24 Solar Terms: 6 things you may not know about Summer Solstice 24节气:关于夏至你可能不知道的6件事 | |
The traditional Chine solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Summer Solstice (Chine: 夏至), the 10th solar term of the year, begins on June 21 this year and ends on July 6. 中国传统阳历将一年分为24个节气。夏至(中文:夏至),一年中的第10个节气,今年6月21日开始,7月6日结束。 At this time, much of the northern hemisphere receives the most hours of daylight, but it does not bring the hottest temperatures which will come only 20 to 30 days later. 此时,北半球的大部分地区获得了最多的日照时间,但它不会带来最热的温度,最热的温度将在20到30天后到来。 In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural production. But the solar term culture is still uful today to guide people's lives through eating special foods, performing cultural ceremonies and even healthy living tips 上帝也疯狂1that correspond with each solar term. 在中国,二十四节气是几千年前创造的,用来指导农业生产。但是节气文化今天仍然有用,通过吃特殊的食物,表演文化仪式,甚至与每个节气对应的健康生活技巧来指导人们的生活。 The following are 6 things you might not know about Summer Solstice. 梦见桃以下是关于夏至你可能不知道的6件事。 The longest day of the year 一年中最长的一天 On the Summer Solstice itlf, daylight lasts the longest for the whole year in the northern hemisphere. After this day, daylight hours get shorter and shorter and temperatures become higher in the northern hemisphere. 夏至是一年中最长的一天,在北半球,白天是全年中持续时间最长的。这天过后,北半球的日照时间变得越来越短,气温变得更高。 How long is the longest day in China? 中国最长的一天是多长时间? According to the expert Yan Jiarong, the entire day in Mohe in Heilongjiang province, located in the northernmost tip of China, lasts nearly 17 hours when you include dawn, twilight and its afterglow. Summer Solstice is the best ason for viewing the aurora in Mohe, "the sleepless town of China". 根据专家严家荣的说法,位于中国最北端的黑龙江漠河的一整天,包括黎明、黄昏及其余晖在内,持续了将近17个小时。夏至是“中国不夜城”漠河观赏极光的最佳季节。 A public holiday in ancient times 古代公共假日 Summer Solstice was an important festival in ancient China. As early as the Han Dynasty (260BC-220), when the Mid-autumn Festival and the Double Ninth Festival were not as important as they are today, the Summer Solstice was already celebrated. 夏至是中国古代的一个重要节日。早在汉代(公元前260-220),当中秋节和重阳节不像今天这样重要的时候,夏至就已经被庆祝了。 Before the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), people even had a one-day holiday on Summer Solstice. According to Song Dynasty (960-1279) records, officials could have three days off during the Summer Solstice. 在清朝(1644-1911)之前,人们甚至在夏至这天放假一天。根据宋朝(960-1279)的记录,官员在夏至可以休息三天。 To celebrate Summer Solstice, women gave colored fans and sachets to each other. Fans could help them cool down and the sachets could drive away mosquitoes and make them smell sweet. 为了庆祝夏至,妇女们互赠彩色扇子和香囊。风扇可以帮助他们降温,香囊可以驱走蚊子,让他们闻起来很香。 Seeing the sun turn around 看着太阳转过来 Hani autonomous county of Mojiang, Southwest China's Yunnan province is located on the northern tropic. Every year on the Summer Solstice, the sun sits directly over the Tropic of Cancer and returns from north to south. Then, the amazing phenomenon known as "upright pole with no shadows" occurs. 中国西南部的云南省, 墨江哈尼族自治县,位于北回归线上。每年夏至,太阳位于北回归线正上方,从北向南返回。于是,出现了被称为“没有影子的立杆”的惊人现象。 The Hani people revere the sun and have always had a clo bond with it. They welcome the turn-around of the sun and offer sacrifices to it. 哈尼族敬畏太阳,一直与太阳有着密切的联系。他们欢迎太阳的回转,并向它献祭。 Eating noodles吃面条 There is a saying in Shandong province which goes, "eat dumplings on the Winter Solstice and eat noodles on Summer Solstice." People in different areas of Shandong province eat chilled noodles on this day. Other people around China, including tho in Beijing, also have a tradition of eating noodles. 山东省有句谚语,“冬至吃饺子,夏至吃面条。”山东省不同地区的人们在这一天吃冷面。中国各地的其他人,包括北京人,也有吃面条的传统。 Dragon boat racing in Zhejiang 浙江赛龙舟 Due to the local climate, Dragon boat races have been held on the Summer Solstice day in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province rather than on Dragon Boat Festival since the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. This tradition is still in practice today, with all the attendant excitement. 由于当地的气候,自明朝(1368-1644)和清朝(1644-1911)以来,浙江绍兴的龙舟比赛一直在夏至这一天举行,而不是在端午节。这个传统一直延续到今天,伴随而来的是兴奋。 Summer Solstice idiom 夏至成语 In Chine, an idiom "杯弓蛇影" is related to Summer Solstice. According to the records of Fengsutong (a book about Chine customs), written by Ying Shao from the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD25-220), a man named Du Xuan attended a banquet on Summer Solstice, where he mistook the shadow of a bow in his cup for a snake and he had to drink it out of fear. 在汉语中,是成语”杯弓蛇影“与夏至有关。据东汉(公元25-220年)应劭所写的《风俗通》记载,一个名叫杜宣的人在夏至参加一个宴会,在宴会上他把杯中的弓影误认为是一条蛇,出于恐惧他不得不喝下它。 After the banquet, he felt chest pains and a bellyache and couldn't recover even after eing many doctors. Finally, he found he had mistaken the shadow of a red crossbow on the wall for a snake in his cup and recovered. Later, people ud this idiom to refer to people who are suspicious and frighten themlves. 宴会后,他感到胸痛和腹痛,即使看了很多医生也无法恢复。最后,他发现他把墙上红色十字弓的影子误认为杯子里的一条蛇,并恢复了知觉。后来,人们用这个成语来比喻疑神疑鬼,自己吓唬自己的人。 | NOTES ✪红色:词汇 ☑蓝色:短语 ※黄色:语法总结,长难句 阅读综合练习在文后 ✪solstice/ˈsɒlstɪs/n. 至(点);(夏或冬)至 summer solstice 夏至 winter solstice冬至 ☑agricultural production:农业生产 agriculture n. 农业 France is the world's cond biggest explorer of agricultural products. 法国是世界第二大农产品出口国。 ☑cultural ceremony:文化仪式 culture n. 文化 The mid 1970s are en as a cultural wasteland for rock music. 20世纪70年代中期被视为摇滚乐的文化荒漠。 ✪correspond /ˌkɒrəˈspɒnd/v. 类似于,相当于;通信;相一致,符合 correspond with 相一致;符合 Your account of events does not correspond with hers. 你对事情的陈述与她说的不相符。 ※that correspond with each solar term:定语从句,关系代词that指代象形词living tips在从句中做主语。麻辣烫汤料配方 ✪northernmost/ˈnɔːðənməʊst/adj. 最北的 Finland is one of the northernmost countries in the world. 芬兰是世界上最北的国家之一。 north北方的;朝北的 northern北部的;北方的 northward向北的 northerly北方的,向北的;来自北方的 northmost = northernmost极北的 ☑ northernmost tip:最北端 ✪twilight/ˈtwaɪlaɪt/n. 黄昏, 薄暮时分;暮光,暮色 ✪保护水资源afterglow/ˈɑːftəɡləʊ/n. 夕照,晚霞 ✪aurora /ɔːˈrɔːrə/n. 极光;晨曦 ✪sachet/ˈsæʃeɪ/n. (置于衣物中的)小香囊,小香袋 ☑cool down:降温 He has had time to cool down and look at what happened more objectively. 他有时间平静下来,并且更加客观地考虑发生的一切。 ☑drive away:驱赶 Being on one’s high hor may drive away one’s friends. 如果一个人很骄傲,他的朋友会因此而离开他。 ✪autonomous/ɔːˈtɒnəməs/adj 自治的;有自治权的 ✪county/ˈkaʊnti/n. (英国、爱尔兰的)郡,(美国的)县 ※the amazing phenomenon known as "upright pole with no shadows" occurs:这个句子的主语是phenomenon,谓语动词是occurs,现在分词amazing做前置定语,修饰phenomenon,过去分词known as 过去分词做后置定语,修饰phenomenon。 ✪revere/rɪˈvɪə(r)/v. <正式>尊敬,崇敬 You cannot prerve what you do not revere. 你不会保存你不尊敬的东西。 葡萄干作用✪bond/bɒnd/n. 纽带,联系 The agreement strengthened the bonds between the two countries. 协议加强了两国间的联系。 ✪chilled/tʃɪld/adj. (人)感觉冷的;放松的,不担心的 chill v. 使变冷;使震惊 This wine is best rved chilled. 这种葡萄酒冰镇后饮用最佳。 He felt totally chilled. 他感觉完全放松了下来。 ☑rather than:而不是,而非,其连接的两个部分做主语,谓语动词的单复数和最前面的主语保持一致。 The problem was psychological rather than physiological. 这是个心理而不是生理问题。 ☑in practice:实行,实施,实践,事实上 I want to speak about how we apply the principles in practice. 我要谈谈我们在实践中是如何应用这些原则的。 ✪attendant/əˈtendənt/adj. 伴随的,随之产生的;伺候的;陪伴的;到场的 n. 服务人员;侍从,随从 ☑be related to:关联 ✪banquet/ˈbæŋkwɪt/n. 宴会,盛宴;筵席,宴席v. 宴请;参加宴会 ※written by Ying Shao from the Eastern Han Dynasty:过去分词written做后置定语,修饰Fengsutong (a book about Chine customs)。 ※where he mistook the shadow of a bow in his cup for a snake and he had to drink it out of fear:定语从句,关系词where 代替先行词a banquet在从句中做地点状语。 ☑mistake ...for :把......误认为 ☑out of fear :由于害怕,恐惧 ✪bellyache/ˈbelieɪk/n. 腹痛vi. 无故抱怨 ✪crossbow/ˈkrɒsbəʊ/n. 弩;石弓 ✪suspicious/səˈspɪʃəs/adj. 感觉可疑的,怀疑的;不信任的 They became suspicious of his behaviour and contacted the police. 他们开始觉得他行为可疑,便报了警。优秀日记300字 |
一、阅读理解。 1. Which of the following is not true about Summer Solstice? A. Daytime lasts the longest in northern hemisphere. B. The northern hemisphere receives the most sunshine. C. It is the hottest day during the year. D. Temperatures get higher and higher in the northern hemisphere. 2.We can learn from the passage that __________. A. Mohe’s daytime can be as long as 17 hours. B. Mohe is the best place for viewing the aurora. C. Summer Solstice was as important as the Mid-Autumn festival. D. People had three days off in Qin Dynasty. 3. Sachets could _____________. A. make people cool down. B. drive away illness. C. bring good luck D. be made with different sweet smells. 4. “In practice” means ________ in the passage. A. 练习 B.沿用 C. 习惯 D. 习俗 5. Which word can be ud to describe DuXuan? A. fearless B. suspicious C. imaginative D. creative 答案:CADBB 二.按照单词的适当形式填空或首字母填空。 China now has entered Zhongfu, the cond pha of Sanfu. In the Chine lunar calendar, Sanfu refers to the three 10-day periods 1.t______ are predicted to be the hottest days of the year, 2.w_______ are called Toufu, Zhongfu and Mofu. Sanfu内热怎么调理 usually comes between mid-July to mid-August. Let's take a look at the 3.________(tradition) Chine ways of spending the dog days of summer. Sanfutie, or Sanfu medicinal patch, is a bandage made of traditional Chine herbal medicine. Practitioners of traditional Chine medicine (TCM) believe that 4. ________(receive) Sanfutie during the hottest summer days is effective for coughs, asthma and arthritis; it is a patchwork 5.________(solve) for winter ills in summer. The treatment is 6._______(ba) on the TCM principle of yin and yang, which believes the balance of both elements in the body is vital for good health. Sanfutie contains a paste of herbs that are "hot" in nature, and when 7. ________(apply) to specific acupuncture points, usually on the back and neck, they replenish the yang elements. The patches have been ud in TCM since earliest 8. _______(record) times, according to Huangdi Neijing (The Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor), more than 2,000 years ago, the time-tested textbook for TCM practitioners. Sanfu patch treatment became 9.________(extreme) popular in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and has enjoyed a revival in recent years as more patients turn to TCM 10._________( treat) . 答案: 1. that 2. which 3. traditional 4. receiving 5. solution 6. bad 7.applied 8. recorded 9. extremely 10. treatment 三.选词填空。(用单词的适当形式填空) out of fear in practice rather than cool down drive away 1. They help you ________ when you feel like your anger might explode. 2. Stop discounting your influence and shying away ________. 3. A cloudless, deep-blue sky looked down on them, for the wind had ________ every little cloud in the night. 4. Prisoners have legal rights, but ________the rights are not always respected. 5. What made you choo the one ________ the other? 答案: 1. cool down 2. out of fear 3. driven away 4. in practice 5. rather than 四.在右栏中找出左栏单词的解释。 长脸适合什么发型A.making you feel that sth is wrong, illegal or dishonest B.a feeling of being cold C.to feel great respect or admiration for sb D.something that forms a connection between people or groups E.cloly connected with sth that has just been mentioned 1. revere 2. bond 3. chill 4. attendant 5. suspicious 答案:CDBEA | |
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