安 徽 农 业 大 学
毕 业 论 文(设计)
论文题目 谈《白鲸》中象征主义运用
姓 名 红枣粽子学 号
学 院 儿童画教案 专 业 养成教育计划
指导教师 职 称
On The U of Symbolism in Moby Dick
成都三日游Thesis submitted to the faculty of School of Foreign Languages, Anhui Agricultural University in partial fulfillment of
The requirements for the degree of产学研用一体化
Bachelor of Arts
School of Foreign Languages, AAU
May 2011
I have eternal gratitude to Ma Wen, my thesis supervisor, for her/his inestimable help and valuable instruction, and to Professor Xu Youjiang for his insightful lectures, which in
spire me to compo this disrtation.
I also thank tho who help me in cour of the writing and who names I can’t list here one by one.
Finally, I would also like to acknowledge the continuing support and kindness from my parents. Without their love, I could never have gone this far.
Herman Melville was a famous American novelist in Romantic period,who has written numerous popular works, among which Moby Dick was the most outstanding one. Moby Dick is a novel about the fighting between man and nature. It is famous for symbolism. In this novel, every character, even every object has its symbolic meaning. The u of symbolism makes an artistic effect in this novel and makes the novel world-famous.
This paper centers on the u of symbolism in Moby Dick. It gives a brief introduction about the main characters and symbolism, then analys the symbolic meanings of the
characters and objects including the white whale Moby Dick, the captain Ahab, the ship Pequod, the a Pacific, the voyage for hunting the white whale and the relationship between Ishmeal and Queequeq. After analysis, we will find that this novel is in fact a mini but real society and how skillfully symbolism was ud by Melville.
Key words: symbolism; nature; characters
摘 要
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