邵广周 编译 李庆春 校译
本《汇编》节选自地球物理学家R.E.Sheriff所著《Encyclopendic Dictionary of Exploration Geophysics》。内容按地球物理中的主要方向分别编排为地震、电磁、重磁、测井及数据处理,涉及到主要术语近500个并配备了中文译文。可作为勘查技术与工程及地球物理学专业
● Gravity………………………………………………………………1
● Magnetic……………………………………………………………11
● Electrical……………………………………………………………21
● Seismic……………………………………………………………31
● Log…………………………………………………………………78
● Data precessing……………………………………………………83
accuracy: 1. The degree of freedom from error; the total error compared to the true value. Compare precision, uncertainty, and nsitivity. 2. The capability of an instrument to follow a true value. Inaccuracy is the departure from the true value due to any instrument error such as lack of repeatability, drift, temperature effects, or other caus.
准确度:1. 误差的自由度;相对于真实值的总误差。参照精度、不确定性和灵敏度。2. 仪器测量真实值的能力。不准确度是由于仪器误差如复测正确度、掉格、温度影响或其它原因引起的偏离真实值的误差。
AGC: Automatic gain control.
Airy Hypothesis: A mode of compensation for isostasy in which topographically elevated areas are compensated by underlying “roots” of crustal material penetrating into the higher density subcrust.
alias: An ambiguity in the frequency reprented by sampled data. Where there are fewer than two samples per cycle, an input signal at one frequency yields the same sample values as (and hence appears to be ) another frequency at the output of the system. Half of the frequency of sampling is called the “folding” or “Nyquist” frequency fN; a frequency larger than this, fN+Y, appears to be the smaller frequency, f儿童睡眠N-Y. The two frequencies, fN+Y and fN-Y are “alias” of each other. Thus , for a signal sampled every 4 mc, or 250 times per cond, the Nyquist frequency is 125 hz; if, for example, 50 hz is within the passband, then 200 hz will also be pasd if an alias filter has not been ud
and will appear in the output to have a 50 hz frequency. To avoid aliasing, frequencies above the Nyquist frequency must be removed by an alias filter before the sampling. The passbands obtained by folding about the Nyquist frequency are called alias bands, side lobes, and condary lobes. Aliasing is an inherent property of all sampling systems. It applies to digital ismic recording, to the sampling which is done by the parate elements of geophone and shotpoint arrays, and to sampling such as done in gravity surveys where the potential field is determined only at discrete stations, etc.
假频:采样数据所表现出的频率的多值性。当每周期少于两个采样点时,某一频率的输入信号与系统输出端另一频率的信号具有(看起来象是)相同的采样值。采样频率的一半叫作“折叠频率”或“奈奎斯特频率”fN;大于该频率的频率fN+Y与小于该频率的频率fN-Y看起来很象。这两个频率fN+Y 和 fN-Y相互“混叠”。因此,对于采样间隔为4毫秒的信号,或者说每秒采样250次的信号,其奈奎斯特频率为125 hz;例如,设频率为50 hz的信号在通频带内,如果不用去假频滤波器,则频率为200 hz的信号在输出端也会得到频率为50 hz的输出信号。为避免频率混叠现象,在采样之前必须用去假频滤波器将高于奈奎斯特频率的频率成分滤除。由奈奎斯特频率折叠得到的通频带叫作假频通带、旁瓣和副瓣。混叠是所有采
amplitude spectrum: Amplitude-versus-frequency relationship such as is computed in a Fourier analysis. See企业投资 Fourier transform.
antiroots: Shallow high-density mantle material beneath thin portions of the relatively light crust. Characterized by shallow Moho. The effect is to bring topographically low areas (like ocean basins ) into isostatic equilibrium.
Bouguer anomaly: 1. The residual value obtained after latitude correction, elevation correction (including both free-air and Bouguer corrections), and terrain correction have been applied to gravity data. 2. Sometimes, a departure from smoothness in the contours
on a map showing Bouguer gravity values (an anomaly in Bouguer anomaly values).
布格异常:1. 重力资料经纬度改正、高程改正(包括自由空间改正和布格改正)和地形改正后的剩余值。2. 有时指布格重力等值线图中偏离于平滑值的差值(布格异常值中的异常)。
Bouguer correction: A correction to gravity data becau of the attraction of the rock between the station and the elevation of the datum (often a level) or, in the ca of stations below the datum elevation, for the rock that is missing between the station and datum. The Bouguer correction is 0.4185 ρh mgal, where ρ is the specific gravity of the intervening rock and h is the difference between the station and datum elevations in meters (or 0.01276 ph mgal if h is in feet). In surface ship gravity data, the Bouguer correction replaces the a water with rock and ρ in the preceding expression is the difference in specific gravity of the rock and that of a water (usually taken as 1.03).
式为0.4185 ρh毫伽,其中ρ是中间层岩石密度,h为测点与基准面之间的高程差,单位为米(或0.01276 ph毫伽,h的单位为英尺)。对于船上重力资料,布格改正以岩石代替海水,而前面所给表达式中的ρ则为岩石比重与海水比重之差(常取1.03)。
continuation:世博会博物馆 Determining from a t of measurements of a potential field made over one surface what values the field will have over another surface (specifically at another elevation).
density: Mass per unit volume. Commonly measured in gm/cm3 = 103kg/m3, often without the units being expresd explicitly.
density contrast: The difference in density between two formations.
depth of compensation: The assumed depth at which the pressure due to the overlying crustal elements is constant and below which lateral density variations disappear. Involved in isostatic correction sometimes taken as the top of the asthenosphere. See also Pratt hypothesis.