
更新时间:2023-07-09 16:15:57 阅读: 评论:0

My generation, we were born into war. 我们这代人生于战争年代Giant monsters attacked our world. 巨兽入侵并袭击地球
We called them 'Kaiju'. 我们称它们为“怪兽”They came through the breach. 它们从裂缝中钻进来
A gateway to another dimension, at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. 而裂缝连接着另一次元的世界深处太平洋海底
They were nt by an alien race on the 它们听命于外星种族...
the Precursors. 自称先驱
We 我们为了反击...
built in our own monsters. 建造了强悍的机器人
Jaegers, giant robots. 机甲猎人庞大的机械士兵
So big they needed two pilots to run them. 体型大到需要两名驾驶员才能操作My father was one of them. 我的父亲就是其中之一
He sacrificed himlf to help save the world. 他牺牲了自己拯救世界
I am not my father. 但是我不是我的父亲
It's been 10 years since we won the war and clod the breach. 自从大战胜利封锁裂缝到现在已经过去了十年
Most of the world 地球渐渐从伤残中恢复...
but few coastal cities never did. 但是一些沿海城市却没有变化
And the world is still picking up the pieces. 世界还在休养生息
But some of us live better in a broken world. 可像我们这些人能在废墟中过得风生
And squatting in half 白住半座豪宅...
is better than paying for some crappy apartment. 好过付钱买下烂公寓
Now in the relief zones you have to get creative, 住在这里你得足智多谋
you have to hustle. 懂得耍手腕
Somebody el might eat your breakfast. 否则别人就会拿走你的奶酪
And your cookies. 还有你的饼干
And your damn hot sauce. 我很会耍这些手腕在这里
Y ou know out here we place a different value on
The Pan Pacific Defen Corps usually looks the other
as long as you don't go poking around where you don't
Say like a, decommissioned Jaeger scrape yard. 比如说报废机甲猎人废料场
Big risks mean 高风险就有高回报...
and nothing pays more than stolen Jaegertech. 偷窃来的机甲技术价值连城
Plenty of nutcas out here trying to make their own
But they need the parts to do it. 但他们需要零件
So if you can steal what no one el 所以如果能搞到别人没有的...
you can live like a king.那你就活的和太上皇无差了
Are you sure it's in here? 你确定这有吗?
Power cords are stripped before they get
but sometimes they miss the tertiary plasma
And that's a big score. This one is still holding the
Y ou better hope so. 最好是这样
OK. Just calm down. Just not get excited. 别激动冷静一下
I'm just playing the odds here. 我只是为了保险起见
Y ou cheated Barada and while you escaped another Chau in Hong Kong. 你可在华雷斯骗了布里达在香港又把赵先生耍了
- That was a misunderstanding. - And stole from me, my own backyard. - 那是个误会- 还从我的后院偷我的东西
Now I'm stealing for you. Cycle of life. 可现在我在帮你偷东西风水轮流转啊- Y ou good? - Y - 没问题?- 只要你乖乖把零件交给
Y eah. 就没问题
- We good. - Okay. - 对大家都好- 好吧
党员服务承诺书- Let's get rich. - Nice. - 一起发财吧- 很好
Target locked. 目标已锁定
Where is it? 东西去哪里了?
- Target locked. - Hey man, uh... Just a little situation. - 目标已锁定- 嘿老兄嗯... 出了点
It says it's here. It is suppod to be right there. 这东西说在这它应该就在这事业单位管理规定
Well, you know what, Let me just figure this out. 你稍等一下我马上想办法Somebody plea kill this guy for me. 赶紧给我把他干掉
Target moving. 目标在移动
No, it's here. Y ou wait, wait. Some one el is in here. 不不不是这里你们等一下这里还有
Someone el has the capacitor. Now, let's go. Come
Jake Jake Wait 杰克杰克等一下
Son 姨子养的...
Go, go, go 快点快
Spread out. 快去追
战胜焦虑Come on, Jake 快点杰克
- Boss, he went through here - Hurry up. - 老大他从这儿跑了- 快点喂
I e him. I e him. 我看见他了
Hurry up. 快点
Jake, Jake, Jake. Nice try. 杰克杰克杰克你想得美
- Y eah. We're good - Jake. - 是啊我们都好- 杰克
Jake, you son 杰克你个婊子养的...
Target locked. Target locked. 目标已锁定目标已锁定
Hey. Get back here. 你给我站住
Target moving 目标在移动
- How old are you? - Old enough to kick your ass. - 你几岁啊?- 反正随便揍你河北教师网
Let's take a cond. Back off. Back off. 等等冷静向后退
Y ou build this to yourlf? - What do you think? - 这是你自己造的吗?- 你觉得呢?
I think I can ll your little toy for a whole lot of
Scrapper is not a toy and she is not for sale. 拳击手不是玩具它是非卖品
The man holding the pipe says yes. 拿着铁棍的人说了算
So 给我听着...
- Y ou led them here? - It's impossible. - 你带他们来的吗?- 不可能
What the hell now? 搞什么鬼啊?
Come on. Come on. Come on. 快点快点快点
Y es. It works 成功了
Hey Get out What are you doing? 嘿滚出去你要干什么?
- No no. Stop. - Where is it? - 别别别别- 东西在哪呢?
Don't touch that. Hey What are you doing? 喂别动那个你到底在做什么?
- Where is the other one? - The other what? - 另外一个呢?- 另一个什么?
The other cray door, A Jaeger needs two pilots. 另一个驾驶位置机甲需要两个驾驶员Scrapper is small enough to run on a single neural
Either you get out or you let me pilot it.那你出去我来驾驶
- Get out. - Screw that. - 快出去- 去你的吧
- Told you she is not a toy. - Y ou're gonna get us killed. - 跟你说了这不是玩具- 你这样会害死我们的
- I can get us out of here. - I just got us out. - 我能带我们逃出去- 我们已经逃出
Oh my God. 我的天
That's November Ajax.那是冬日阿贾克斯
Pilots of unregistered Jaeger, 未经注册的机甲驾驶员
this is the Pan Pacific Defen Corp. 我是环太平洋防御军团
Power down and exit your comm pod. 关闭引擎从驾驶室里出来
No, no, don't give up. Y ou give up way too easy. 别投降别投降你也太轻易就投降了That's what they think. 先让他们这么想
Stop. 站住
Y ou are in violation of code ten, ction 14, 你违反了第十法条的第十四节operation of an unregistered Jaeger. 驾驶未注册的机甲猎人
- Hang on. - I am hanging on. - 抓好了- 我抓着呢
Hang tighter. 再抓紧点
Seriously? 认真的吗?
Stop. 站住
See? 看到没?
I just outplayed with November Ajax.我甩掉了冬日阿贾克斯
- No you didn't. - I did. - 你并没有- 我有
Didn't. 看我说啥
OK. What do you got? And I'm not getting out. 好吧你有什么办法吗?因为我是不会
- One of tho ion cells redundant? - No. - 那边电池哪个是能拆掉的?- 都不是- They are now. - But we need that. - 现在是了- 但是我们需要电池
Get up to Ajax's head. 爬到阿贾克斯的头上去
- What? - Go - 什么?- 照做就是了
Low power warning. Twelve percent. 电量还剩百分之十二
- I told you we needed that. - It worked didn't it? - 说了我们需要那块电池的- 但我们
Eleven percent. 百分之十一
How long before Ajax can reboot its systems? 阿贾克斯重启系统要多久?
About that long. 这么久而已
Power down. This is your final warning. 关闭引擎这是最后一次警告
Alright Lets go. 跟我们走一趟吧
Look what you did to my Jaeger you jerk. 看你把我的机甲都搞成什么了你个混
Y ou should have let me pilot it. 你应该让我驾驶的
Oh like this is my fault. 哦所以怪我咯
Y ou compromid my command center. 你暴露了我的指挥中心
- Wow. Y our command center? - Y eah, My command
- 你的指挥中心?- 对我的控制中心
- Sorry, sorry to hear that. Y our command center? - - 我没听清你说是你的控制中心吗?- 对...
And you had no place to come in and try to tell me
what to do.
- I go where I want. This is different world. - So, it's not caught yet. - 我们不在一个频道我走我的路- 所以呢还不是被抓
Look where we're at. 你瞅瞅我们在什么地方
Y our top lip and your bottom lip need then need to meet and become friend. 你知道吗你的上嘴皮和下嘴皮需要约个会
- Y eah, that's good idea. - They need to clo up. Alright? Shut up Shut up Conversation done. - 是个好主意- 所以闭上你的嘴闭嘴不聊了
Junkyard baby. 捡破烂的小屁孩
- Why did you build it? - What happened to the shutting up? - 你为什么造那个机甲?- 不是说让我闭嘴吗?
Says you wasn't gonna ll it. What the hell was you
gonna do?
Rob a bank or something? 不会是想抢银行吧?
I built her becau one day they are gonna come back. 我造它是因为它们总有一天要回来The Kaiju. 怪兽们
And then do I'm not gonna be stuck waiting 到时候我就不会乖乖坐着
for some one el to come save my ass. 等别人来救我
Not like before. 不会像以前那样了
Y ou, let's go. 你跟我们走
I do not wanna talk about it. It's ridiculous. 我不想谈这个事这太扯了
I have the right 我有权保持沉默...
Hello, Jake. 你好杰克
Here we are again. 我们又在这里见面了
Just a stretch of bad luck I figure out. 只是运气不好而已我能搞定的
Y our father ud to say we make our own luck. 你父亲曾说过命运是掌握在自己手中
Y eah, well. Dad said a lot of things. 我爸说过很多鬼话
Y ou were arrested in a rogue Jaeger. 你被逮捕的时候开着未注册的机甲
Hold on a cond. That wasn't my Jaeger. This little kid, she' 等等那不是我的机甲是那个小屁孩的就这么高...
Y ou have priors. This is rious. 你有过前科这后果很严重
That's why I need my big sis 所以我需要我的好姐姐
to help me get the hell out of here. 把我从这弄出去
Just one last time. 我发誓这是最后一次
They are not going to let you just walk. 他们不会这么轻易放你走的
But there might be another way. 不过也许还有另一个办法
OK. See, that's what I wanna hear, let's talk about. 太好了正是我想听到的我们可以谈
The other way. Lay it on me. What do I gotta do? 告诉我需要我干什么?
Re enlist and finish what you started. 回来服役完成训练
I am not doing that. I am too old to be a cadet. 我不去我当学员太老了
I don't want you to be a cadet. 我不要你做学员
I want you to help train them. 我要你帮我训练他们
Train who? Train what? I am not training no damn kids. 训练谁训练啥我才不要训练一群熊孩子
The transport is standing by to bring both of you to Moyulan. 已经有一架飞机等在外面送你们去莫玉兰
Both of us? “我们”?
Y ou and your new recruit. 你和你的新学员
Mako. 麻子
I can't believe she just hologramed me. 竟然发一段全息视频给我

本文发布于:2023-07-09 16:15:57,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:机甲   需要   驾驶员   猎人   裂缝   还有
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