She trusted people. That was her nature. ________ (2)We grew up in the countryside, surrounded by the beauties of nature. ________ 2.note A. n. 记录;笔记 B. n. 注释;批注 C. n. 钞票;纸币 D. n. 便条;便笺 E. v. 注意 (1)The notes are at the back of the book. ________ (2)I was going to write Kathy a note, and she would e it after she came back. ________ (3)My mother gave me a tenpound note as pocket money. ________ (4)Plea note that the task must be finished within ten days. ________ (5)I read the first passage and took notes. ________ O 1.offer A. v. 主动提出;提供 B. n. 建议 C. n. 报价 (1)I can’t turn down the offer of a free trip to Paris! ________ (2)They offered him a very good job, but he turned it down.________ (3)The company made an offer of 5 million for the field.________ 2.operate (v.) A. 动手术 B. (机器)运转;工作 C. 经营;营业 (1)Illegal drinking clubs are operating in cities. ________ (2)The doctor operated on Mary’s eyes last night. ________ (3)The bus is designed to operate in all weather conditions. ______ 3.order A. n. 顺序;次序 B. n. 指示;命令 C. n. 订单;订货 D. v. 指挥;命令 E. v. 点(酒菜等) (1)The boxes were put in order of size. ________ (2)They ordered him to leave the room. ________ (3)Dogs can be trained to obey orders. ________ (4)The machine order has arrived. ________ (5)Have you ordered yet? ________ P 1.paint A. n. 油漆;绘画颜料 B. v. 刷油漆 C. v. (用颜料)画,绘 D. v. 把……描绘成 (1)We painted the door blue. ________ (2)Paint makes many buildings get colorful. ________ (3)My friend is good at painting in oil. ________ (4)The report paints a beautiful picture of life in the city. ______ 2.perform (v.) A. 做;履行;执行 B. 演出;表演 C. 工作;运转 (1)The children perform two plays each school year. ________ (2)So, how do you perform this task? ________ (3)The company is performing well. ______ 3. plant A. n. 植物 B. n. 工厂;车间 C. v. 栽种;种植 (1)Don’t forget to water the plants. ________ (2)The plant provides forty percent of the country’s electricity. ________ (3)They are planting a large vegetable garden. ________ 4.place A. n. 地点;场所 B. n. (比赛或竞赛获得的)名次 C. n. 身份;地位;资格 D. v. 放置;安放 (1)Britain won the third place at the games in Barcelona. ________ (2)Make sure you keep the key in a safe place. ________ (3)Place the card face down on the table. ______ 5.prent n.& adj. /′preznt/; v./prɪ′zent/ A. adj. 现存的;当前的 B. adj. 出现的;出席的 C. n. 礼物;礼品 D. v. 把……交给;颁发;赠送 E. v. 提出;提交 F. n. 目前;现在 (1)Don’t forget to get a birthday prent for your mother. ________ (2)At prent, children under 14 are not permitted in bars. ________ (3)The winners were prented with medals. ________ (4)We don’t have any more information at the prent time. ________ (5)Most fathers wish to be prent at the birth of their children. ________ 6.play(n) 戏剧 My mother likes watching TV plays best. 7.Poor adj. A.贫穷的 B.可怜的 C.差的,劣质的 (1)The party's poor performance in the election(选举). ________ (2)Have you heard about poor old Harry? His wife's left him. ________ (3)They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids. ________ 8.post A. n. 邮政;邮递 B. n. 职位 C. n. 邮寄的信函(或包裹等) D. v. 寄;邮寄 E. v. 发布,公布 (1)I'll nd the original to you by post . ________ (2)There was a lot of post this morning. ________ (3)Have you posted off your order yet? ________ (4)The company posted a $1.1 billion loss. ________ (5)We will create 15 new posts next year.________ 9.prerve A. v. 保持 B. v. 保护 C. v. 保存 D. n. 保护区 (1)We need to prerve the forest. ________ (2)We will do everything to prerve peace. ________ (3)a perfectly prerved 14th century hou ________ (4)Pantanal, one of the world's great wildlife prerves. . ________ 10.promote A. v.促进 B. v. 促销 C. v. 提升;晋升 (1)The band has gone on tour to promote their new album. ________ (2)The are policies to promote economic growth ________ (3)She worked hard and was soon promoted. ________ Q 1.question A. n. 问题;疑问 B. v. 正式提问;质询 (1)No one dared to question his decisions. ________ (2)Can I ask you a question? ________ R 1.rai (v.) A. 提升;举起 B. 增加;提高(数量、水平等) C. 募集(钱款);征集 D. 抚养;培育(2018阅读C) (1)Many shops have raid their prices. ________ (2)They are raising money to help a poor girl. ________ (3)His children were raid in the countryside. ________ (4)Rai your hand if you know the right answer. ______ 2.rich (adj.) A. 有钱的;富有的 B. 肥沃的;丰饶的 C. (食物)油腻的 (1)The fat meat was very rich. ________ (2)Vegetables grow well in the rich and black soil. ________ (3)He’s the third richest man in this city. _____ 3.right A. adj. 正确的;真正的;真实的 B. adj. 右边的,右侧的 C. adv. 正好;恰好 D. n. 正义;正确 E. n. 右边 F. n. 权利;正当的要求(2013阅读C) (1)He had an apple in his right hand. ________ (2)I left my bags right here. ________ (3)His ideas have now been proved right. ________ (4)Everyone should have the right to freedom of expression. ________ (5)I stood at her right. ________ 4.run A. n. 跑;跑步 B. v. 跑;奔;奔跑 C. v. 管理;经营(2012阅读B) D. v. 提供,开设(服务、课程等) E. v. 流淌;流动 (1)The college runs summer cours for foreign students. ________ (2)Water was running all over the bathroom floor. ________ (3)The dogs ran off as soon as we appeared. ________ (4)I go for a run every morning. ________ 团圆饭英语(5))He has no idea how to run a business. ________ 5.rate A. n. 速率 B. n.比率;率 C. n. 价格;费用 D. v. 评估;评价 (1)The university is highly rated for its rearch. ________ (2)His heart rate was 30 beats per minute slower. ________ (3)Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour. ________ (4)specially reduced rates for travellers using Gatwick Airport. ________ 6.remain A. V-LINK. 保持是,仍然是 B. v.遗留,剩余(单独使用) C. v. 仍需去做(或说、处理) D. n. 残余(物);剩余(物);遗迹 (1)Very little of the hou remained after the fire. ________ (2)The three men remained silent.________ (3)Much remains to be done. ________ (4)They were tidying up the remains of their picnic. ________ 7.rerve A. v. 预订 B. v.保留 C. n. 储备(量);储藏(量)[可数名词, 常用复数] D. n. 保护区 (1)large oil and gas 五月英文缩写rerves ________ (2)Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature rerve to protect the dolphins. ________ (3)I'd like to rerve a table for three for eight o'clock.________ (4)The ats are rerved for special guests. ________ 8.review A. n. 审查,检查 B. n.(对书籍、戏剧、电影等的)评介,评论 C. n. 报告;汇报 D. v.回顾;反思 E.v.评论 F.复习 (1)This is a film review. ________ (2)His parole(假释) application is up for review next week. ________ (3)a review of customer complaints________ (4)You need to review your failures and triumphs. ________ (5)焦炸丸子The play was reviewed in the national newspapers.________ (6)I review my lessons regularly.________ 9.rough (adj.) A. 粗糙的 B. 粗略的;大致的 C. 粗暴的;粗野的 D.犯罪盛行的;充斥暴力的 E.艰难的,困难的 (1)The skin on her hands was hard and rough. ________ (2)There were about 20 people there, at a rough guess . ________ (3)They complained of rough handling by the police. _____ (5)All men have a rough time in our society.________ (6)道字成语the roughest neighbourhood in the city________ 辨析tough A. 坚强的, 坚韧不拔的 B. 强硬的,严厉的 C. 粗暴的;粗野的 D.犯罪盛行的;充斥暴力的 E.艰难的,困难的 (1)She is tough and ambitious. ________ (2)Don't be too tough on the student─he was only trying to help. ________ (3)They complained of tough handling by the police. _____ (5)All men have a tough time in our society.________ (6)the toughest neighbourhood in the city________ S 1.save (v.) A. 救助;挽救 B. 储蓄;攒钱 C. 保留;保存 E. 节省;节约 (1)You should save a little money each week. ________ (2)Luckily, all the pasngers were saved. ________ (3)I saved you a piece of birthday cake. ________ (4)We'll take a taxi to save time.. _______ 2.at A. n. 座椅;座位 B. n. 席位 C. v. 能容纳……人 E. v. 使就坐;使坐下 (1)He ated himlf behind the desk. ________ (2)Are there any ats left? ________ (3)His party failed to win a single at. ________ (4)The hall can at 2, 000 audiences. ________ 3. rve (v.) A. 接待;服务 B. 能满足……的需要 C. 可用作 D. 端上(食物和饮料);服侍……进餐 E. 提供 (1)She was busy rving a customer. ________ (2)I failed to e what purpo this could rve. ________ (3)Breakfast is rved in the restaurant between 7 and 9. ________ (4)The views rve as a guide in life. ________ 4.t A. n. 一套;一副;一组 B. v. 放;放于某处 C. v. (太阳)下沉;落下 D. v. 安排;确定;决定 E. v. 摆放餐具 F. adj. 固定的;安排好的 (1)In winter the sun ts early. ________ (2)Set your heavy bag here. ________ (3)Has a date been t for the meeting yet? ________ (4)I have to study at t hours each day. ________ (5)We need a t of tools to repair the bike. ________ (6)As mother cooked, Molly began tting the table. ________ 5.sick (adj.) A. 生病的 B. 想呕吐的;恶心的 C. 厌倦的;厌烦的 微信引流推广(1)I am sick of working all day. ________ (2)Maria can’t come today becau she’s sick. ________ (3)As soon as the ship started moving I began to feel sick. ________ 6.stand A. v. 站;直立 B. v. 容忍;忍受 C. v. 经得起;承受得住 D. n. 看台 E. n. 小店;售货摊 (1)I can’t stand bad manners. ________ (2)They just stood there laughing. ________ (3)His poetry will stand the test of time. ________ (4)The stand was crowded with all kinds of goods. ________ 7.spring A. n. 春天 B. n. 弹簧;发条 C. n. 泉 D. v. 跳;跃 E. v. 突然出现 (1)The children jumped on the sofa so much that they ruined the springs. ________ (2)I sprang out of bed to answer the door. ________ (3)Janet will come over for a couple of weeks next spring. ________ (4)The mountain spring is so clear and sweet.________ (5)Thousands of new business have sprung up in the past couple of years. ________ 8.store A. n.(大型)百货商店 B. n. 商品;物品 C. n. 仓库 D. v. 贮存;保存(2015阅读D) (1)The room is ud for holding medical stores. ________ (2)Animals store up food for the winter. ________ (3)I need to go to the store for some milk. ________ 9.straight A. adv. 直接;径直 B. adj. 坦诚的;直率的 C. adj. 直的;笔直的 D. adj. 连续的 (1)She has long, straight black hair. ________ (2)I think it’s time for some straight talks now. ________ (3)Sit up straight! ________ (4)The team now has an amazing record of 43 straight wins. ________ 10.stress A. n. 精神压力;心理负担 B. n. 强调;重要性 C. n. 重音;重读 D. v. 强调;着重 (1)My mother often stress the importance of a balanced diet. ________ (2)Your headache is due to stress. ________ (3)He put the stress on the wrong words. ________ (4)He put enough stress on education. ________ 11.subject n.& adj. /′sʌbdʒekt/ /′sʌbdʒIkt/; v./səb′dʒekt/ A. n. 主题;题目;话题 B. n. 学科;科目 D. v. 使臣服;使顺从 (1)The subject of this unit is sport. ________ (2)My favourite subject is math. ________ (4)The first Emperor of Qin subjected six states.________ 12.suggest(v) 建议 He suggested me to e a film. 表明 The study shows that it can heal SARS. 习题 翻译下面句子: 1.It's not in his nature to be unkind. 2.He has been promoted to the manager. 3.简单租房协议Efforts to prerve the peace have failed. 4.I'd prefer to rerve (my) judgement (= not make a decision) until I know all the facts. 5.You examine a patient and then you decide whether or not to operate. 6.He gave orders for the work to be started. 胡萝卜馅饼7.They saw some large letters in white paint. 8.A computer can perform many tasks at once. 9.There were 200 people prent at the meeting. 10.We are raising money for charity. 11.They rated him highly as a colleague. 12.It's about time teachers started to get tough with bullies. 13.a t of six chairs 14.She stood near a newspaper stand 15.Earlier reports suggested that a meeting would take place on Sunday. 答案: 1. 他天生不会刻薄。 2. 他被提升为经理。 3. 维护和平的努力失败了。 4. 在了解全部事实之前我不想发表意见。 5.先为病人作检查,然后再决定是否做手术。 6.他下令开始工作。 7. 他们看见了用白漆写的几个大大的字母。 8.电脑能同时做多项工作。” 9. 有200人出席会议。 10. 我们在进行慈善募捐。 11.作为同事,他们对他评价甚高。 12. 是时候让开始对欺负者采取强硬态度的时候了。 13. 六把成套的椅子。 14. 她站在一个报刊亭附近 15. 早先的报道暗示周日可能会召开会议。 总结 对于阅读当中出现的熟词新义现象,切忌生搬硬套,一定要从上下文入手去揣测词意,确定词性,以理解通顺为最大原则。 练习 1.I noted that her hands were dirty. A.笔记B.注意,特别指出,提及 2.The rearch lacks solid evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful. A.固定的,坚硬的 B.可靠的,可信赖的 3.A basketball coach must know the strengths and weakness of his players. A.力,力量,体力 B.长处,强项 4.Although dams can be built to store water for agricultural u in dry areas and dry asons. A.(大型)百货商店 B.贮藏,贮存,保存 5.Bearing responsibility for his mistakes is a sign of a man's maturity. A.符号,记号B.迹象,预兆 C.标志 D.v.签字,签署 6.The children have to experience a tough lection test. A.严格的 B.坚韧不拔的 v.粗野的 7. I'll _____ a table for five. A.rerve B.protect C.save 8.Of all the men in the survey, they rate themlves the least fun-loving and the most responsible. 酸菜鸡的做法(写出划线单词的汉义) 9.After the Norman Conquest the forest became a royal hunting prerve. (写出划线单词的汉义) 10.She had earlier resigned her post as President Trump's assistant. (写出划线单词的汉义) 11.The department-store promotes goods on Sundays. (写出划线单词的汉义) 12.Huge amounts of weapons remain to be collected. (写出划线单词的汉义) 13.The Gulf has 65 per cent of the world's oil rerves. (写出划线单词的汉义) 答案:1.B 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.C 6. A 7 .A 8.评价 9.保护区 10.职位 11.促销 12.有待于 13.储备,储量 | |
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