名称 Name 开始日期Beginning 立春 the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 5 雨水怎么拒绝别人 Rain Water (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 20 电子琴键盘惊蜇 the Waking of Incts (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 7 春分 the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 22 清明 Pure Brightness (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 6 谷雨 Grain Rain (6th solar term)Apr.19,20 or 21 立夏 the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)May 5,6 or 7 小满 Lesr Fullness of Grain (8th solar term)May 20,21 or 22 芒种 Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 7 夏至 the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 22 小暑 Lesr Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 8 大暑 Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 24 立秋 the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 9 处暑 the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 24 白露 White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 9 图片大全美女秋分 the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 24 志愿活动总结寒露 Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 9 霜降伏羲八卦图 Frost's Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 24 立冬 the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 8 小雪 Lesr Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 23 大雪 Greater Snow (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 8 冬至 the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 23 小寒 Lesr Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 7 大寒 Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 2 |
----------------------------------------------华丽丽的跳个舞~,ohoho~~~ |
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