1.周末早安People live in two worlds. Like all living things, we inhabit this natural world, created over the Earth’s 5—billion-year history by physical, chemical, and biological process. The other world is our own creation: homes, cars, farms, factories, laboratories, food, clothing, books, paintings, music, poetry。 We accept responsibility for events in our own world, but not for what occurs in the natural one。 Its storms, droughts, and floods are "acts of God”, free of human control and exempt8 from our responsibility.
2.Now, on a planetary scale, this division has been breached。 With the appearance of a continent—sized hole in the Earth’s protective ozone layer and the threat of global warming, even droughts, floods, and heat waves may become unwitting acts of man.
3.Like the Creation, the portending global events are cosmic: they change the relationship between the planet Earth and its star, the sun。 The sun's powerful influence on the Earth is exerted by two forces: gravity and solar radiation。 Gravity is a nearly steady force that fixes the planet’s path around the sun. Solar radiation—largely visible and ultraviolet light—is a vast stream of energy that bathes the Earth's surface, fluctuating from day to night and ason to ason. Solar energy fuels the energy— requiring process of life; it creates the planet’s climate and governs the gradual evolution and the current behavior of its huge and varied population of living things。 We have been tampering with this powerful force, unaware, like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, of the potentially disastrous conquences of our actions.
4.重耳是谁We have become accustomed to the now mundane image of the Earth as en from the first expedition to the moon - a beautiful blue sphere decorated by swirls of fleecy clouds. It is a spectacularly natural object; at that distance, no overt signs of human activity are visible. But this image, now repeatedly thrust before us in photographs, posters, and advertiments, is misleading。 Even if the global warming catastrophe never materializes, and the ozone hole remains an esoteric, polar phenomenon, already human activity has profoundly altered global conditions in ways that may not register on the camera。 Everywhere in the world, there is now radioactivity that was not there before, the dangerous residue of nuclear explosions and the nuclear power industry; noxious fumes of smog blanket every major city; carcinogenic synthetic pesticid
es have been detected in mother's milk all over the world; great forests have been cut down, destroying ecological niches and their resident species。
5.Clearly, we need to understand the interaction between our two worlds: the natural ecosphere, the thin global skin of air, water, and soil and the plants and animals that live in it, and the man-made technosphere-powerful enough to derve so grandio a term. The technosphere has become sufficiently large and inten to alter the natural pro
cess that govern the ecosphere。 And in turn, the altered ecosphere threatens to flood our great cities, dry up our bountiful farms, contaminate our food and water, and poison our bodies —catastrophically diminishing our ability to provide for basic human needs。 The human attack on the ecosphere has instigated an ecological counterattack。 The two worlds are at war.
6.450字The two spheres in which we live are governed by very different laws。 One of the basic laws of the ecosphere can be summed up as "Everything is connected to everything el.” This express the fact that the ecosphere is an elaborate network, in
which each component part is linked to many others。 Thus, in an aquatic ecosystem a fish is not only a fish, the parent of other fish。 It is also the producer of organic waste that nourishes microorganisms and ultimately aquatic plants; the consumer of oxygen produced photosynthetically by the plants; the habitat of parasites; the fish hawk's prey。 The fish is not only, existentially, a fish, but also an element of this network, which defines its functions. Indeed, in the evolutionary n, a good part of the network—the microorganisms and plants, for example - preceded the fish, which could establish itlf only becau it fitted properly into the preexisting system。