Statistical Prediction Bad on Censored Life Data 期刊名称: Technometrics
东北大烩菜作者: Luis A. Escobar and William Q. Meeker
如何锻炼手臂肌肉>筮的拼音年份: 1999年比热容教案
四世同堂老舍期号: 第2期
关键词: bootstrap; maximum likelihood; reliability; simulation; warranty
摘要:This article describes methods for using censored life data to construct prediction bounds or intervals for future outcomes. Both new-sample prediction (e.g., using data from a previous sample to make predictions on the future failure time of a new unit) and within-sample prediction problems (e.g., predicting the number of future failures from a sample, bad on early data from that sample) are considered. The general method, bad on an assumed parametric distribution, us simulationbad calibration. This method provides exactly the nominal coverage probability when an exact pivotal-bad method exists and a highly accurate large-sample approximation, otherwi. To illustrate new-sa
mple prediction, we show how to construct a prediction interval for a single future obrvation from a previously sampled population/process (