P-books will not be replaced by e-books, nor will fast food replace traditional food.
1. 我们应该做的是告诉孩子们如何正确解决这些问题。
What we should do is to tell the children how to solve the problems in the right way.
2. 政府已经尽力去保护文化遗产,然而还有许多正遭受严重的破坏。(cultural legacy) The government has made great efforts to prerve cultural legacy, yet there are still many being verely damaged
3. 动物实验是野蛮的做法,它剥夺了动物的生命权。银行宣传活动方案(barbaric, deprive, subsistence)
4. Animal testing is a barbaric practice that deprives animals of the right of subsistence.
5. 怎样下五子棋一些人认为,子女有义务照看他们的父母。
Some people think that children have the obligation to look after their parents.
6. 有些专家建议鼓励人们穿传统服装来保护我们的传统。(costume)
Some experts suggest that we should encourage people to wear traditional costumes in order to prerve our tradition.
8. 英语在全世界的扩散导致很多小语种灭亡。
9. The worldwide proliferation of English is业精于勤 leading to the extinction 风信子怎么养of many lesr - knownlanguages.
10. 我很难认同妇女劣于男性的观点。(asnt to, inferior to)
11. I can hardly asnt to the view that women are inferior to men.
12. 审查(censorship)的做法有助于维持一个稳定有序(orderly)的社会。
13. 上学期个人总结The practice of censorship helps maintain a stable and orderly society.
14. 一些人甚至提出了建议,在所有公共场所完全禁止吸烟。
cad如何画虚线.Some people even made the proposal, and in all public places a complete ban smoking.
16. 媒体对某些社会事件的报道可能是有误导性的。
17. The press coverage of some events may be misleading
18. 你总能看到沉溺于电脑中的年轻人,甚至成年人。
19. You always e young people and even adults addicted to computer games.
20. 爱情能将学生从学习—他们的主要工作中分开。
21. Love can tear students away from learning, their main task. 。
22. 糖醋虾的简单家常做法学校不仅应该给学生提供学习的乐趣,而且应该培养学生的责任感。
23. Schools should not only afford students the pleasure of learning but also cultivate students’ n of responsibility.
Living on campus is beneficial to the students not only academically but also psychologically.
what the elderly people need is spiritual consolation
what they emphasize is that exams are detrimental/harmful to students' creativity
what we should do is to tell chldren how to solve the problem correctly
it is sagacious to take all relevant factors into account before decisions are made