吸痰管suction catheter
胃管stomach tube
喂⾷管feeding tube
肛门管rectal tube
乳胶导尿管latex Foley catheter
硅胶导尿管silicone Foley catheter
⽓管插管tracheal tube (with cuff)/endotracheal ⽓管切开插管tracheostomy tube
谷歌总部⿐氧管nasal oxygen tube保送清华北大条件
输氧管oxygen supply tube 杨克管suction connection tube 杨克⼿柄yankauer handle
氧⽓⾯罩oxygen mask
氧袋⾯罩non rebreathing mask 雾化⾯罩nebulizer mask
可调⾯罩venturi mask with two diluters 可置换⾯罩venturi mask with six diluters 雾化咬嘴式nebulizer kit
皱纹绷带elastic crepe bandage 平纹绷带elastic plain bandage PBT绷带PBT bandage
⾼弹绷带high elastic bandage 纱布绷带gauze bandage ⾃粘绷带cohesive bandage
⽯膏绷带(POP) plaster of paris bandage ⽯膏衬垫orthopedic bandage (cast padding) ⾼分⼦绷带orthopaedic casting bandages
急救绷带first aid bandage
管状绷带tubular bandage
袜套stockinet bandage
⽹状绷带tubular net bandage
PE胶带PE tape
丝绸胶带silk tape
⽆纺布胶带non-woven tape
纸胶带paper tape
橡⽪膏zinc oxide plaster
运动胶带sports tape
氧化锌热熔胶带zinc oxide hot melt adhesive
弹⼒黏性胶带elastic tape
输液贴disposable infusion plaster
⽆纺布纱布⽚non-woven swabs
巧做灯笼全棉纱布⽚gauze swabs
凡⼠林纱布⽚/⽯蜡纱布paraffin swabs
炒粉丝怎么炒好吃又简单腹部垫lap sponge
创⼝贴adhesive wound plaster(PVC POE PE PU) 卡通创⼝贴adhesive wound plaster(cartoon/cotton) 弹⼒布创⼝贴adhesive wound plaster(flexible) 不含乳胶创⼝贴latex free wound plaster
黏性敷贴adhesive wound dressing(PE & NON-WOVEN) 黏性眼贴adhesive eye pad
PU透明敷料贴transparent dressing paste
棉球cotton ball
脱脂纱布absorbent cotton gauze
药棉absorbent cotton wool
访惠聚注射器disposable syringe
⾃毁式注射器safety lf-destructive syringe 注射器针头syringe needle
安全注射针safety hypodermic needle 输液器disposable infusion t 避光输液器disposable photophobic infusion t 输⾎器disposable blood transfusion t 胰岛素注射器insulin syringe
胰岛素笔针insulin pen needle 结核菌素注射器tuberculin syringe
留置针IV catheter
头⽪针/输液针scalp vein t
采⾎针steel blood lancet
安全式采⾎针safety blood lancet 扩阴器vaginal speculum 喉罩laryngeal mask(PVC or silicon)吸痰器disposable mucus extractor 喂⾷器feeding syringe
冲洗器/灌注器irrigation syringe
膀胱冲洗器bladder irrigation syringe ⼩⼉吊瓶volumetric I-V burette
三通阀three way stopcock
肝素帽heparin cap
⼿术⼑⽚surgical blade
⼿术⼑柄surgical knife handle
外科缝合线surgical suture
脐带夹umbilical cord clamp
尿袋urine drainage bag (pull-push valve; screw valve; T valve; W/O outlet
豪华尿袋luxury urine bag
婴⼉尿袋pediatric urine collector
腿带urine bag for legc盘红了
识别带I.D. bracelet (I.D. band)
电⼦体温计digital thermometer
体温计(⽔银) clinical thermometer
⾎压计aneroid & mercury sphygomomanometer
棉签cotton bud/swabs
兽⽤⾦属针头surgical veterinary needle
医⽣帽surgeon cap
护⼠帽nur cap
⼿术⾐surgical gown 隔离服isolation gown
实验服PP Lab coat
⼝罩face mask
鞋套shoe cover
压⾆板tongue depressor 急救包first- aid kit health bag 妇科检查包gynecological examination t