英语 培生 朗文 SBS 1 Side by Side 1 第练习 第 5单元 Unit 5 Exerci 1
课次:12 姓名:___________________
SBS1(上) 每周一练
做人要诚实作文1. Reading Comprehension / 阅读理解
Everybody at 159 River Street is very busy today. Mr. Price is cleaning his bedroom. Ms. Hunter is painting her bathroom. Ricky Gomez is feeding his cat. Mr. and Mrs. Wong are washing their clothes. Mrs. Martin is doing her exercis. And Judy and Larry Clark are fixing their car.
(1) What is Ms. Hunter doing?
赵一曼照片A. She’s painting her bathroom. B. He’s painting her bathroom.
医学生毕业论文C. She’s doing her exercis. D. He’s doing her exercis. 芙蓉花是什么颜色
(2) What is Ricky Gomez doing?
A. She’s cleaning her bedroom. B. He论文盲审’s painting his bathroom.
B. He’s feeding his cat. D She’s feeding her cat.
(3) Who is cleaning his bedroom?
A. Ms. Hunter B. Mrs. Martin C. Judy D. Mr. Price
(4) Who are fixing their car?
A. Mr. and Mrs. Wong B. Judy and Larry Clark
C. Mr. Price and Mrs. Martin D. Ms. Hunter and Larry Clark
(5) Who’s doing her exercis?
A. Mr. Wong B. Judy C. Larry Clark D. Mrs. Martin
2. Match the words with their antonyms / 找到下列单词的反义词
Short, single, noisy/loud, old, beautiful/pretty, ugly, expansive, heavy/fat, difficult, old, large/little, poor
3. U complete ntences to answer the following questions