莫言原名Today is eighty-one Army, the Army 82 anniversary. This day, I thought about more meaningful than before. Under the leadership of my mother, my cousin Yang Yang went to Henan, Anhui Revolutionary Memorial Hall. We go after the Red Army's footsteps, to cherish the memory of martyrs, to understand the history. The Red Square, I saw one parked in the square of the plane, it was Lenin light reconnaissance bomber. This is the Red Army ized aircraft is the first aircraft of the Red Army. I stroked the wings, a matter of pride in my heart. He looked up, being greeted by veral eye-catching characters on the opposite side of the building - Henan, Anhui Revolutionary Memorial Hall. This is the inscription it! We walked forward, up the stairs, next to the carved handrails very simple. From the entrance into it, I saw a big electronic screen, above describes the tour route and Memorial Information ven parts, and from here I have learned a lot. A memorial statue caught my attention. In the first exhibition in a row the giant statue stands, it is they created a new era in Chine history. Go any further, I saw Xu Xiangqian statue. Xu Xiangqian original name Xu Xiangqian, becau he's always forward the revolutionary spirit and chan
细胞衰老的特征花蛤蒸蛋ged its name to "move forward." He ud his life to "forward" the most powerful interpretation made. We also saw Shen Zemin statue before dying wrote the report. He sat in a shabby room, mottled walls, dim oil lamp . Although there a pot of charcoal fire, but he can imagine his cold on thin clothing. This undying spirit moved me. Not only rely on the success of the revolution leader, the strength of the mass is esntial. Jing-Han Railroad workers strike statue also makes me feel shocked. February 4, 1923, Beijing - Hankou railway station Xinyang workers more than 2,000 people in advance of the strike whistle sounded. He intercepted a train from south to north, and to the suppression of reactionary warlords tit for tat struggle. Although the details of Qian Lin, Shi Yang and sacrificed their lives, but their spirit to stay forever in this world. What impresd me most is the statue of a group of "Willows uprising." Red Army with the "Soil Tank" defeat the enemy "foreign bunker." "Soil Tank" is to quilt soaked in water, kept in a side table. So actually the firepower of "foreign bunker" defeated. It is really clapping and cheering! At the time the Red Army to victory was not easy. We e the kind of display are: machetes, spears, GongYingQiang head, feet harpoon, compared to Japan, Dongyang Dao far wors
e, not to mention the artillery guns. We also saw the Reds through the sandals, uniforms and so on. I looked at the goobumps on tho rusty weapons and I do not know how many Red Army shed blood and sweat, I could not help but think of the Red Army and the enemy fight scenes. My eyes moist. Today I know Xinyang revolutionary background, we now know that life is great and the majority of farmers in the Red Army out of the hard work of workers with machetes and spears, how come easily. I could not help but awe of them, we saw no reason not to cherish today's happy life? Let's go after the Red Army's footsteps, they always remember the spirit of it! Let us cherish life, as more people create happiness!小学生现代诗
杜甫之死今天是八一建军节,是建军82周年的日子。这个日子,我想过得比以前更有意义。在妈妈的带领下,我和表哥阳阳一起去了鄂豫皖革命纪念馆。我们去追寻红军的足迹,去缅怀先烈,了解历史。 到了红军广场,我一眼就看见了广场中停放的那架飞机,那是列宁号侦察轻型轰炸机。这是红军缴获的飞机,也是红军的第一架飞机。我抚摸着机翼,一种自豪涌上心头。 抬头一望,正对面的建筑物上几个醒目的大字映入眼帘——鄂豫皖革命纪念馆。这是的题词呢!我们快步上前,拾级而上,旁边雕花的扶手十分古朴。 从入口进去,
我看见一个大大的电子屏幕,上面介绍了纪念馆的参观路线和七部分的内容简介,从这里我也学到了不少知识。 纪念馆里一尊雕像吸引了我的视线。在第一展厅中一排伟人的雕像屹立着,正是他们开创了中国历史的新纪元。再往前走,我看见了徐向前的塑像。徐向前原名叫徐象谦,因为他自己的永远向前的革命精神而将名字改为“向前”。他用自己的一生对“向前”作了最有力的诠释。我们还看见了沈泽民临终前写报告的雕像。他坐在简陋的屋子里,斑驳的墙壁,昏黄的油灯….虽然有一盆炭火,但从他单薄的衣物上可以想象他的寒冷。这至死不渝的精神让我感动。 革命的成功不单单靠领袖人物,人民大众的力量也是必不可少的。京汉铁路工人罢工的雕像同样让我感到震撼。1923年2月4日,京汉铁路信阳站工人2000余人提前拉响了罢工的汽笛。截住了一列由南往北的列车,与前来镇压的反动军阀进行针锋相对的抗争。虽然林详谦、施洋等献出了宝贵的生命,但他们的精神永留人世间。 给我印象最深的一组雕像是“柳林起义”。红军用“土坦克”打败敌人的“洋碉堡”。“ 土坦克”就是把棉被浸透水,蒙在一张方桌上。就这样居然把火力猛烈的“洋碉堡”打败了。真是令人拍手称快! 在当时红军要取得胜利非常不容易。我们看到展出的实物有:大刀、长矛、红缨枪头、脚鱼叉等,比起日本的东洋刀差远了,更不要说洋枪大炮了。我们还看到了红军穿过的草鞋、军装等。看着这些我心潮起伏,这些锈迹斑斑的武器
上不知洒下了多少红军的热血与汗水,我也不由得想起红军与敌军搏斗的场面。我的眼睛湿润了。 今天我认识了信阳的革命背景,知道了我们的现在的生活是伟大的红军和广大的农民工人用大刀长矛打拼出来的,是多么的来之不易。我不由得对他们肃然起敬,我们又有什么理由不珍惜今天的幸福生活呢? 让我们去追寻红军的足迹,永远铭记他们的精神吧!让我们珍惜现在的生活,为更多的人创造幸福吧!