
更新时间:2023-07-10 17:13:35 阅读: 评论:0

美国谍梦第四季The Americans中英剧本
《美国谍梦》前情提要Previously on "The Americans"...
我不傻我知道有事情不对劲I'm not stupid. I know there's something going on.
你们半夜出门You're out in the middle of the night.
电话一响你们就走了The phone rings, and you're gone.
求你们告诉我Just plea tell me.
我们为我们的国家工作We work for
苏联The Soviet Union.
如果你告诉别人If you do
我们就会永远被关进监狱We will go to jail for good.
他们的身份和自己所声称的不符They're they're not who they say they are.
我想安排伊丽莎白I want to arrange a trip
去见她母亲最后一面for Elizabeth to e her mother one last time.
我也希望可以I wish it were possible,
但你我都知道这不可能but we both know that it isn't.
联调局发现了窃听器The FBI found the bug.
玛莎知道我的事了Martha knows about me.
我看到你今天盯着你的咖啡杯I saw you today staring into your coffee mug
盯了有一分钟for a minute, straight.
我受不了了他们不会善罢甘休的I can't take it. They're not gonna let up
除非他们找出是谁把那支笔放在那儿的until they find the person that put that pen there.
我正想办法呢我愿意竭尽一切II am working on it, and I would
去保护你...to protect you.
你被自己的思想困住You're so stuck in your mind,
但你刚刚学到的But what you're just learning
是你的直觉所诉说的感情is that the feelings in your gut
与你脑海里的事情are just as important
一样重要甚至更重要more important than all the shit in your head.
你没事吧You okay?
玛莎的事你说得对You were right about Martha.
我必须在她上班发现之前告诉她吉恩的事I have to tell her about Gene before she finds out at work.
现在几点了What time is it?
很晚了It's late.
我很高兴你来了I'm glad you're here.
我得和你谈谈I need to talk to you.
一切都还好吗Is everything all right?
这一两天In the next day or two,
你在单位会听到一些不好的消息you're gonna get some disturbing news at work. 吉恩·克拉夫特死了Gene Craft is dead.
什么意思What do you mean?
发生了什么What what happened?
他会在家中被发现He'll be found in his apartment.
看起来像是自杀Iit'll look like he killed himlf.
我不我不明白I don't I don't understand.
录音机也会在他家里找到The recorder will be found in his apartment.
录音机The recorder?
我的录音机My recorder?
这是保护你的唯一方法It was the only way to protect you.
不Oh, no.
他死了He's dead?
吉恩死了Gene is dead?
不不不不Oh, no. No, no, no, no.
不我没有我没同意这样No, I didn't I didn't agree to this!
我不想这样I don't want this!
玛莎你怎么能这么做Martha How could you do that?!
不离我远点对不起玛莎No, no. Stay away. I'm sorry, Martha.
离我远点离我远点Stay away. Stay away.
你做了些什么What have you done?
我都做了些什么What have I done?
这是我的错It's my fault.
我害死了他I killed him.填写个人简历
不是的是我杀了他No. Oh, I did.
这是事实吉恩是因我而死It's the truth. Gene is dead becau of me.
猕猴桃怎么吃不是因为你玛莎It's not becau of you, Martha.
是我做的I did it.
我说过会尽我所能保护你I said I would do anything I could to protect you,
保证你的安全to keep you safe.
不别No, don't.
别碰我Don't touch me.
好的妈妈Okay, mom!
点前要回来好吗亲爱的Come back at :, okay, hon?
还有时差Jet lag?
我凌晨点就起来了I've been up since :.
给我也来点I'll take some of that.
我在点左右听到有人离开I heard someone leave around like :.
你爸爸去忙工作的事了Your father had to go to work.
他会回来吗Is he coming back?
他直接去办公室He'll meet me at the office.
他具体是干什么去了What's he doing, exactly?
他去见个人He's meeting someone.
是我们所说的线人what we call a source.
他也许有些情报He might get some information.
危险吗Is it dangerous?
不更像是No. Iit'
更像是让人们相信你It's more about getting people to trust you.
让他们明白To help them understand
你和他们的目标一致that you want the same thing that they want,
都是想让这个世界变得更安全which is to make the world a safer place for everyone.
但不是每个人都这么想所以必须秘密进行Not everyone es it that way, so it's all done in cret.
你吃过早饭了吗Did you eat?
要我做点炒蛋吗You want me to make some eggs?
不了谢谢我不饿好No, thanks. I'm not hungry. Okay.
很高兴你能睡会儿I'm glad you got some sleep.
你今天能去上班吗Are you gonna be able to go to work today?
我必须去I have to.
玛莎我不能再回来了Martha, I'm not gonna be able to come
即使调查结束之后even when the investigation ends.
斯坦·比曼起了疑心Stan Beeman was suspicious.
他也许还会回来He could come back.
但这不会改变你我之间的事But it won't change anything between us.
我们可以经常去我那儿We'll be together at my place just as often.阔太太
你还不起床Well, you getting up?
不了我也许今天不去了No. I might just skip work today.
我不想见到那里的任何人I don't really feel like eing anybody there.
我还以为你喜欢在办公室和男孩子们玩I thought you liked playing with all the boys at the office.
开车兜风逮捕别人You know, driving around in your cars and arresting people.
以前是现在不那么喜欢了I ud to. Not so much anymore.
现在每个人都讨厌我Everybody there kind of hates me now.
讨厌你斯坦·比曼Hates you? Stan beeman?
怎么可能How is that even possible?
就是说很难相信不是吗I know. It's hard to believe, right?
但我有时候会惹到别人But I do sometimes rub people the wrong way.
你做错事了吗Did you screw something up?
看你怎么说了Well, that's a matter of interpretation.
我上司觉得应该绞死我My boss thinks I should be executed.
但是他的上司觉得应该给我发奖章But his boss thinks I should get a medal.
那你应该跟你的上司谈谈Well, you need to talk it through with your boss.
明确的告诉他你的想法Be clear and direct about what you're feeling.
如果他的问题或是你们之间不够透明If his problems or lack of clarity
导致他妨碍到你are causing him to stand in your way,
那你的真诚和透明就能打动他then your truth and clarity will blow right through him.
联调局并不是那样做事的FBI doesn't exactly work like that.
我宣誓效忠I pledge allegiance to the flag
美利坚合众国国旗of the United States of America
及效忠所代表之共和国and to the republic for which it stands
上帝之下未可分裂之国度one nation under God, indivisible,
自由平等全民皆享with liberty and justice for all.
早上好同学们Good morning, class.
好了如果你们玩草地曲棍球Okay. If you are in field hockey,
你们该待在下场而不是上场they're gonna be in the lower field, not the upper field.
中心想知道为什么The centre would like to know why
我没能和你们建立起I don't have the kind of relationship with you
能避免这种事发生的良好关系that keeps something like this from happening.
加布里尔这...Gabriel, Iit was
他们说的没错And they're right.
你们骗了我You lied to me.
除此之外没有其他解释了There's no other way to look at it.
我跟你说过他们应该离开可你拒绝了I told you they should go, and all you said was no.
如果我们在某事上产生分歧When we disagree on something,
你们也不应该背着我行动the next step isn't to do it behind my back.
这会让他们怀疑我的办事能力It makes them wonder if I can do my job.
肇庆地区你要是看到佩姬和她在一起你就懂了If you could've en Paige with her, you'd understand. 那样做是正确的It was the right thing to go.
理由相当充足For a lot of reasons.
我重新出山是为了和你们共事并帮助你们I came out of retirement to work with you, to help you.
但我不想像现在这样But I don't want to be put in this position
夹在你们和中心之间between you and the centre.
如果我认为今后这种事还会发生If I can't trust something like this won't happen again,
我会回到谢尔加奇养老I'll go back to retirement in Sergach.
我们会给你们指派另外的联络人We can get you another handler.
你们做决定吧Make a decision.
我们希望你留下We want you to stay.
你俩都这么想Both of you?
我就当你同意了I'll take you at your nod.
还有一件事我没告诉你们There is something el that I've kept you out of.
但现在... 我不得不说But, um... I can't anymore.
有种强大的武器There are certain very
我们不得制造这种武器We're not allowed to make them.
也签署了协议We've signed treaties.
但我们认为美国却在制造But we think the Americans are making them,
所以我们也制造了so we make them, too.
我们安排了一个人收集了多年的One of us has been getting American samples
美国人的病原体样本of pathogens for many years.
他一周前发来了信号He signaled about a week ago,
我试图去见他时却发现他正被人监视but when I tried to meet him, I caught surveillance.如果他没问题你们就去取下一批货If he's clean, you'll pick up the next package from him 再查查这其中到底有什么玄机and find out what the hell is going on.
靠近那种病原体前必须接种疫苗Anyone who gets near this has to be vaccinated.
很抱歉我已经尽力不让你俩卷进来I'm very sorry. I tried to keep you out of it.
他最近给我们带回的两个样本This is for a kind of meningitis you could get
可能会诱发某种脑膜炎这是疫苗from the last two samples he got for us.
这次没有秘密传递由你们保管No dead drops. Keep it in your custody.
他是谁Who is he?
他来这多久了How long has he been here?
比你们久Longer than you.
他是单独行动的吗He's running this alone?
他曾经有个搭档但最后失败了He had a partner, but it didn't work out.
不是每个人都像你俩一样幸运Not everyone's as lucky as you two.
他们最初带我看我房间的时候When they first showed me my room,
我觉得那很平和I thought it was so peaceful.
很安静So quiet.
是啊不像是监狱Yeah. Well, not exactly a prison.
是的对我来说不是No. Not for me.
我只想在那休息I just wanted to rest there.
动物的分类睡在床上To sleep on the bed.
用发刷U the hairbrush.
我知道这听上去很蠢I know this sounds silly,
但我以为我能在那待很久but I thought I could stay there for a long time.
抱歉I'm sorry.
我知道对你来说不一样I know it's different for you.
我是个糟糕的丈夫妮娜I'm a shitty husband, Nina.
我出轨了I cheated on my wife.
这他们就是靠这个抓住我的Well That's how they got me.
他们知道那晚我会和她在一起They knew I would be with her that night.
要是我当时在我该在的地方家里If I'd been home where
他们会通过其他途径抓住你的They would've gotten you another way.
但我回想起家里的卧室But I think about my bedroom back home,
我妻子在里面没事的with my It's okay
我知道你什么意思It's just II know what you mean.
现在已经很平和了That ems peaceful now.
我希望我还能那样生活I wish I could live that way again.
安东·拉扎勒维奇Anton Lazarevich.

本文发布于:2023-07-10 17:13:35,感谢您对本站的认可!



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