Here is a story. A participant in the long-distance race got his shoes
filled with sand when he was crossing a beach. He had to stop to get the sand out hastily before he resumed running. Unfortunately a grain of sand remained
rubbing the sole and became increasingly telling so that each step meant a twinge of pain. Reluctant to halt and get rid of the sand, he continued to run in spite of
the pain until he could stand no more. He dropped out of the contest just a few
yards from the finishing line. As he managed to get out of the shoe painfully, he was surprid to find the cau of his lasting torment was only a grain of sand.
It ems that the greatest obstacle on one's way forward may not be a high
mountain or a deep valley but a grain of sand that is hardly visible. To avoid
blame on a minor fault one may tell a lie. That adds a burden to a heavy heart and
weighs it down. In the days to come he will have to fabricate one falhood after
another to cover the lie he told and the fault he committed. Thus he will never
be able to free himlf from lingering anxiety, worry and regret, to the ignorance
that all his sufferings originate in only a grain of sand--the first lie he told.
我的第一个先生就是我的母亲。我已经说过使我认识“爱”字的是她。在我幼小的时候,她是我的世界的中心。她很完满地体现了一个“爱”字。她使我知道人间的温暖;她使我知道爱与 被爱的幸福。她常常用温和的口气,对我解释种种事情。她教我真诚待人,不管他们
贫或富;她教我帮助那些在困苦中需要扶持的人;她教我同情那些 境遇不好的婢仆,怜恤他们,不要把自己看得比他们高,动辄将他们打骂。母亲自己也处过不少的逆境。在大家庭里做媳妇,这苦处是不难想到的。但是母亲从不曾在我的眼前淌过泪,或者说过什么悲伤的话。她给我看见的永 远是温和的、带着微笑的脸。
动漫女生全身Mother is my first teacher who, as I said before, awakened(v唤醒,初意识到) in me a n of love(爱的感觉). She was the center of the world in my early childhood, the very image(象征) of love itlf, It was to her that I owed my awareness of the fact that there is warmth in the world --- that to show love is no less happiness than(不少于,比..多) to be loved. How tenderly(温柔的) and gently she explained to me all sorts of things! She told me it was good to love people, whether poor or rich, and be always ready to(总是很乐意) give a helping hand to tho in need or in trouble. She advid me to give a sympathetic给领导敬酒怎么说(同情的) thought to rvants(仆人) and maids(婢女), who were not so fortunate(幸运的) as we were in their circumstances(境遇), and never look down upon them like a superior架子鼓乐谱(高级的,上级). They derved compassion(同情), rather than maltreatment(虐待)地红霉素肠溶片 on the slightest(最轻微的) pretext(借口).
It was natural for a person like her, with her personal sufferings as an insignificant daughter-in-law in a big feudalistic family. Quite imaginable that she had had bitter experience, yet never once did I e her shed tears nor hear her express grief. (combination, amplification)In my eyes she was always tender, always smiling.
moments of tranquility
When night falls blurring from view distant hills and nearby landscape, or when the noi and laughter of a hilarious party has died away, nothing is there to draw your attention and the only thing you are conscious of is that your mind is working. That is the moment when you are alert to the existence of tranquility.
Don’t shy away from it. Tranquility does not mean loneliness or solitude. It provides your mind with full freedom to travel anywhere it likes. A quite atmosphere is most favorable for you to sort out your thoughts or examine yourlf and make a lf-criticism.
When loneliness comes over you as a result of too much thinking, a favorite book will ea your mind and broaden your horizons. Reading a good book is like having a fireside chat with a clo friend. At other times you may be so occupied with your work or social intercour as to have no time for books. Now you can peacefully listen to wi men of all times, enriching yourlf with their ideas, and enlarging your stock of knowledge. Or you can do other things to suit your taste: enjoy a peace of music, attentively draw a picture, or arrange Chine chess pieces for a near-end game. If you are in the mood, you may as well open an album and let the photos bring back memories of tho now far away. Isn’t any one of the a real pleasure in life?