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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Job FAQ by DarthMarth / AlaskaFox Version Final Last Updated 2004-07-07 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance GBA FAQs amp Guides Liked this FAQ Click here to recommend this item to other urs. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Job FAQ By: DarthMarth amp AlaskaFox Version 1.5 Final 7 July 2004 Contents    1. Introduction 2. Frequently Asked Questions -FRQ- 3. Race List -RCL- 4. Human Jobs - Physical -HPJ- 5. Human Jobs - Magic -HMJ- 6. Bangaa Jobs - Physical -BPJ- 7. Bangaa Jobs - Magic
-BMJ- 8. Moogle Jobs - Physical -MPJ- 9. Moogle Jobs - Magic -MMJ- 10.Nu Mou Jobs - Physical -NPJ- 11.Nu Mou Jobs - Magic -NMJ- 12. Viera Jobs - Physical -VPJ- 13. Viera Jobs - Magic -VMJ- 14. Weapon List -WPN- 15. Armour List -AMR- 16. Helmet List -HAT- 17. Shield List -SHD- 18. Accessory List -ACS- 19. Version History -VRH- 20. Disclaimer/Legal -LGL- 21. Credits -CRD-
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Introduction
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using this Guide To correctly u the Table of Contents to quickly find what you are looking for press CtrlF and type in the code next to the ction to jump to it.file:///D/翻译备份/需翻译的文件中华名人故事
/ROM/新建文本文档2.txt2010-8-18 14:16:58 On Mac browrs u CommandF for the same results. W
hat is this Guide As it says on the tin this is a Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Job FAQ. It contains just about everything you could need to know the various jobs like detailed ability descriptions job reviews and stat growths.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Frequently Asked Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Who wrote this guide Originally it was just DarthMarth writing this guide but now AlaskaFox has jumped on the bandwagon and is reformatting and xing up the guide. We both hope you like the new appearance. How do I get the weapon the gives the Double Sword Ability This is one of the most asked questions so we may as well answer it here. The weapon is a Katana Ninja sword called Nosada. You get one for having a Smithing level of 20 do the Metal Hunt dispatch mission to rai your Smithing level or as a random reward for high-level missions. What does the notation for stat growth mean I got it from K1n90Fp0rTu9aLs FAQ. Except for movement jump and evade which are constant the numbers indicate how much each stat grows per level. The percentages indicate the chance of receiving an extra point in the area. Thanks very much to K1n90Fp0rTu9aL for letting us u this. What do your ratings mean Strength is how well you can expect the unit to hold up in clo combat. Cunning is how good they are at messing with the enemys stats. Mystic is how good they are with spells.
禁手----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Race List
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BANGAA Totema: Adrammelech of Jobs: 7 Physical: 6 Magic: 1file:///D/翻译备份/需翻译的文件/ROM/新建文本文档  2.txt2010-8-18 14:16:58 Job - Required A-Abilities
----------------------------------- Warrior - N/A Dragoon - 2 Warrior Defender - 2 Warrior Gladiator - 2 Warrior White Monk - N/A Templar - 2 White Monk Bishop - 2 White Monk HUMAN Totema: Mateus of Jobs: 11 Physical: 7 Magic: 4 Job - Required
A-Abilities ----------------------------------- Soldier - N/A Paladin - 2 Soldier Fighter - 2 Soldier Archer - N/A Hunter - 2 Archer Thief - N/A Ninja - 2 Thief White Mage - N/A Black Mage - N/A Illusionist - 3 White Mage 5 Black Mage Blue Mage - 1 White Mage 1 Black Mage MOOGLE Totema: Famfrit of Jobs: 8 Physical: 4 Magic: 4 Job -
Required A-Abilities ----------------------------------- Animist - N/A Mog Knight - 1 Animist Gunner - 1 Animist Thief - N/A Juggler - 2 Thieffile:///D/翻译备份/需翻译的文件/ROM/新建文本文档2.txt2010-8-18 14:16:58 Gadgeteer - 2 Thief Black Mage -
N/A Time Mage - 5 Black Mage NU MOU Totema: Ultima of Jobs: 8 Phsyical: 2 Magic: 6 Job - Required A-Abilities ----------------------------------- Beastmaster - N/A Morpher - 5 Beastmaster Black Mage - N/A White Mage - N/A Time Mage - 5 Black Mage Alchemist - 3 White Mage 5 Black Mage Illusionist - 3 White Mage 5 Black Mage Sage - 3 White Mage 2 Beastmaster VIERA Totema: Exodus of Jobs: 8 Physical: 4 Magic: 4 Job - Required A-Abilities ----------------------------------- Fencer - N/A Red Mage - 1 Fencer Archer - N/A Sniper - 2 Archer White Mage - N/A Elementalist- 1 White Mage 1 Fencer Summoner - 2 White Mage 2 Elementalist Assassin - 2 Elementalist 1 Sniper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Human Jobs - Physical ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -HPJ-file:///D/翻译备份/需翻译的文件/ROM/新建文本文档2.txt2010-8-18 14:16:58 SOLDIER Required A-Abilities: None Equippable Items: Swords Greatswords Helmets Hats Armor Clothing Shields Leads to: Paladin 2 Soldier A-Abilities Fighter 2 Soldier A-Abilities Stat Growth Movement: 3 Defen: 8 80 Jump: 2 HP: 8 40 Evade: 50 MP: 1 10 Speed: 1 10 Magic Power: 6 60 Attack: 8 80 Magic Resistance: 7 20 Battle Tech A-Abilities ----------- NAME - AP - ITEM - DESCRIPTION First Aid - 100 - Shortsword - Heals own HP and recover status Powerbreak - 200 - Barong - Lowers targets attack power Mindbreak - 200 - Buster Sword - Lowers targets magic power Magicbreak - 200 - Ancient Sword - Damages targets mana Speedbreak - 200 - Silver Sword - Lowers targets speed Mug - 300 - Diamond Sword - Deals damage and steals Gil Pro
voke - 300 - Blood Sword - Drives target berrk Sensor - 300 - Burglar Sword - Detects hidden equipment on target S-Abilities ----------- Monkey Grip - 300 - Vigilante - Can hold 2-handed swords in one hand Shieldbearer - 100 - Bronze Shield - Round Shield - Platinum Shield C-Ability --------- Combat Combo - 100 - Mythril Sword - U all JP to do a combination attack Equippable Weapons Ancient Sword Barong Blood Sword Burglar Sword Buster Sword Chirijiradenfile:///D/翻译备份/需翻译的文件
金美儿/ROM/新建文本文档2.txt2010-8-18 14:16:58 Diamond Sword Gale Sword Hardedge Leglace Sword Lure Breaker Master Sword Mythril Sword Oblige Onion Restorer Shortsword Silver Sword Victor Sword Vigilante Vitanova Zankplus Description The Soldier is the basic physical Human class. They are not too fast but have above average physical power. Soldiers are one of the better anti-mage class for Humans as well. First Aid is a uful ability if your Soldier has been inflicted with a status condition but it doesnt heal much HP. The Soldiers 4 Breaks are what make them unique. Mind and Magicbreak make them good against magic urs while Power and Speedbreak are better against physical class. Mug isnt too uful it doesnt do much damage and steals VERY little Gil. Provoke is another uful anti-mage ability and works on every physically weak class or when Fight is outlawed. Sensor is almost esntial for stealing most rare items but it isnt enough to save the Soldi
er from being a mediocre class. Their S-abilities arent very impressive either. Ratings Strength Rating: Cunning Rating: Mystic Rating: Overall Rating: PALADIN Required A-Abilities: 2 Soldier Equippable Items: Knightswords Greatswords Helmets Armor Robes Shields Leads to: N/A Stat Growth Movement: 3 Defen: 9 20 Jump: 2 HP: 7 60file:///D/翻译备份/需翻译的文件/ROM/新建文本文档  2.txt2010-8-18 14:16:58 Evade: 35 MP: 2 20 Speed: 0 80 Magic Power: 7
20 Attack: 8 30 Magic Resistance: 8 90 Chivalry A-Abilities ----------- NAME - AP - MP - ITEM - DESCRIPTION Nur - 100 - - Defender - Heals HP and recovers ur and all adjacent units Defen - 200 - - Lionheart - Increas defen and magic resistance for 1 turn Cover - 200 - - SaveTheQueen - Take damage for nearby unit for 1 turn Subdue - 200 - - Ancient Sword - Deals very little damage Drop Weapon - 200 - - Ragnarok - Attempts to de-equip enemys weapon Parley - 200 - - Barong - Convinces critical unit to leave battle Saint Cross - 300 - 24 - Arch Sword - Inflicts Holy damage to all adjacent units Holy Blade - 300 - 32 - Excalibur - Inflicts massive Holy damage R-Ability --------- Reflex - 300 - Genji Armor - Dodges all quotFightquot actions S-Abilities ----------- Weapon DEF - 300 - Diamond Armor - Increas physical defen C-Ability --------- Knight Combo - 100 - Mythril Brand - U all JP to do a combination attack Equippable Weapons Ancient Sword Apocalyp Arch Sword Barong Defender Diamond Sword Excalibur Excalibur2 Hardedge Lionheart
Lohengrin Lure Breaker Master Sword Mythril Brand Nagrarok Obligefile:///D/翻译备份/需翻译的文件/ROM/新建文本文档
<2010-8-18 14:16:58 Ragnarok SaveTheQueen Sequence Vigilate Zankplus Description Paladins are one of the most powerful Human class along with Fighters. They are arguably the best tanks in the game. They have large HP defen and resistance growth but low speed and their Weapon DEF ability makes them tougher. Defen allows them to augment the defen and resistance of themlves. Cover can be ud to protect nearby units by making the Paladin take damage for them. This can be uful in protecting your weaker spellcasters. Nur is basically First Aid but with an area of effect significantly more uful. Subdue may em uless but it is good for activating damage R-Abilities like Dragonheart or Auto-Regen or snapping people out of Charm or Confusion. It can also be ud to help weaken monsters for capture. Drop Weapon isnt as uful as Steal: Weapon but it can still be great for weakening strong enemies. Parley is a diplomatic move that convinces a unit with VERY low HP probably about 1 to 4 or even less to leave the battlefield preventing it from being revived. They have to have so little HP thats it best to just KO them instead of wasting veral turns weakening them. The Paladins final 2 abilities are by far his most powerful. Saint Cross deals large Holy damage to all tiles adjacent to the Paladin like a stronger version of Wil
d Swing. Holy Blade deals INSANE Holy damage to an adjacent unit at least twice the normal melee damage especially with a Holy Weapon like Excalibur or SaveTheQueen equipped. With a strong and Holy weapon equipped this attack can take out even tough enemies in one mighty hit. Thats good becau your Paladin will likely only have the mana to u it once until level 30 or so. Make sure he levels up as a magical class to increa his mana. Finally Reflex in quite possibly the cond best Human reaction ability. With it equipped your Paladin becomes invulnerable to the fight command. Ratings Strength Rating: Cunning Rating: Mystic Rating: Overall Rating: FIGHTER Required A-Abilities: 2 Soldier Equippable Items: Blades Hats Clothing Leads to: N/Afile:///D/翻译备份/需翻译的文件/ROM/新建文本文档  2.txt2010-8-18 14:16:58 Stat Growth Movement: 4 Defen: 8 10 Jump: 2 HP: 7 40 Evade: 45 MP: 1 40 Speed: 1 10 Magic Power: 5 60 Attack: 9 20 Magic Resistance: 6 90 Fighter Tech A-Abilities ----------- NAME - AP - ITEM - DESCRIPTION Rush - 100 - Sweep Blade - Damages and knocks back target Wild Swing - 200 - Ogun Blade - Damages all adjacent units Beatdown - 200 - Shadow Blade - High damage but low accuracy Blitz - 200 - Sun Blade - Low damage but high accuracy Air Render - 200 - Atmos Blade - Deals damage from up to 3 squares away Far
Fist - 200 - Kwigon Blade - Deals area damage from up to 4 squares away Air Blast - 300 - Air Blade -
Damages in shockwave radius Backdraft - 300 - Flametongue - Heavy damage but deals one fourth to lf R-Abilities ----------- Bonecrusher - 300 - Ninja Gear - Counters melee attacks with 1.5 normal damage Strikeback - 300 - Wygar - Dodges Fight action and counters S-Ability --------- Doublehand - 300 - Venus Blade - Hold
1-hand blade in 2 hands to rai attack C-Ability --------- Fight Combo - 100 - Mythril Blade - U all JP to do a combination attack Equippable Weapons Adaman Blade Air Blade Atmos Blade Avuiyr Blue Avuiyr Red Ebon Blade Flametongue Ice Brand Kwigon Blade Mythril Blade Ogun Blade Paraiba Blade Pearl Blade Shadow Blade Sun Bladefile:///D/翻译备份/需翻译的文件/ROM/新建文本文档2.txt2010-8-18 14:16:58 Sweep Blade Venus Blade Description Fighters are the best Human class at fighting duh. They focus more on offen than Paladins dealing possibly the most damage of any Human class. They are also more mobile than Paladins are. On to the abilities. Rush is basically a 100 critical hit without the extra damage. Its uful for preventing counterattacks. Wild Swing can be helpful if youre surrounded but isnt generally uful other than that. Beatdown and Blitz are polar opposites each favoring either accuracy or power. Beatdown is very good if youve stopped the target or put it to sleep while Blitz is uful for finishing off weakened foes. Air Render is possibly the Fighters best A-Ability with the power and accuracy of the Fight command but with adde
幼儿园入学时间d range. Far Fist has even more range and deals area damage but is less powerful. Air Blast fan be fired in any direction damaging the square in front of the Fighter and spreading out to also hit the 3 behind that. If you can find enemies arranged the right way Air Blast can do massive to.

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