
更新时间:2023-07-10 12:08:21 阅读: 评论:0

2020年12月大学英语四级考试真题(一)答案与详解Part I . Writing
The Changes扭曲e Way of E ducation !j第2段具体阐述变化带来的影响:互联网巨头们的快速反应保证了全国范围i -「-e;内在钱授课的质量,师生可以实现实时互动;提高了教学质量;大规模在线j !开放课程将我们引人克满知识的新世界。
The Chan伊s in the Way of Education
[1]This y幽r,aim创倒.c h and eveηstudent in China has witn帽d the revolutiona可chang臼in the way of
education, from offline to online. ( 2 J In my per可>ective,the changes have far-reaching influence on our education.
(3)Firstly, thanks to the advan臼d technolo町,the fast reaction of Internet giants guarantees the constantly improving quality of online cours on a national scale. As a result,始achers and students can have real-time interaction in their own home, (4] which could
[1]引出话题E今年几乎每个学生都见证了教育从线下到线上的革命性变化。(2】用In my ey臼表明观点:这种变化对教育有深远影响。
【3](5] (6】分别使用Firstly、Secondly 和Finally引出三个分论点,论证文
not hav e happ创d before. (5) Secondly, inspired by the chan ges of I (4]准确使用非限制性定语从句和虚拟mod筒。f education, many teachers began to integrate their I 语气,彰显语言功底,是表达亮点。teaching with MO优s,contributing to an enhancement of
teaching quality. (6] Finally, the increasing popularity of MOOCs
leads us to a new world of knowledge full of educational r臼ourc臼
online today so that eve可one could have free access to invaluable
(7] To conclude, the changes in the way of education will I (7]用To concl时e总结全文z教育方式的continue to exert a profound impact on education. I 变4也将继续对教育产生其深刻影响。
feedback反馈collaborative �earning合作学习evaluation评估
straight-A student全优生
educational叫u ality教育公平
teacher-student relationship师生关系
facilitate促进fair access to education教育公平
critical thinking批判性思维thought-provoking发人深省的,引起思考的Part ll Listening Comprehension
Section A
Qu笛tiom1 and 2 are b幽ed on the news E鸣”rt you have just h倒乱
(l)A poison。因fish which has a sting strong enough to kill a human is invading the Mediterranean, warn scientists. The International Union for Conrvation of Nature has raid con臼m after the poison。心s fish was spotted in the waters around Turkey, Cyprus, and the eastern Mediterranean. Native to the South Pacific and Indian Ocean, the potentially deadly fish has poisono崎hooks and a p创nful sting capable of killing people. Although fatalities are rare, the stings can cau extreme pain and stop people breathing. The f胁,。ften know 1as Devil Firefish, is a highly invasive species, (2)and environmentalists fear its arrival could endanger other types of marine life. After being spotted in the Mediterranean, a marine scientist says,“The fish is spreading, a11d that’s a cau for concern.”
1.What is reported in the news?I 展开.
D)[精街E主旨大意题.新闻开头先主自句,指出一l  2. What is the environmentalist concerned about the
种带刺的有毒鱼类正在入侵地中部水域,其毒性足|spr,臼d of D创I Firefish in the Mediterranean? 以致人死亡.接下来新闻提到这种鱼类的原产地,l B) [精析】细节辨认题.新闻末尾提到,海洋专家称并指出这种鱼正在地中海水域扩散,令人担忧.由|魔鬼火鱼正在地中海水域扩散,环保主义者担心这。1酬。因3and 4· are bad on the n酬冒阴阳rt you have just h倒也
(3-l)Almost half the臼nter of Faris will be accessible only bv foot or bicycle this Sunday to mark World Car-Free Day. (4)This is in r臼p:m to rising air pollution that made Paris the m响t polluted city in the world for a brief time. Mayor Anne Hidalgo promoted the first World Car-Free Day last year. Hidalgo also has supported a “Paris Breathes”day. On th唱first SL1nday of eve可month,Paris clears traffic from eight lanes of the main road. (3-2) A bout 400 miles of streets will be clod to cars. It is expected to bring significant reduction in pollution levels. Last ye在r’S car-fret day showed a 40 percent drop in pollution levels in some parts of the city, according to an independent air pollution monitor, reports The Guardian-and sound levels dropped by 50 percent in the city’s center.
3.What will happen on World Car-Free Day in I止汽车通行.
Paris? I 4. What motivated the mayor of Paris to promote C)E精析】细节辨认题.新闻开头提到,为纪念世界|the first World Car-Free Day in her city?
无车日,本周日巴黎市中心大约一半的道路仅允许I D) [精析】细节辨认题。新闻提到,为了应对日益严重步行或骑自行车通行.大约400英里的街道将禁|的空气污染,巴黎市长去年推广了首个世界无军队Questions S to 7 are bad佣the news report you have just hear吐
(5)A Philippine fisherman was feeling down on his l u也k when a h o咱就fire forced· h油1to clear out his posssions and change locations. Then a good luck charm that he had kept under his bed changed his life. The
unidentified man had fished out a giant pearl from the ocean when his anchor got stuck on the rock while sailing off the co臼td island in the Philippines ten years ago. (6)When he was forced to ll it, (7)the shocked tourist a四nt at Puerto Princesca told him that the 77-pound �ant pearl that he’d kept hidden in his run-down wooden hou wru: th� biggest pearl in the world, which was valued at 76 million pounds. The pearl of Allah which is currently on display in a New York mu山n only weighs 14 pounds. That is 5 times smaller than the pearl that the fisherma 1 just handed in.η1e monstr。因严arl m四sured at one foot wide and 2. 2 feet long is going to be verified l:y local experts
and international authorities before hopefully going on display to attract more tourists in the little t:>wn.
5.What happened to the Philippine fisherman 。Il e I菲律宾海岛沿岸捕鱼时打捞上来一颗大珍珠,后来
day? I被迫卖掉.
A)(精析】细节推断题.新闻开头提到,一位菲律宾I7. What did the fisherman learn from the tourist 渔民感到不幸,因为房屋大火迫使他清理财产并嘱|agent?
家。由此推断,他的房子被大火烧毁了.I B)【精析】细节辨认题!.新阳提到,当渔民被迫卖掉
6.What was the fisherman forced to do?I 珍珠的时候,旅腾代理商非常震惊,告诉渔民他藏
C) E精析】细节辨认题.新闻中提到,十年前渔民:笠|在家里的珍珠是世界上最大的珍款,它非常值钱.Section B
Questi佣s8tollareba则on the conversation you have Just h四rd.
WI Mr. Smith, it’s a ple笛旧e meeting you.
M: Nice to meet you, too. What can I do for you?
浙江考试成绩查询入口W: Well, I’m here to show you what our firm can do for you. (8)Astra Consllltants has branches in over 50 countries, offering different business rvices. We are a global compan� with 75 vears of history, and our clients include some of the world’s largest companies.
M: Thank you, Mrs. Ho山ton.I know Astra Cons11ltants is a f缸n ous comp们ny.But you s1id you would show me what you could do for me. Well, what exactly can your firm do for my compa叮?
W: We advi business on all matters, from market analysis to legal issu悦,anything a business like yours c。u ld need. Our firm offers expert advice. Could I ask you, Mr. Smith, to tell m啤a little about your comp侃y and the challenges you face? That way I could bette门臼pondιs to how we cm help you.
M: Okay, sure. (9)白山is a family business star1ed by mv grandfather in 1950. We emplov just over 100 people. We manufacture and export stone for l旧ildings and other constructions. Our clients usually want a S严cial kind of stone cut in a special design. And that’s what we do in ou:r factory. < l
O)Our main challenge is that our nationai currency is rising, and w的e losing competitive advantage to stone producers in India. W: I e.τ'hat’s very interesting. (ll)I would sugiiest that you let us first conduct a financial analysis of your company, together with an analysis of your competi t。rs in India. That way we could offer the best advice on different ways forward for you.
答案详解’·,.. “. . : : 巳•
. . .. .
8.What do we learn about the woman’s company? I 公司是一个家族企业,1950年由他的祖父创建,其
A) (精析E细节辨认题.对话开头,女士向男士介绍|员工有100多人,主要制造和出口建筑类石料.电脑的好处
说自己所在的公司在50多个国家设有分公司,提I10. What is the main problem with the m血’s co m归ny?供不同的商业服务,是一家拥有75年历史的跨国I B) (精析E细节辨认题。对话中,男士提及自己公司公司,客户包括一些世界级大公司.| 主要面对的挑战是由于本国货币升值,公司和印
9. What does the man say about his own c。m pany?I度的石料制造商相比失去了竞争优势.
D)(精削细节辨认题.对话中,男士介绍说自己的I11. What d附the woman跑跑est doing to help the
数据专员man’s company?
Qu臼tlon.s12 to 15 are bad on the conversation you have j ust h倒时.
W: Wow, congratulations, Simon! 02-l)The place l时ks absolutely amazing!
M: Really? You think so?
W: Of c。ur.(12-2)1 love it. It looks like vou had a professional interior designer. But you didn’t, did you? M: No. I did it all by mylf with a little help from my brother Greg.日窍’s actually in the construction business, which was really helpful.
W: (1�日)I honestly臼1impre岱eel.I know I could p�obably repaint the walls in my hou over a weekend or somethi11g, but not a full renovation. Where did you ge.t your ideas? I wouldn’t know where to start. M: (13)Well, for a while now, I’ve been regularly buying home desi回magazines.Every
now and then, I'd save a picture I liked. Believe it or not, I ha:1 a full notebook <;if magazine pag臼.Since my overall style was quite minimal, I thoughtιnd hoped a whole renovation wluldn't be too difficult. And sure enough, with Greg’s help, it was ve可achievable.
W: Was it.very expensive? I’ve imagined a projc·ct like this co 1ld咒.
M: (14)Actually it was surpriiingly affordable. I managed to �11 a lot of my old furniture and put that extra money towards the new material. Greg was also able to get scme discount materials from a recent project he was working on as well.
W: (15)Great. If you don’t mind, I'd like to pick your brai 1s川bit more. Jonathan and I are thinking of renovating our sitting room, not the whole hom;e, not vet anyway. And we’d lo明to get some inspiration from your experience. Are y o心free to come over for ιcoffee early next week?
a答案详解12.What do we learn about the woman from the幼师实习日记
的房子.女士用缸n azing、I love it,.professional
13.Where did the man get his ideas for the project?
14.What did the man say about the project he re饵”ly Section C completed?
15.Why does the woman invite the man to her hou
next week?
。“tions16 to 18 are b凶ed on the归刷ge you have j ust h幅地
(16)Remo飞ring foreign objects from ears and n部部costs England almost three million pounds a year, a study由U四ests.Children were r臼ponsible for the vast majority of cas-95% of objects removed from n晴m and 85% from e2 rs. Every y四r an average of 1,218 no and 2,479 ear remov
als took place between 2010 and 2016. (17)Accor:ling to England’s Hospital Episode Statistics, children aged one to four were the most likely to need help from doctors for a f町-e i阴object in their no. Five-to nine-year-olds come t。the hospital with so nething in their ears the most. Jewellery items accounted for up to 40% of cas in both the ears and nos of children. Paper and plastic toys were the items removed next most from nos. Cotton buds and pencils were
also found in ears. (18) Accordint! to the studyt the ∞α盯ence of forei 阻。biects in children is generally attribut创to curiosity. Children have an im阴u to exolore their nos and 饵”-τ'h is resulted in the accidental entrv of forei1t11 obi 民ts.Any 锦r ,no and throat sur醉。a has many weird stories about wonderful objects found in the no 崎and ears of children and adults. Batteries can防范e a parti c植l ar danger. In all ca 踊preven也n is better than cure.τ'h is is why many toys conta讪W缸回ngs about small parts. Rec。但izing problems early and eking medical attention is important.
J 气:答案详解户:二J :·':’飞,
16.What does England叩end an annual thr 臼million ”unds on?C)(精析】细节辨认题.短文开头指出,一项研究显示,英格兰每年花费三百万英镑用于为患者取出塞入耳朵和鼻子中的异物.
17.What do we learn from England 、E如ψ阳l即.sode Statistics?B)(精析E细节推断题.短文提到,根据英格兰医院统计数据,一到四岁的孩子最有可能因鼻中塞入
18.What is generally believed
to 部α>UDt for children putting things in their 饵”。r nos?D)(辅析E细节辨认题.短文提到,根据研究,儿童往
Qu剧创IS 19 to 21 are bad 帽the阴sage you have阳t b随时.
Good morning. (21)T< d町,I would like to talk to vou about mv charitv ReBicycle. But before that, le
t me introduce someone.四is is Leila Rahimi. She w 臼so scared when she first moved to New Zealand that she struggled to leave the ho 崎and would spend days 附ricing up the coura醉to walk to th 虑回1permarket for basic suppli 臼.After a few m onths of being quite down and unhappy, she was invited to join a local bike club. A t this time, (19)ReBicycle配t involved and gave Leila a cond-hand bicycle. Within weeks, her depr邵阳had begun to ea as she cycled.币1e bicycle totally changed her life,· gi ving her hope and a true f 出ling of fr.回dom.To date, (20)Rc:Bicycle has donated more than 200 bikes to tho in need, and is now·exoandint! bike-riding lessons as demand soars. With a bike, newcomers here can travel farther but for almost no cost.τ'h e three hours a day, they ud to spend walking to and fro囚English language l“白邸,has been reduced to just one ho 町.Our bike-riding lc:ssons are 回succ 咽sful that we are urgently looking for more volunteers. Learning to ride a bike is almost always more difficult for an adult, and this can take days and weeks, rather than hours. So if any of you have some free time during the weekend, plea come join 山at ReBicycle and make a difference in someone ’s life.
答案详解. ��一’·..,-....
19.What did ReBicycle do to help Leila Rahimi?A )【精析】细节辨认题.短文首先介绍蘸善团体ReBicycle,通过讲述Leila Rahimi搬家后面临的固境引出自行车俱乐部,当她受邀加入当地自行车俱
乐部后,ReBicycle介入并送给她一辆二孚自行车,Leila Rahimi 由此获得帮助,生活得到改变.20. What is ReBicycle doing to help tho in need?A)(糟析E细节辨认题。短文中提到,ReBicycle已
21.What do 隅learn from the归割ge le?D)(精析】细节辨认题.短文开头提到ReBicycle 是慈善组织.
伽酬。因22to 25 are bad 幅the阴踊ge you havej 四t heard.
τ'h anks to the International Space Station, we know quite a bit abo 也t the effects of low gravity on the human body, (22)but NASA scientists want to learn more. To that end, thev have忧en studying how other species deal with low gravity, specifically focusing on四ce.τ'h e results are both interesting and humorous. The scientists first nt some mice in a specially designed cage to the International Space Station.τbe cage allowed

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