1.Moby-dick is regarded as the Great American Novel, the first American pro epic(散文史诗: a long narrative poem telling of heroic deeds of reflecting the values of the society from which it originated), though it is prented in the form of a novel.
①its surface meaning: It is a whaling tale or a adventure, dealing with Ahab, a man with an overwhelming obssion to kill the whale which has crippled him, on board his ship Pequod in the cha of the big whale. The dramatic description of the hazards of whaling makes the book a very exciting a narrative and builds a literary monument to an era of whaling industry in the nineteenth century.
② The deep symbolic theme: Moby-Dick is not merely a whaling tale or a adventure, considering that Melville is a great symbolist. It turns out to be a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of the univer, a spiritual exploration into man's d晚上英文怎么说>脚步轻盈
eep reality and psychology鱼尾裙. This is shown in Captain Ahab's rebellious struggle against the overwhelming mysterious vastness of the univer and its awesome sometimes merciless forces.
The Peduod is the miscrocosm of human society and the voyage becomes a arch for truth; Moby Dick symbolizes nature for the author, evil for the character Ahab;
2. 《the adventure of huckleberry finn》爱情伤感诗句
(1)Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is Mark Twain’s masterpiece. tells the story of a teenaged misfit,Huck, who finds himlf floating on a raft down the Mississippi River with an escaping slave, Jim. 老爷爷图片In the cour of their perilous journey, Huck and Jim meet adventure, 鸡肉的营养danger, and a cast of characters who are sometimes menacing and often hilarious.
3. The Great Gatsby
(1)The theme of the novel: The Great Gatsby, by summarizing the experiences and attitudes of the glamorous and wild 1920s, deals with the bankruptcy of the American Dream, which is high1ighted by the disillusionment of the protagonist's personal dream due to the clashes between his romantic vision of life and the relentless reality.
(2)Chapter Ⅲ of the novel, a vivid description of one of Gatsby's fabulous parties, prents a vivid atmosphere of paradox. Gatsby's party, characteristic of the roaring twenties in the U.S. evokes both the romance and the sadness of the Jazz Age. On the surface, the party is crowded, yet empty of warmth or friendship, with people coming to the party eagerly but appearing indifferent and contemptuous of their host. Gatsby himlf as the host is a paradox -- exceedingly courteous but keeps himlf detached from the noisy and confusing crowd, becau he, though fascinated with the wealth, was fully aware of the corruptive nature of the society and the Vanity Fair. The charm and sweetness of the youth is spoiled by triviality and tawdriness; The splendid hou and garden is purchad not for enjoyment but for impression. There is every sign of merriment, with guests eating, drinking, laughing, moving about and dancing, but people get dead drunk, break down in tears or quarrel over trivialities. So beneath the wealthy people's masks of relaxation and joviality there was only sterility, meaninglessness and futi1ity, and amid the grandeur and extravagance a spiritual waste1and and a hint of decadence and moral decay. This undeniable juxtaposition of appearance with reality, of t贯颐奋戟
he preten of gaiety with the tension underneath, is easily recognizable in Fitzgerald's novels and stories.牛皮灯笼
4.Ezra Pound
<In a station of the Metro> 赏析
The poem was first published in 1913 and is considered one of the leading poems of the Imagist tradition. Pound's process of deletion from thirty lines to only fourteen words typifies Imagism's focus on economy of language, precision of imagery and experimenting with non-traditional ver forms. The poem is Pound’s written equivalent for the moment of revelation and inten emotion he felt at the Metro at La Concorde, Paris.
By linking human faces, a synecdoche for people themlves, with petals on a damp bough, the poet calls attention to both the elegance and beauty of human life, as well as its transience. A dark, wet bough implies that it has just rained, and the petals stuck to the
bough were shortly before attached to flowers from the tree. They may still be living, but they will not be for long. In this way, Pound calls attention to human mortality as a whole - we are all dying.
The word "apparition" is considered crucial as it implies both prence and abnce – and thus transience as mentioned previously.
The plosive word "Petals" conjures ideas of delicate, feminine beauty which contrasts with the bleakness of the "wet, black bough".
5.William Wordsworth
<I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud > 赏析
6.Ode to the West Wind 第一段
Stanza 1 Addressing the west wind as a human, the poet describes its activities: It drives dead leaves away as if they were ghosts fleeing a wizard. The leaves are yellow and black, pale and red, as if they had died of an infectious dia. The west wind carries
eds in its chariot and deposits them in the earth, where they lie until the spring wind awakens them by blowing on a trumpet (clarion). When they form buds, the spring wind spreads them over plains and on hills. In a paradox, the poet address the west wind as a destroyer and a prerver, then asks it to listen to what he says.
The Rhyme scheme-aba bcb cdc ded ff
Iambic metre
7.Oliver Twist 主要内容和思想主题
One of Charles Dickens most enduringly popular stories is Oliver Twist, an early work published 1837-8. Oliver was a poor orphan orphan. He had no parents. At the workhou, his masters were very stick. So, one day, he escaped to London. In London, he met a thief and his friends, who taught him to steal from rich people. During this time, he met a kind man, Mr.Brunlow. But the thief forced Oliver to steal from Mr.Brunlow. If Oli
ver refud, they would kill him. But one day ,the police found the thief and they arrested him and nt him to prison. Finally , adopted Oliver. Mr.Brunlow adopted.
In Oliver Twist, Dickens mixes grim realism and merciless satire as a way to describe the effects of industrialism on 19th-century England and to criticize the harsh new Poor Laws. Oliver, an innocent child, is trapped in a world where his only options em to be the workhou.